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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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All of his points are the exact reasons I was attracted to Gaf in the first place.

A casual message board where not everyone is worried about hurting each others feelings. God forbid someone reads an insult and is butthurt over it.

The mod called someone stupid?! OH GOD!!!


Dan said:
I paid $50 for that piece of shit Eternal Darkness. I think I'm entitled to have a little fun at Dyack and Too Human's expense.

I paid full price for The Twin Snakes, can I play too?


hyperbolically metafictive
here's the whole fucking problem with this podcast: humor doesn't even exist here. when dyack asks why gafers are permitted to make fun of him, shane answers 'because they think it's funny.' dyack echoes him disgustedly: 'because they think it's funny.' and then more stuff about reciprocity and responsibility and accountability. wait a minute: on my planet, humor is a positive value, and 'because they think it's funny' should have been the triumphant answer that ended the debate, blew a wonderful breath of clean air into the 1up yours recording studio, and caused denis dyack to repent. besides, gaf's brand of humor is actually very tame -- check out 4chan sometime. gaf can only offend the pathogically humorless. denis dyack is so pathologically humorless that he impairs other people's senses of humor, the result is the most ridiculous thing i've ever listened to, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. especially shane
Spoo said:
Denis wants to make it so if, for example, I said something like la li lu le lo it wouldn't come out as la li lu le lo at all because we'd have string replament that ensured la li lu le lo wouldn't be interpreted as la li lu le lo. Do you really want la li lu le lo to be something that can't be said? It would be totally la li lu le lo'd up. All because someone might get hurt.




Spoo said:
Denis wants to make it so if, for example, I said something like la li lu le lo it wouldn't come out as la li lu le lo at all because we'd have string replament that ensured la li lu le lo wouldn't be interpreted as la li lu le lo. Do you really want la li lu le lo to be something that can't be said? It would be totally la li lu le lo'd up. All because someone might get hurt.
WTF :lol
MickeyKnox said:
Why would he be banned though?


Junior Member
I said this when DD made his for & against thread:

Dyack has lost a sale of his game from the creation of this thread.

Denis deserves all the loss of sales, gifs and ridicule that he is getting on all forums, video comment post and blogs all over the internet.

His behaviour has been appalling and is disgraceful to all the hard working people at Silicon Knights.
fistfulofmetal said:
I kinda feel like I know less after listening to that.
Seriously, I turned it off after about 15 minutes of it, not because of the GAF hate, (because, really...) but because at the end of the day it just comes off as nagging and annoying and I really don't feel like listening to that. It ruined a otherwise fine podcast. :/


drohne said:
here's the whole fucking problem with this podcast: humor doesn't even exist here. when dyack asks why gafers are permitted to make fun of him, shane answers 'because they think it's funny.' dyack echoes him disgustedly: 'because they think it's funny.' and then more stuff about reciprocity and responsibility and accountability. wait a minute: on my planet, humor is a positive value, and 'because they think it's funny' should have been the triumphant answer that ended the debate, blew a wonderful breath of clean air into the 1up yours recording studio, and caused denis dyack to repent. besides, gaf's brand of humor is actually very tame -- check out 4chan sometime. gaf can only offend the pathogically humorless. denis dyack is so pathologically humorless that he impairs other people's senses of humor, the result is the most ridiculous thing i've ever listened to, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. especially shane
I haven't listened to it yet, but was Shawn there? If not, there's the problem.


bad press is better than no press. Ignore this attention-seeking clown and his pathetic attempt at viral marketing.


I don't get this, you can't judge a game based on what you haven't played, yet you're praying those same people who are judging a game based on what they haven't played to buy the full game with their own money.

What's worse is that sometimes Demoes aren't an accurate enough representation on wether the full game is good or not, what a vicious cycle.


Lets get one thing straight. He has made a point in that this forum has some poor management, but then again it is GAF, it is massive, it's kinda hard to manage all that shit. What I don't understand is the fact that he believes that people are stupid enough to return to a place that is "damaging to society and the gaming industry". What, do we need HIM to father us and tell us the path of righteousness? Or maybe people are, ya know INDEPENDENT of their own thoughts and actions perhaps? If this forum is so damaging to those who believe in this notion then those people will have the guts and the will power to leave and never return. It's as simple as that. Why does Denis care so much anyway? Other developers have had their fair share of gif parodies and scrutinies which they've yet to complain about.

