Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.
"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"
Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.
It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.
People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.
"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"
Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.
It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.
People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.