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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.


Denis' first mistake was letting the net nerds know they were getting to him.

He still hasn't learned the lesson from it, so he keeps repeating it over and over, which brings more venom each time.


Count Dookkake said:
GAF: For you, the day GAF pwned you was the most important day of your life. But for GAF... it was Friday.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

This really had me laughing hysterically. Awesome.
The guys such a hypocrite he went from "never showing a preview again" to sending out preview builds of complete games 2 months before release with a letter saying this is only a preview build! Is it some sort of headcase game he is playing where the current build is gimped or something?
to be honest, I think people have been going over board with the personal attacks here...I think alot of the personal attacks were completely unfair


stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.



I wonder which excuse he'll come up with when the game sells like shit and gets straight 7.0s? I'm willing to bet he blames the consumer instead of himself!

Personal guess: "They didn't really understand it"


Most of what he's saying is right though.

I don't think there can be any other outcome than an implosion as long as the forum is going in the direction it is now (Which is somewhat sanctioned by the mods). And I think we will see less and less people from the industry around here.

Have fun while it lasts.


I just read the other thread.

Wow. Denis, you are contradicting yourself by posting that thread, even if it was a so-called 'social experiment'.

You say that people should wait and play the game to pass judgment on Too Human, yet you make a thread asking for people who never played the games to take sides, which means you're calling for their preemptive judgment.

And this whole charade is just childish. As you said, put up or shut up. You need to shut up and improve your game otherwise the backlash will be far worse.
stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.

Nailed it
At this point, Denis' "still figuring it out" tag doesnt make him justice. Therefore i propose:
"Full time troll. Part time game developer"
NeoGaf is really hurting the video game industry. I mean look at Mr Denis, had he not wasted time reading the forum all the time he would have pushed out the games 5 years ago.


bj00rn said:
Most of what he's saying is right though.

I don't think there can be any other outcome than an implosion as long as the forum is going in the direction it is now (Which is somewhat sanctioned by the mods). And I think we will see less and less people from the industry around here.

Have fun while it lasts.

So what are we supposed to do? Pull up a fucking throne? Send a card, hang up a banner: "Sorry for Hurting Your Feelings!" with a picture of a teddy bear on it?


stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.
I'd like to nominate you as the official NeoGAF spokesperson.
stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.

Thanks for saying what I couldn't put into words.:D


DD shouldn't think he's special. If Julian Eggebrecht posted on GAF, or probably even the directors of Haze, they would have been brutalized 100 times worse than DD did.


stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.

bj00rn said:
Most of what he's saying is right though.

I don't think there can be any other outcome than an implosion as long as the forum is going in the direction it is now (Which is somewhat sanctioned by the mods). And I think we will see less and less people from the industry around here.

Have fun while it lasts.

aren't gamers part of this industry too? we listen to, comment at, and attack each other regardless of credentials. i think we'll be just fine.
I laughed at the end when Shane gave that heartfelt line about Denis talking to us "as people".

No, he's not talking to us "as people". He conducted some bizarre faux-intellectual social experiment on people here and then went on a large gaming podcast to parade around as though he had slain some beast. He's talking to us as guinea pigs, and trampled ones at that. It's immature.


I'm bored, so I'm going to write out a post and not delete it.

1. Previews near the end of a game's development are worthless. At this point, it is time to get an idea of quality, not just regurgitate company PR and what is on the back of the box.

2. Companies and Developers have been using PR and previews to fluff up games and create buzz, using forums and fans, your own MS even hiring fans, to create buzz before a game releases and people realize it is a dud. Now the tables start to turn and suddenly you don't want it anymore? Then drop the bragging up of your game beforehand. Just silence. You don't get to have the ability to fluff hype for an unfinished game and then cutoff press when they get critical.

3. I have a huge tag, it is meaningless and has no value. There is no commodity in it. There would only be power in it if I cared enough to make it a commodity.

4. The internet does not dredge up dark things. These dark things are always there. All evil people on the internet don't turn into good people in person.

5. Star Wars kid? He got fame, but fame can cost. It's both good and bad. Watch the E channel Dyack. This is what you get for fame. Just like your preview hype, you don't get to pick and choose. You get the good and bad, how you deal with it is what determines the outcome.

6. America's Funniest Videos is Star Wars kid x10000. I don't see a generation of youth traumatized from it.

7. You don't need books to understand most of the things you said. Name dropping books just makes you look pompous and ridiculous.

