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Democratic Primary Debate VI: Raid Time 2/11 9PM EST

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This was a really good debate, the first of which (on the Democratic side) Bernie handily won, though Hillary had the best opening/closing.


Sanders fans physically can't do that. They're new to the political process in general, they're the type of people that thought Obama was Jesus resurrected and then proceeded to plant their asses to the couch when the 2010 and 2014 elections happened.

what is this salty discharge
I'm talking about all Americans. Too many American voters vote on superficial attributes instead of platform and facts / statistics. Same could be said about any citizen but it's more present in America.

Oh, and here's the candidate for my old riding (our political system is different then yours) I had voted for in the past in Canada:


She had the best platform items.
Oh ya, she's the one that insisted the people in Prince George were burning crosses in their yards. She's a loon.


He was the most compassionate person to hold the office. His life story is decent evidence of such. Of course you have every right to disagree.

I don't give a shit about his compassion I care about a President's ability to govern and protect the country. Carter failed utterly in this regard.


A mudslide of fun!
Have the policies of the last eight years been so super great? Obama has done a lot to mend the fences Dubya smashed through, but we still have mass deportation, severe income inequality, mass incarceration, shrinking middle class, corperations not being held accountable, etc. We have a lot of problems, and Hillary's staying the course doesn't seem like a such a great policy.

Are people listening when she speaks?

She repeated multiple times that she wants to build upon what Obama has done. Not stay the course. Not blow it up and start over.


Hillary's shoutout to Obama is smart strategy

a) woo Obama supporters to chose her
b) Obama is popular among African-AMericans
c) absolute party loyalty

Its reciprocated, as well. Obama hasn't formally endorsed either, obviously, but he has been signalling through aides he'd prefer a Clinton nom. I think its an incredibly smart strategy for Hillary and honestly would be silly of her not to exploit.


Sanders fans physically can't do that. They're new to the political process in general, they're the type of people that thought Obama was Jesus resurrected and then proceeded to plant their asses to the couch when the 2010 and 2014 elections happened.

I'm not a Sanders fan but I'm warming up to him. I think people need to drop this tribal bs and just judge based on policy. And if they're guy or girl doesn't get elected it isn't time to drop the ball and go home.


I used to be neutral on Hillary, but the most debates I watch with her the more I despise her. Sure you care about the African American and LGBT communities. Sure all that money you get doesn't have any impact on any decisions you make.
She has that effect on people. I didn't catch the whole debate sadly. Did she call for starting WW3 again by imposing a no-fly zone over Syria?



Well I vehemently disagree. I honestly feel that it is partly because of the United States (and others) support of the rebels in Syria, that ISIS was able to form in the first place. Obama should have never gone against Assad and supported these factions that just ended up being a worse evil. Especially when at the time Assad had majority support from the Syrian population.

It was a catastrophic misjudgement on Obama's part. Just not as catastrophic as the decision to go to war in Iraq.

I don't know if it's just because Obama is cool, and a great speaker or what, but I feel people really have rose tinted glasses when it comes to some of his policies. He's being let off for some truly heinous shit, that shouldn't be excused just because he's done good too. Though I agree, he's infinitely better than the Republican's before him.


I did read it. It's still incredibly self-aggrandizing to label someone else as an "other" just because their politics don't line up with yours one hundred percent.

Hillary Clinton is a progressive. She's obviously not as far left as Sanders, but that doesn't make her or her followers non-progressives. That's divisive talk that, frankly, sounds more at home on a GOP debate stage.

Shitting on members of your own political class only divides us. It makes us weaker. If this is the outcome of the "Revolution" Sanders is talking about, I want no part of it.

She's a decent person with a democratic (as in party) centrist ideology. I just don't think she's a progressive. That's not an unfair divisive opinion.

I'd be glad to support a person with her views in the general if that happens to be the landscape. I just want somebody who goes further.
On money in politics, Hillary is still bad. She should really just be upfront and say, yes, I'll take it because without it we're going to get crushed by Koch money.

No way. She's not a good enough politician to play that game or has the personality to pull that off.

The second she admits she took Wall Street money, she's done.


Sanders fans physically can't do that. They're new to the political process in general, they're the type of people that thought Obama was Jesus resurrected and then proceeded to plant their asses to the couch when the 2010 and 2014 elections happened.