I feel it shows a weakness in this man and it saddens me because I know he's passionate about what he does, it's just sometimes he goes about it the wrong way, especially on GAF.

just tray

jrricky said:
WTF :lol

Why would he be banned though?

Sorry I was looking at a post above me.Darn I guess I cant believe everything i read on the internet. Denis was right so that makes it

society: 23999 to the 5th power - Denis: 1


Mario said:
Developers shouldn't post on NeoGAF. We don't want their kind here.

:lol I like this post.

There are quite a few developers on this forum, probably many of them in disguise. But Ill take Mario and Gazunta as good examples.

1. They dont make games that have the internet hyped up (MGS4/Halo/GTA style)
2. They dont make games that are unjustly hyped up (Too Human, Lair)

3. What they do make are games that are either entertaining or for a broader market that don't lend themselves to big pre-release hype or backlash. I enjoyed Gripshift and I know lots of people who's kids loved Spyro, for example.

These two people are the perfect example of how to be a developer, post on a forum and not be a dick-waving arsehole about it a la Dyack. Communicate in a positive way about your game, not be combatitve or dismissive of criticisms, and generally be nice. I think Ryan Payton was another good example.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Count Dookkake said:
GAF: For you, the day GAF pwned you was the most important day of your life. But for GAF... it was Friday.
:lol :lol :lol


hyperbolically metafictive
Tieno said:
I haven't listened to it yet, but was Shawn there? If not, there's the problem.

shane and garnett, apparently. garnett tries, but is crushed under dyack's brand of intellectual intimidation -- it's hard to confront a man with a syllabus citing a dozen dull books for no good reason. i sympathize. shane is nauseating.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Big-E said:
Jesus Christ more console port talk for Diablo III. Please stop.

Are you fucking kidding me? Goddamned clowns.

I find it interesting how not only is GAF ruining the gaming industry...but society!

For this, I shall commit the ultimate sin. I will buy Too Human...used.

*cackles! cackles hysterically!*


robut said:
Im interested in what the end result of all of this will be. Will there be an announcement by a mod or a new discussion thread or whatever.

No need for anything like that. GAF's overall reaction to Too Human and Dyack will be amplified somewhat. GAF will ultimately have the last laugh when this stuff will be mentioned in SOME way in every review of Too Human.


Unconfirmed Member
Can we get a confirmation from 1UP about when he actually got confirmed to be on the podcast? would be interesting ;)


Spoo said:
Denis wants to make it so if, for example, I said something like la li lu le lo it wouldn't come out as la li lu le lo at all because we'd have string replament that ensured la li lu le lo wouldn't be interpreted as la li lu le lo. Do you really want la li lu le lo to be something that can't be said? It would be totally la li lu le lo'd up. All because someone might get hurt.


Its started.

Hypno Funk

Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?


I'm interested to hear Shawn's take on this. When the man speaks, sense comes to light.

In the end, I will rent Too Human. And pass judgement with my divine power. Mwahaa!


Hypno Funk said:
Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?

If it had 4 player online co-op and was a really fun hack and slash game with good replay value and a great soundtrack? Yeah. Same goes for if it was this way, but with only 2 players.


Steroyd said:
What's worse is that sometimes Demoes aren't an accurate enough representation on wether the full game is good or not, what a vicious cycle.

Make no mistake, that will be his argument for when people respond negatively to the demo. It's not a correct representation of the game. Just like the E3 build, just like the preview builds etc etc etc.
Hypno Funk said:
Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?


I still really like Blood Omen and none of this daft behavior from Dyack is going to make me like the games any less.

Steroyd said:
What's worse is that sometimes Demoes aren't an accurate enough representation on wether the full game is good or not, what a vicious cycle.

While true, they at least give you a taste of what the game is like. For example, if you don't enjoy the combat in the Too Human demo, that won't change in the final game.
Hypno Funk said:
Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?

If I decide to Gamefly it, i think I'll get to the part from the gif I saw a page or two back and send the game back.

That's all I really want to see.


Wow I just read the other thread he started and now I got the gist of it. I mean really what sort of authority does he think he have over here that he could just get mods/gaffers to rally to his so called cause. "celebrity status" ? :lol :lol :lol


666 said:
He seems completely self obsessed and massively insecure, why else would you Duke Nukem yourself into irrelevance.

Not at all fair.

