Mr. PlayStation
It's interesting that this game doesn't seem to have any penalty for quitting suddenly and not saving. I accidentally did that since the PS5 has no "are you sure you want to close the running application?" screen if you accidentally select another game. I thought I had lost some progress but it seems like you just start where you left off no problem. I'm sure this is unreliable and I won't do this intentionally but IIRC the previous Souls games would start you from the nearest bonfire if you didn't select the "save and exit" option? Maybe I'm misremembering.
Either way this game is amazing. I'm actually finding myself more often choosing the 30fps mode on my 4KTV. I know this is a controversial opinion, but there's something about the level of visual fidelity this game has reached that makes me feel like things look more natural and cinematic at 30fps. I feel like things are moving too quickly and too smoothly on the 60fps mode, and I've never felt this way about a game before. Am I crazy or what?
Cinematic mode felt awful to look at and play on a 1080p panel for Shadow of the Colossus Remake, frame rate looked and played so damn good in SOTC remake. The first thing I'd try when i jump into demon's souls tomorrow is the cinematic mode and how it feels this time around.
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