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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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just tray

Dirtbag 504 said:
at what point in time does Dyack's behavior hurt his lawsuit with Epic?
I can see all these threads and posts by Dyack coming up in litigation.

In his favor. He can now plead insanity.
so essentially Denis is trying to use the TOS as a shield against "flaming"

problem with that Denis is that if that loophole existed every single person in the spotlight in our culture would use it to, with your "fame" comes responsibility and acceptance, responsibility to not let your fans down, and acceptance that people will eagerly call you out on your bullshit and just because you have a GAF account doesnt excuse you from the same scrutiny that Kojima and Miyamoto would have to endure if they failed their responsibility


Gotta love the posturing by Dyack. I mean, if he spent even half that time working on his games, we might actually get something worthwhile and all that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mario said:
Developers shouldn't post on NeoGAF. We don't want their kind here.


And the amazing thing is most people on GAF love you Mario. So I'm not sure what's Denis' problem.


While I think that Neogaf is turning into a shithole like a lot of other forums, Dyack gives it far too much importance and takes it too serious.

Is this what they call "self-destructive"? He hurts his own game far much than videos, screenshots or anything else Too Human released so far. I'd like to see that alternative universe where Too Human was released like a normal game, without all this drama.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
(Sorry. This is long)

Denis makes a lot of good points about how forums and metacritic scores and the drama therein can lead to personal and financial repercussions.


He's missing three major things in his analysis:

1. He's aiming at the wrong target.

If game companies are making business decisions based upon metacritic scores and forums, maybe the business decision makers should be the ones he talks to - not by email or text message, but face to face, with reciprocity. Somewhere his points could be made and reasonably be responded to. Tossing a giant I'm-freakin-the-mundanes spitball into a forum doesn't help his cause.

2. What is the point of a preview if not to judge a game by it's current state, it's history, and it's likely future?

It may not be fair but why do people show interest in previews? They want to know the game is coming along, that it's meeting its dates, or that it needs a lot of work so expect delays. We want to know that the killer app isn't going to drop features that we assumed were there all along, or that the lead designer didn't walk out of the job in disgust. We want to know about the tech used, and its promise down the line. We want to know if its shaping up into something we're likely to want.

And reviews are personal. You get to know the people in the 1up podcasts, value or laugh at their perspectives, and miss them when they're gone. When one of these personalities who has similar tastes says some disparaging things about a game, or great things, we're going to listen. Thats kind of the point.

How many games have been saved from mediocrity from good word of mouth? How many games have been trashed to oblivion? It works both ways, but Denis is only looking at the negatives, because it affects him, and his game.

3. He excludes 'Too Human', the game itself, from the criticism.

I don't think we'd be having this conversation if Too Human was adored universally on GAF, and people were getting banned left and right who disagreed. But it didn't work out that way. Denis or Microsoft decided to allow footage to be released, and each of us who read or saw it judged it on our own. The fact is, he lost a lot of enthusiasm from a lot of people who watched the cinematic and gameplay videos, and heard about the drop of 4 player co-op, but he also has some people, who beyond all that are still interested in giving his game a whirl. Denis seemed proud of this fact, but Earth to Denis - not all games have demos. In that case all we're left to judge a game by without putting down our hard earned cash is by reviews from personalities we may trust, or by watching gameplay videos.

Nobody has to feel an iota of guilt at making personal judgements on the media thats been released. Denis is the one with his head in the sand if he doesn't concede this one point.

He's too close to the issue, got burned, and is trying to make GAF the sacrificial lamb for all the technological problems he's been pondering. Its a straw man. And while he sounds like a smart guy, he's in past his depth and lashing out at the wrong things.

Its bullshit. I love the points he makes, but you can't make them in a vacuum. And you can't go off for an hour bitching about game reactions and keep the actual game out of it.
Shouta said:
Gotta love the posturing by Dyack. I mean, if he spent even half that time working on his games, we might actually get something worthwhile and all that.

I kind of like the skating guy in gold arming and Baldur down syndrome rave dancing.