3DRealms at least sticks to their guns -- they're at their computer working away on DNF for 11 years, not on some forum talking about how awesome their game is.

Kai Ozu

Why does 1up give this dude time on the podcast? This man has obviously been greatly scarred from people’s opinions of his game.

just tray

TTG said:
Make no mistake, that will be his argument for when people respond negatively to the demo. It's not a correct representation of the game. Just like the E3 build, just like the preview builds etc etc etc.

No he will go back to 1up telling everyone that gaf made him do it.


Hypno Funk said:
Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?

I hope so, a good game is a good game and I do want to like the game itself. But I has such distaste towards Dyack's idiocy that it's probably tainted the game for me. But, from what I've seen it looks to be turd, with the real Diablo 3 coming, I think I can wait for the real deal instead of playing Dyack's latest abortion, if it does end up that bad.


I have a question.

I haven't been following DD's whole drama, but how long has he been calling the site "The NeoGaf"?


Kai Ozu said:
Why does 1up give this dude time on the podcast? This man has obviously been greatly scarred from people’s opinions of his game.

Gotta get those clicks...
I really don't know what I just listened too. The first 2 segments I felt right at home....listening to the podcast just browsing the internet. Had a pepsi in my hand, nick at night on the tube, had a little skype chat going with some friends. Then the third segment happened and I felt like my house caved into the depths of hell. Yet I didnt bother to question why I was in hell I just kept on doing my regular routine.

Sometimes simple is best. All that just to say GAF is mis-managed and should be closed down. Alright. I'm digging Too Human and im picking it up day one but that shit was a little to much for me. In the end I had no idea what you were actually talking about and at the same I did know.

When the podcast was over all that shit you said just left my brain. Personally I don't care about what you do in your spare time. I like your game and everything I've seen so count me in day one. Personally I think people pay far too much attention to people like you. You are apart of a big team that makes a game. I dont give a fuck about your opinion in the context of if you say something I dont like I would consider not buying your game.


If Denis spends less time complaining, nagging, whining and moaning about other peoples' opinions, probably Too Human won't take 10 years to make. :p Basically, he's calling for censorship on ideas that he doesn't like. I started out neutral about Too Human, and I'm in a state where I won't touch the game with 10 feet pole thanks to his rather annoying personality that did a great diservice to the game.


Hypno Funk said:
Question, could you guys play Too Human now without a sub-conscious thought about this whole debacle being in the back of your head throughout the game?

neogaf bullshit nonsense drama is just that. if the game is good, it's good

but the best part is, if its bad, and gaf explodes, I'll have just as much fun and I won't even spend any money

basically I win
When Lair started getting bad reviews, the Factor 5 guys tried to argue with gamers and reviewers, and it only made things worse. They eventually shut up about it, and so did the rest of the internet. Their reputation may have been hurt a bit, but if their next game is good, they'll totally bounce back. The lesson to be learned here is, when you're in a hole, stop digging. I'm not even interested in Too Human (don't have an Xbox), but why is this guy still talking? The game is going to come out and it will either sell or it won't. And it'll either be popular... or it won't. Picking fights with anonymous jokesters on the internet is not helping. This guy needs to just lay low and let this crap blow over instead doing everything in his power to make it worse.


"No, see, I was just TESTING you guys. So now YOU'RE the stupid ones"
It's a pretty standard reaction to being trolled on an internet forum. Usually the person is 14 and doesn't go straight to the press about it, especially for someone who attacked the press when they said his preview build wasn't any good.

Dennis, it's the internet. People are allowed to make fun of you without getting shut down (for example: bad video game that you wasted 10 years of your life on, ugly, etc)

In fact, I think now that you've performed your "grand social experiment" you may find youreself being made fun of even more! Perhaps even MORE than that when your awful game is released to retails like so many locusts onto Egypt.


Seriously, the one thing I don't get:

So here's Denis, asking everyone to be nice and courtious to each other. Cool, how about this idea: You first, Denis. If you're cool, nice, and let shit flung at you slide off, you'll find it's easy to change perspectives to your liking.

If you're a big floppy penis who makes threads just to get a 'reaction', then, fuck that. The reaction is deserved.

It's socially irresponsible -- yeah, I said that just now -- to except other people to do a job you want done. Start it youself; make it happen. You just might get somewhere. Not on this forum, though, you la li lu le lo'd that up.
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