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Democratic National Primary Debate #1 |Tokyo2016| Rise of Mecha-Godzilla

GAF Definitive Conclusive Scientific Online Poll of Who Won

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Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Sounds worse than Obama to me in terms of false promises. For an old man, he seemed incredibly naive.

Its amazing how conservative a lot of people sound when they use this line of attack. Jeb Bush basically said the exact same thing about "democrats giving people FREE STUFF!"

Bernie Sanders fully advocates for paying for all of his initiatives and has outlined ways to do so. Acting like there aren't ways to raise revenue is ridiculous.


Headline says she swept but all she did was broom all the questions under the rug because she didn't answer shit after the first 30 minutes.


It's not wrong. She definitely 'won' even though she said nothing of substance. She simply sounded confident, said things that kinda make sense if you're not dissecting it, and was overall given the most time/spoke the most.

even by that definition it wasnt a "sweep"


People that vote are still stuck on these unfortunately.

  • Jew
  • Socialist

Obama had a bigger hill to climb.

Right said he was muslim
Fake birth certifcate bullshit
Plus, like Obama, he's going against a woman, which has never won before.

If Sanders can top Hil, he's in.
Question of the evening: Did Hilldawg do enough to dissuade Diamond Joe from entering the race?

Yes. If he wanted in, he needed to be on that stage tonight. Hillary showed that she's quite fine being a continuation of the Obama Presidency, while putting her own spin on things. She shut the door on Biden realistically getting into the race. There were no points in the debate where Joe would have been preferential to Clinton or Sanders.


Molly Ball ‏@mollyesque 40s ago
Oh, the irony: every question in the spin room is about Bernie's call to stop talking about Hillary's emails.​

Love it.


Sounds worse than Obama to me in terms of false promises. For an old man, he seemed incredibly naive.

Sanders himself always mentions that his policies won't happen unless the American people speak up, and what he really means there is obvious.

I think the fact that quite a few of Sanders policies will never take shape is obvious. Regardless, I'd much rather have a president in office fighting for them than otherwise.


sealed with a kiss
Obama had a bigger hill to climb.

Right said he was muslim
Fake birthcertifcate bullshit

If Sanders can top Hil, he's in.

bams was riding the wave of 8 years of george bush, and he would still blow any of the current candidates away with sheer charisma
Obama had a bigger hill to climb.

Right said he was muslim
Fake birthcertifcate bullshit

If Sanders can top Hil, he's in.

But if you're going to stand at a podium and ask the American people to rise up, you'll need to offer some more direction than just donating at your website.


Headline says she swept but all she did was broom all the questions under the rug because she didn't answer shit after the first 30 minutes.

True. I think Chafee (or was it O'Malley) brought up a major point with U.S. fucking up on credibility with Saddam's nuke bombs, to which Hillary had nothing to say.


Obama had a bigger hill to climb.

Right said he was muslim
Fake birth certifcate bullshit
Plus, like Obama, he's going against a woman, which has never won before.

If Sanders can top Hil, he's in.

True, and that's not even counting all the Reverend Wright coverage at the time.


This is a bad way to look at it. We know Sanders can't do everything he's promising. This isn't magic fantasy land. I'm supporting Sanders partly to send a message like everybody else. We want to show you don't need big corporation backing to be president. We want to show people are willing to support radical ideas. Can he succeed, we don't know, but we're gonna try.
I'd be more willing to support those kind of ideas if they were halfway plausible. It doesn't surprise me that Bernie is in favor of legalizing weed because he must have been high out of his mind when dreaming that kind of stuff up.

If he outlined a somewhat optimistic plan that comes to the table and compromised in at least slight ways for each of those issues, I'd be more impressed. As it is now, it just sounds like ridiculous pipe dreams that meant are people pleasers for people who have never actually paid attention to how politics work.
I'd be more willing to support those kind of ideas if they were halfway plausible. It doesn't surprise me that Bernie is in favor of legalizing weed because he must have been high out of his mind when dreaming that kind of stuff up.
What isn't even halfway plausible about legalizing cannabis?


I'd be more willing to support those kind of ideas if they were halfway plausible. It doesn't surprise me that Bernie is in favor of legalizing weed because he must have been high out of his mind when dreaming that kind of stuff up.

If he outlined a so what optimistic plan that comes to the table and compromised in at least slight ways for each of those issues, I'd be more impressed. As it is now, it just sounds like ridiculous pipe dreams that are people pleasers.

They are only pipe dreams because the left continue to concede the House and Senate to the right. The Democrats can't do anything let alone Bernie's stuff if we don't give them the fucking power to do so.


Sanders himself always mentions that his policies won't happen unless the American people speak up, and what he really means there is obvious.

I think the fact that quite a few of Sanders policies will never take shape is obvious. Regardless, I'd much rather have a president in office fighting for them than otherwise.

The only way of speaking up that matters in this case is voting. He can say that we need to look the republican house in the eye and demand change, but if it's still a republican house we've already failed. A republican who's just won reelection is not going to care about demands from people who just tried to remove them from office and failed.


Who gives a shit about the opinion of young people of they don't vote.

Could it be that they're inheriting a society that very clearly has rigged everything against them? That the previous generation has broken so many frameworks of life for them to fix? Do you really expect them to show enthusiasm for what is fucking them over? You'll only get enthusiasm either by appealing to them, or just fucking them over enough that a social movement happens, ala OWS.

Sanders seems to be the only guy trying to empower them to get involved in big ways, so props to him. It makes sense why he may be the forerunner for that generation in this debate.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony

But if you're going to stand at a podium and ask the American people to rise up, you'll need to offer some more direction than just donating at your website.

Bernie has said it since the 80s, but there has been a major voting gap in this country for a long time. People don't feel like they contribute to this system, and we have not seem fundamental change for a long time.