G-Fex said:
comparing this to Star Wars kid? :lol :lol :lol :lol

You know what would be funny? Too Human being a complete flop resulting in Dyack not getting anymore funding. Then 1up can host another little speech of his where he blames GAF for ruining his career. Maybe he'll even sue somebody... again.


Shouta said:
Gotta love the posturing by Dyack. I mean, if he spent even half that time working on his games, we might actually get something worthwhile and all that.

Holy shit. You're right! If Dyack made a game with a story based on this shit he's talking about it'd be super!

Or...maybe MGS2 is that game? I don't know, anymore.


hyperbolically metafictive
shane's a toady. he obviously reads enough gaf to know that dyack is misrepresenting evilore's counterbet, and here he is yessing with all his might


C4Lukins said:
My main problem with the whole Denis thing is the inconsistency. You cannot call someone "fat", you cannot call Hillary a "bitch," but you can call someone a "fucking retard" or a "douchebag asshole" if it is a majority consensus. The one time I was banned, I told someone to fuck off. I just think that the board would be much more pleasant if personal attacks were enforced as being bannable all the time, and not just when it is convenient. And I have done a ton of personal attacks but I have always known when I could get away with it based on the topic and knowing which mods would probably show up in that thread.

Like starting up a controversial thread as a social experiment just to see how people would react. I believe that's classified as trolling.

Just be happy that the moderators let us have some fun and aren't such hard asses all the time.


I don't even care about Too Human and I can't listen to the podcast right now, but I'm just saying I'm happy to be a part of a forum that hurts society. :)


Spoo said:
Holy shit. You're right! If Dyack made a game with a story based on this shit he's talking about it'd be super!

Or...maybe MGS2 is that game? I don't know, anymore.

Well, we can already assume Baldur's rave dancing is modeled after Dyack. Who knows what else is!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Kittonwy said:
Apparently I stopped posting on gaf for MONTHS.

But I don't remember that. I remember you were banned for a while. But did you get sad and stop posting on purpose like Denis said?
I'm completely neutral on Too Human, but I think this needs to be emphasized:

Philip Kollar said:
As such, we highly recommend listening to the full interview and forming your reactions after hearing him out.

In other news, John is on the show this week! Yay! :D

EDIT: Oh damn, I didn't realize 1UP Yours had already been released. Nevermind my comment, then.


Junior Member
nestea said:
Like starting up a controversial thread as a social experiment just to see how people would react. I believe that's classified as trolling.

Just be happy that the moderators let us have some fun and aren't such hard asses all the time.

Shit then ban Denis. But the direct comments towards him in certain instances were completely out of line. True though that being overly anal all of the time would make this place not so much fun.


vareon said:
I'm happy to be a part of a forum that hurts society. :)

Same here. I wouldn't want to be a part of a forum that censors... oh I mean "moderates" the posters to a point where only positive thoughts get through. :lol

Happy 4th of July to all...


Drinky Crow said:
i think we can all agree to not discuss denis dyack and too human if he in turn agrees not to discuss himself or too human

which came first, the chicken of chest-puffing hyperbole, or the egg of anonymous jackheel criticism

Could have not put it any better.

just tray

If EA can use a bad review to delay Army of Two while Cryack bitches and moans about a PREVIEW then Too Human deserves to be released as the biggest piece of shit to ever appear on xbox 360. it deserves a place right under Yaris. Instead of saying I will use the negativity to fix what was wrong he goes on a podcast and talks about rail guns, who shot Kennedy, and whatever else I couldn't understand coming out of his obviously chemically altered mouth.


I'm just finishing this podcast up.

Does anybody get the feeling that this entire diatribe is, really, essentially... like, a big ad for Too Human?

Like "OMG, look how 'controversial' Too Human is! Play it so you can understand it all!!"


Unconfirmed Member
drohne said:
shane's a toady. he obviously reads enough gaf to know that dyack is misrepresenting evilore's counterbet, and here he is yessing with all his might
Exactly. like I said, if I were Denis I would be more worried about a clit riding yes man than some one who isn't going to play the game anyway.