8. People are cruel in person. They just don't cover it up with a botox smile on the internet.


Unconfirmed Member
Denis should go back to posting as DenisDuckFat and trolling himself. Trent Reznor trolls himself on here as Liu Kang Baking A Pie, and its a much more entertaining construct.
scola said:
Denis should go back to posting as DenisDuckFat and trolling himself. Trent Reznor trolls himself on here as Liu Kang Baking A Pie, and its a much more entertaining construct.

He really isn't Trent Reznor, is he?


nelsonroyale said:
to be honest, I think people have been going over board with the personal attacks here...I think alot of the personal attacks were completely unfair

True, but I can see how attacking GAF feels like a personal attack to alot of people here. This is more than just a place to troll or shoot our mouths off, it's a community of avid/hardcore gamers looking beyond the face value and into the real meat of games, news et al.

Look, there's no doubting Dyack's an intelligent guy, but the more I hear from him the more I think he's also very insecure and somewhat deluded. Like Molyneux, except replace the confidence and charm with bitterness and social awkwardness.


scola said:
Denis should go back to posting as DenisDuckFat and trolling himself. Trent Reznor trolls himself on here as Liu Kang Baking A Pie, and its a much more entertaining construct.

eep trent reznor is the most annoying wow fan in the universe

no wonder he's always so angsty in his music
Red Scarlet said:
So does it start at the 84:18 mark? I never listen to these kinds of things.
Should listen to 22:20 where the podcast talks about some Too Human.

The thing sortof really starts at 81:52.


Unregistered007 said:
had he not wasted time reading the forum all the time he would have...

Of course that kind of logic would apply to anyone posting on this forum, including you wouldn't it?

It's partly your kind of immature headless commenting that hurts neogaf, not discussions per se.


lol... get the **** outta here... seriously.

social experiment?? that's bull... what he considers a social experiment... was really the general opinion of NeoGAF on his (10+ years in the making) game... with all the press, media, and promotion... the general consensus was that the majority thinks the game will fail to deliver... his response: "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH... they're making gif's of me!!!!". Im sure that a gif of mr. dyack eating a crow or whatever wont shut down neogaf... but i guess it shows how butt hurt he becomes... he goes so far that he makes up this garbage to try and save face... knowing that whole bet was pretty juvenile of him to do.

Mr. Dyack... if you're reading this...

- choose your words carefully... there's people on neogaf that plans to pick up your game.

- we know we "critics that are hurting society" haven't played the game... but why would we want to now? everything your company has shown so far doesn't look fun to play.


Unconfirmed Member
U K Narayan said:

He really isn't Trent Reznor, is he?
In reality? No. But next time a NIN thread comes up read LKBaP posts and see if you don't get suspicious.

Trent does troll himself under a pseudonym on a NIN board, I forget which one though.


bhlaab said:
I wonder which excuse he'll come up with when the game sells like shit and gets straight 7.0s? I'm willing to bet he blames the consumer instead of himself!

Personal guess: "They didn't really understand it"

:lol :lol :lol

Isn't that what Uwe Boll usually say about his films?
BrokenFiction said:
So that's where he's been spending all his time instead of...oh...making a game.
Good point.

Ban that sucker and he might start doing some decent games.

Isn´t trying to shut down GAF bannable?

Anyways it should be.

Red Scarlet

Iaido Sword said:
Should listen to 22:20 where the podcast talks about some Too Human.

The thing sortof really starts at 81:52.

Thanks. I've never posted in any of these Too Human/Dyack threads, but I'm curious about whatever this is about.


Canadians burned my passport
Do people really care about their tags that much? I always thought they were for fun, but as a form of currency?


Red Scarlet said:
Thanks. I've never posted in any of these Too Human/Dyack threads, but I'm curious about whatever this is about.
You have to look back into the EGM Live* podcasts and find the one from last year with Dyack ripping into Mark McD with the most nonsensical fucking bollocks you've ever heard. It's one of the most uncomfortable listening experiences you'll ever have.
scola said:
In reality? No. But next time a NIN thread comes up read LKBaP posts and see if you don't get suspicious.

Trent does troll himself under a pseudonym on a NIN board, I forget which one though.

Trent's username: Teitan
Board: Echoing the Sound

Most of the fans know it's trent, but it's still funny watching new members bitching at teitan when he says something :lol


What a douche.

He's just trying to cover his ass and blame someone else for when his game gets bad reviews and bad sales.

Garnett was right.


stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.


Bonus Points for effective use of "Twat."
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