Way to lower the level of discourse. Stay classy San Diego.
I liked...

'I'm proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend.'

Bernie bringing up Operation Ajax (though he said the consequences were unintended, when in fact they were very intentional) and America's Libya policy.
Kissinger out of nowhere was a fantastic moment. It was a highlight, but it still seems like he's playing catch up to Clinton on FP.


I'm a Bernie supporter but I'd be honestly okay with Hillary for domestic policy. It's her hawkish foreign policy that worries me more. And also, fuck Kissinger.
He was the most compassionate person to hold the office. His life story is decent evidence of such. Of course you have every right to disagree.

There are plenty of metrics that are used to measure how effective a President was. Kindness isn't usually one of them. Mostly because there's no objective measure of kindness.

Carter seems like he was, and still is, a fantastic person. But he was a mediocre President. Bill Clinton was the exact opposite on both sides of that: A scumbag as a person, but a damn good President (and notice I didn't say "perfect President," because yes, he made mistakes. But as a whole, he is generally considered among the upper tiers).


Its reciprocated, as well. Obama hasn't formally endorsed either, obviously, but he has been signalling through aides he'd prefer a Clinton nom. I think its an incredibly smart strategy for Hillary and honestly would be silly of her not to exploit.

Pretty much, I don't see any downside to it. You have Sanders core rallying against the establishment and well I mean that's by extension Obama presidency. It is what it it, positioning yourself as the candidate Obama will simply hand his baton off to is a solid platform to stand on.
She's a decent person with a democratic (as in party) centrist ideology. I just don't think she's a progressive. That's not an unfair divisive opinion.

I'd be glad to support a person with her views in the general if that happens to be the landscape. I just want somebody who goes further.
Her and Sanders share more than 90% of their voting records. Hillary is very much a progressive.


Misc thoughts:

Clinton asks Sanders how Scott Walker and republican legislatures may effect his plans for funding universal free tuition. Sanders comeback is essentially "free tuition is important, I really like it."

Millionaires and Billionaires everywhere. Can't turn around without bumping into one :(

Bernie was really soft on when the two were trading financial regulation plans. I think he genuinely doesn't realize that Clinton's plan is a lot stronger than his?

Sanders has heard of Winston Churchill, so we can be confident that he has at least a middle school education on world history.

Basically activated the trap card on supporting Obama. Went from "Can't a senator disagree with a president" to "Dude you wanted him to get primaried." He had to have been able to see that coming, but was left with the sort of dumbfounded "Well, you challenged him to be president in 2008"


Well I vehemently disagree. I honestly feel that it is partly because of the United States (and others) support of the rebels in Syria, that ISIS was able to form in the first place. Obama should have never gone against Assad and supported these factions that just ended up being a worse evil. Especially when at the time Assad had majority support from the Syrian population.

It was a catastrophic misjudgement on Obama's part. Just not as catastrophic as the decision to go to war in Iraq.

So when the Syrian Revolution began and Assad's force began shooting unarmed protesters the President was supposed to just shut up and keep supporting Assad against a democratic movement springing up?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Funny because it does none of those things.

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Sanders fans physically can't do that. They're new to the political process in general, they're the type of people that thought Obama was Jesus resurrected and then proceeded to plant their asses to the couch when the 2010 and 2014 elections happened.

This is rich coming from you

I fucking love being 18.

You were fucking 10/11 years old when Obama took office. Your whole world view is based off an off-topic section of a videogame message board.


No way. She's not a good enough politician to play that game or has the personality to pull that off.

The second she admits she took Wall Street money, she's done.

Please tell me the name of the planet you're living on where everybody doesn't already know that.

So you think people think Bernie's just lying about that?


Why? She a) worked for him for 4 years and b) he did a good job.

Why wouldn't you want to tie yourself to the person who did a good job and remind people that you will do the same?

She also lost a primary against him running a campaign saying he was inexperianced idealistic pseudo kenyan. Yeah, her campaign was the people who started the whole birther movement. Now she wants to run on the things he has done?

Smh, the nerve of this white female millionaire.


No, he had unprecedented levels of opposition from the Republican party and managed to pass the most expansive and dramatic pieces of legislation expanding healthcare about the government since the Great Society and The New Deal. That alone was a massive accomplishment. He also got Dodd Frank passed and improved the economy, bringing our country back from one of the largest recessions in history.