Its like the mac fanboy who makes you want to throw the iPod you just bought into the street.

Hypno Funk

It's gotten to the point now where Dyack has hurt potential sales of Too Human, and people are being put off.

It should be the game in the limelight, not the maker, this has gone incredibly sour.


Skip, or anybody involved with the podcast - I'm really curious if there ever any pr handlers present when he's on?

Edit: OK, after having listened, that has been answered. And in an hilarious way. Poor woman...


Hypno Funk said:
It's gotten to the point now where Dyack has hurt potential sales of Too Human, and people are being put off.

It should be the game in the limelight, not the maker, this has gone incredibly sour.

I wonder how his publishers must feel about all this, and I wonder if they can ammend future deals for the rest of the trilogy - silencing Dyack completely, as a trade-off for green lighting the conclusion of his project (assuming it merits the sequels via sales - which I still think it probably will).


TTG said:
You know what would be funny? Too Human being a complete flop resulting in Dyack not getting anymore funding. Then 1up can host another little speech of his where he blames GAF for ruining his career. Maybe he'll even sue somebody... again.



heliosRAzi said:
Anyone remember this?


[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE7GD4wn2_w"]Mike Works' Thriller - video[/URL][/QUOTE]
:lol :lol :lol LMAO

Is this from the thread with the unreal engine fiasco?
jrricky said:
:lol :lol :lol LMAO

Is this from the thread with the unreal engine fiasco?

The unreal engine fiasco. It needs to be updated though for current events.

Denis has been banned? LMAO...

Wait... he's not banned. He's still figuring it out.


God I wish Yahtzee posted here so he could make another little video about this next wednesday.

Plus quoting all that crap about society and history and literature and a bunch of bullshit. Wow you know what Denis. Two things Get over yourself/Man the fuck up.


slept with Malkin
Hypno Funk said:
It's gotten to the point now where Dyack has hurt potential sales of Too Human, and people are being put off.

It should be the game in the limelight, not the maker, this has gone incredibly sour.

Nah, the majority of people who walk into a Best Buy or Walmart to buy a game aren't going to know who the hell Dyack is. I highly doubt this will have any impact on sales outside of board posters.

way more

"What the fuck are we doing legitimizing GAF with all this thought?"

Well said. This wasn't much of a meltdown, more of a failed experiment.

But I do like that a over thinker like him is making video games.

just tray

First he was laughed at
Then his experiment or attempted Gaf coup fails
Then he was laughed at again
Then I just found out that Benny Hill stars in Too Human
And now denis is banned.

Denis: This is the worst day of my life.
Microsoft:Where do we find these people, and why does it keep happening to us?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I paid $50 for that piece of shit Eternal Darkness. I think I'm entitled to have a little fun at Dyack and Too Human's expense.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
purg3 said:
Nah, the majority of people who walk into a Best Buy or Walmart to buy a game aren't going to know who the hell Dyack is. I highly doubt this will have any impact on sales outside of board posters.
At every game store counter in America, a GAF poster will be there, judging and denouncing your purchases.


purg3 said:
Nah, the majority of people who walk into a Best Buy or Walmart to buy a game aren't going to know who the hell Dyack is. I highly doubt this will have any impact on sales outside of board posters.
thats not its "potential" sales though.


Jcgamer60 said:
He does make a lot of good points. Too bad they won't change a thing around here.

Denis wants to make it so if, for example, I said something like la li lu le lo it wouldn't come out as la li lu le lo at all because we'd have string replament that ensured la li lu le lo wouldn't be interpreted as la li lu le lo. Do you really want la li lu le lo to be something that can't be said? It would be totally la li lu le lo'd up. All because someone might get hurt.

just tray

Dan said:
I paid $50 for that piece of shit Eternal Darkness. I think I'm entitled to have a little fun at Dyack and Too Human's expense.

Hey Eternal Darkness was Dyack's contribution to society. We no longer need him.
Im interested in what the end result of all of this will be. Will there be an announcement by a mod or a new discussion thread or whatever.
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