This leads to voter disenfranchisement, especially with all the corruption going on, and no one in a position of power actually talking about those issues.(like hillary) unless its voting season.

Bernie actually gets a lot of people talking about what he's proposing, which is fundamental changes that we have not really seen since the 60s(at the latest) in regards to how government can play a positive role in helping the citizens.


Could it be that they're inheriting a society that very clearly has rigged everything against them? That the previous generation has broken so many frameworks of life for them to fix? Do you really expect them to show enthusiasm for what is fucking them over? You'll only get enthusiasm either by appealing to them, or just fucking them over enough that a social movement happens, ala OWS.

Sanders seems to be the only guy trying to empower them to get involved in big ways, so props to him. It makes sense why he may be the forerunner for that generation in this debate.
Yes, I expect them to not act like a bitch and vote. If they can't in numbers that aren't a fucking disgrace then fuck them.


Im watching it on DVR but I do have to say that Bernie clearly is taking the criticism of him not being able to carry the minority vote to heart. He came out swinging talking about black and hispanic unemployment and prison reform.

The idealist in me wants him to defy the odds so fucking badly nut the beaten down rationalist in me keeps telling me to get behind the grizzled, tough realist Hilary. The woman who is clearly forming her agenda around the current realities of the country and will certainly get some meaningful things done and will guarantee a liberal supreme court which is profoundly important.
Could it be that they're inheriting a society that very clearly has rigged everything against them? That the previous generation has broken so many frameworks of life for them to fix? Do you really expect them to show enthusiasm for what is fucking them over? You'll only get enthusiasm either by appealing to them, or just fucking them over enough that a social movement happens, ala OWS.
Develop an app that scares the political class then. That allows the teeming apathetic hordes to translate their internet angst into something more tangible than a clever hashtag. Aren't apps what the kids are doing these days?

*adjusts reading glasses*


They are only pipe dreams because the left continue to concede the House and Senate to the right. The Democrats can't do anything let alone Bernie's stuff if we don't give them the fucking power to do so.

This right here. Always painful to see supposed progressives hop on the neoliberal train and openly mock even discussing these ideas, many ideas that have been implemented to great success abroad.

Ridiculous how progressives are stuck in the 90s. I know a lot of old ass people are still alive and solid voters compared to the younger demographic, but that's why you build a coalition for the future. At least get the discussion rolling today. Get people to know what you're selling and then you work on selling it to them.

Stop being a bunch of fucking cowards


Develop an app that scares the political class then. That allows the teeming apathetic hordes to translate their internet angst into something more tangible than a clever hashtag. Aren't apps what the kids are doing these days?

*adjusts reading glasses*

They are protesting Renoir
I have no idea if I'm right but my gut is that Sanders comes out of this with a bigger bump than Clinton. Everyone knows Clinton and everyone who likes her is already on board; lots of people probably got their first real exposure to Sanders tonight.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The only way of speaking up that matters in this case is voting. He can say that we need to look the republican house in the eye and demand change, but if it's still a republican house we've already failed. A republican who's just won reelection is not going to care about demands from people who just tried to remove them from office and failed.

He calls it a "political revolution". What he means is people being invested in the political process, and being engaged enough to vote people that support their interests into power.

Easier said than done, but that's just the reality of the situation.


I like Bernie. I like his ideas. But has he ever said how he's going to get that fucknugget Congress to go along with them?

Its hard not to think of Hillary as getting Bill Clinton back. Possibly an idealized version of him cause the late 90s were amazing for a lot of us. Its hard not to think of him out there smacking Republicans around, motivating people to support things. Unfair to Sanders, sure, but its Bill Clinton.
I was flipping between the debate and baseball, so I missed some stuff.

I heard the candidates talk about making college more affordable going forward, but did any of them say anything about helping the people who are already drowning in student loan debt?


I thought Hillary looked the most ready for the job. O'Malley should gain some support and Bernie, bless his heart, still comes off to me like that guy running for class president promising no more homework and free pizza for everyone. Webb and Chafee need to keep their day jobs. It was a nice debate though and refreshingly grown up after the GOP's Captain Kangeroo show.


They are only pipe dreams because the left continue to concede the House and Senate to the right. The Democrats can't do anything let alone Bernie's stuff if we don't give them the fucking power to do so.

The people that conceded the House and Senate to the right are the ones that didn't vote in midterms and now are clamoring for Bernie like some saviour because they predictably have some hero fetish that crops up only around presidential elections. Sorry, but if they wanted progress and real chances for Sanders to actually enact anything there were midterms to be voted in years ago, not just now when they have their new fetish-candidate du jour.


I was flipping between the debate and baseball, so I missed some stuff.

I heard the candidates talk about making college more affordable going forward, but did any of them say anything about helping the people who are already drowning in student loan debt?

Hillary and I think Bernie.


I'd be more willing to support those kind of ideas if they were halfway plausible. It doesn't surprise me that Bernie is in favor of legalizing weed because he must have been high out of his mind when dreaming that kind of stuff up.

If he outlined a somewhat optimistic plan that comes to the table and compromised in at least slight ways for each of those issues, I'd be more impressed. As it is now, it just sounds like ridiculous pipe dreams that meant are people pleasers for people who have never actually paid attention to how politics work.
Eh but alot of what he proposes is plausible.

The problem is that our legislative system is forked beyond repair and allows obstruction to the degree it does. It's not Bernies fault that the law makers could block the policies that people vote him in the office to implement.
That is by far the least of it and I think you know that.

I was more so referring to free college tuition and $15 minimum wages in all states.
I didn't actually, so thanks or the clarification. I adore the college tuition idea, but I haven't looked into it. Minimum wage seems fraught with problems though, I'd fully agree on that one.
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