Lets be honest with history here. What Bernie's core criticism about Obama is in fact very true.

He had an unprecedented amount of energy and goodwill coming into office. The likes of which we haven't seen in over a generation.

What did he do with that? Pretty much nothing.

He rolled in with a super majority and and all that energy and allowed that to be squandered and his presidency largely diminished in just 2 years. Allowing his last 6 years to largely be on the defensive. As Bernie has rightly pointed out time and again, Obama needed to channel that energy with the bully pulpit and use that momentum to try and keep it going. But he largely let that energy dry up and go away. When the Republicans went the way they did with obstruction and partisanship he should of played hardball. Called them out on their bullshit loud and continuously. Threw campaign style rallies to get out the vote in the midterms instead of trying to keep up the Lincoln "Team of Rivals"/great negotiator character he was too in love with for too long. It was honestly also where Hillary's criticism of inexperience from the primaries truly proved out.

He did some great things in those 2 years. Great things with their own deserved criticism though.

And he has done some great things since. But nothing as major.

Whether Hillary will publicly admit it or not her campaign actions speak for her, she knows Obama took the wrong approach in the face of Republicans and that is why she has designed her platform around the things she has.


There are plenty of metrics that are used to measure how effective a President was. Kindness isn't usually one of them. Lastly because there's no objective measure of kindness.

Carter seems like he was, and still is, a fantastic person. But he was a mediocre President. Bill Clinton was the exact opposite on both sides of that: A scumbag as a person, but a damn good President.

I don't dispute that it isn't the sole measure. But I think his lack of engagement in tons of potential hotspots likely saved millions of lives. Sure it's hypothetical, but isn't that the case for anybody who doesn't engage and kill every time they could?


If nothing else, I hope Sanders has a protege or has at least inspired someone to take up his cause for a future election.

A younger, more charismatic Sanders with better debate skills? I would go for that. I also hope that we have more candidates in the future who are funded solely through individual donors. He's changed the political tenor of the Democratic party for the better, I think.


Well I vehemently disagree. I honestly feel that it is partly because of the United States (and others) support of the rebels in Syria, that ISIS was able to form in the first place. Obama should have never gone against Assad and supported these factions that just ended up being a worse evil. Especially when at the time Assad had majority support from the Syrian population.

It was a catastrophic misjudgement on Obama's part. Just not as catastrophic as the decision to go to war in Iraq.

The U.S is in the business of regime change... it's a foreign policy tenet without party lines. The only thing that changes is implementation, not goals. In that sense, since every president before him has been engaged in such more or less (depending on the climate at their respective presidencies); Obama in my pov has done very well for himself and for America's standing after the total collapse of the W. years.


Sanders has heard of Winston Churchill, so we can be confident that he has at least a middle school education on world history.

Yo that last question summed up in an image.

Moderators hit them with a foreign policy question and they both went Nah.
Lets be honest with history here. What Bernie's core criticism about Obama is in fact very true.

He had an unprecedented amount of energy and goodwill coming into office. The likes of which we haven't seen in over a generation.

What did he do with that? Pretty much nothing.

He rolled in with a super majority and and all that energy and allowed that to be squandered and his presidency largely diminished in just 2 years. Allowing his last 6 years to largely be on the defensive. As Bernie has rightly pointed out time and again, Obama needed to channel that energy with the bully pulpit and use that momentum to try and keep it going. But he largely let that energy dry up and go away. When the Republicans went the way they did with obstruction and partisanship he should of played hardball. Called them out on their bullshit loud and continuously. Threw campaign style rallies to get out the vote in the midterms instead of trying to keep up the Lincoln "Team of Rivals"/great negotiator character he was too in love with for too long. It was honestly also where Hillary's criticism of inexperience from the primaries truly proved out.

He did some great things in those 2 years. Great things with their own deserved criticism though.

And he has done some great things since. But nothing as major.

Whether Hillary will publicly admit it or not her campaign actions speak for her, she knows Obama took the wrong approach in the face of Republicans and that is why she has designed her platform around the things she has.
No, actually, Obama is not the King of Democrats. And furthermore, Democrats are not all progressive. Not by a long shot. He passed what he could get passed.
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