MSW said:
He was Governor of the 3rd largest state in the union. He also had experience as an executive unlike a certain Massachusetts senator. Bush also didn't have a record of changing his mind on important issues every few years
Kerry was a LT Governor and you obviously have no clue how laws are passed. Many times several pieces of legislation are tacked together in order to get several laws passed at once. Anyone who has spent 19 years in the senate is going to find them selves on both sides of many issues. Sometimes to pass an important law you will have to also pass laws that you previously did not supprt because you wanted the main piece of legislation to go though. Likewise, you might also have to stop supporting something because it gets tacked on to a really crappy bill. Also, the politcal climate can change rapidly. What was good for our nation one day may not be good for our nation the next day.
I know how Bush haters love to point out how Bush had an alcohol problem like it somehow is relevant in this years election but each time you do you look more and more desperate.
Thats because it goes towards his character. Bush is a slacker who to this day never takes responsibility for his actions.
For the record Kerry didnt spend most of the 80s and 90s working on strengthening our relationship with Vietnam.
Read what I typed again. I said late 80s/early 90's. This is quite accurate. At no point did I use the word "most". I said "much", meaning he spent a lot of his time dedicated to this cause and it is true.
As for stem cell research, again you show your true ignorance. There is research going on all over the country as we speak. You do know it is legal just not funded by the Federal government. The particular research you speak of is embryonic stem cell research, which has yielded no significant results yet. So you disagree the federal government should create embryos for the sole purpose of being destroyed. Big deal. Its not like Bush wrote an executive order banning the research entirely. He just feels the federal government has no business funding such controversial work.
You are reading way too much into what I typed. I'll keep it short and sweet. Six embryonic stem cell lines is not enough. We have no way of knowing the full potential of embryonic stem cells if we aren't willing to fund the proper research. It's shortsightedness on Bush's part and the only reason he is doing it is to please folks like Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson and all of their flunkies.
Granted Iraq did not have nukes pointing at us but after Sept. 11 dangerous nations must be dealt with before they become too powerful. You have a dictator that sponsored terrorism by giving $25,000 dollars to families of suicide bombers and who also gave medical attention and shelter to Zarqouwi(sp) after he got injured in Afghanistan fighting our troops. You also have the CIA, French, British and Russian intelligence agencies all agreeing he has WMDs. Now you might disagree about the war but dont act like it was a war that was unnecessary. Not to mention the noble act of freeing 25 million people and hopefully changing the face of the Middle East forever.
A couple of things. #1 Iraq was never an immediate threat. I suspected from day 1 that Iraq never had WMDs and that this entire war was just a ploy to get us over into Iraq so that Bush could avenge his daddy and so that Cheney's former company, Haliburton could make billions. Let me ask you something. If the real reason to go to war was to find WMDs, then why did the administration's reasons for going to war change after only a few days? We were in Iraq for less than a week when suddenly the administration started using the line "we are here to free the Iraqi people". Now wait just one minute. I thought we were there to find WMDs. It seems to me that if the administration really was looking for WMDs that they would have looked for them for more than a week before changing their position. #2 The administration did not sell the war to the country by saying that our purpose for going to war was to free the Iraqi people. Freeing 25 million people is all well and good but it isn't the reason we went over there. We didn't send 900 soldiers over there to die so that the Iraqi people could be freed. We sent them over there because we were told that we were in imminent danger. Bush fucked up. It doesn't matter what the CIA said. He should have known the exact location of those weapons (or at the very least a rough idea) before going over there instead of speculating on their existence because of whispers and whatnot. He ultimately made the decision to go to war and the buck stops with him.
Now if you think the President has much to do with the economy then you really dont know much about economics. In reality the President can do little to help the economy. The only thing the President can do, and even this doesnt help very much, is infuse more capital into the economy thus, attempting to grow it. Bush did just that and look at the economy, its growing. I also love how you conveniently omit the devastation 9/11 had on the economy and the fact that it already had 2 quarters of negative growth before he took office. I guess in JC world everything is Bushs fault.
So you mean to tell me the president doesn't have any control over the federal budget? Our nation is in debt because of Bush's tax cuts. The president should have held on to the surplus in case our nation ever had a crisis but instead he threw most of it away with the first round of tax cuts. Then, when our nation entered a crisis we didn't have any money so we had to go into debt to pay for the war. And then to top it all of, after our nation was already strapped for cash because of the war, Bush did another round of tax cuts that mainly benefitted the top 1% and the second round of tax cuts was even bigger than the first!!!
It is actually not millions, more like a million and a half. If you havent noticed we created 1.5 million jobs over the past year. And again you ignore the great hurdles this economy has had over the past 4 years. To be where it is at right now is really quite amazing.
It was 3 million only a few months ago and my point still stands. He is still very much in the hole. The fact is, this so called "recovery" has done nothing for the average american and theres nothing amazing about it.
Oh, Im sure many Americans are losing sleep over this every night. The same thing happened in the 80s when Reagan was confronting Communism. Once Iraq is free and peaceful in 10 years the world will be just fine with the USA. They disagreed with how we handled Iraq. They will get over it.
It MATTERS. America has for years, proclaimed itself the moral compass for the world. When our government starts pre-emptive wars it hurts our reputation and increases the hatred for us in the world. This does nothing but breed more terrorists. Mark my words, Iraq will not be a peaceful place in 10 years.