Seth C said:
I know what punitive means. Doesn't change my mind. Some people need to learn what "whiney ass cry-baby" means.
Fine, sue Denny's, but $28 million because someone basically called you a name? They need to get over themselves. I don't know them, and I can already tell you I wouldn't enjoy their company, and it has NOTHING to do with their race.
i'm not saying their decision to sue is valid or invalid, but the fact is that Denny's has been called out for this before. These guys could've just walked out, gotten beligerent, or written the Denny's home office and the issue would've more or less be swept under the rug. At least a lawsuit brings this behavior to the attention of the nation. It won't stop similar events from happening in the future, but it brings awareness to the possible outcome of making such a comment.
It's also worth pointing out that they're not gauranteed $28 million, and whatever their awarded will be after the lawyers' fees and whatever other fees will be much less than that.
Yesy yes, of course. It's a hateful, spiteful thing. Oh well. People can be asses. Move on. I'm not saying the employee was right in what he did, I'm saying $28 million is absurd. Have a good cry about it and sue for some reasonable amount. I think 10 years' salary should cover the mental anguish they suffered because some moron showed them that the world can be mean. Come on.
For all you know, after all is said an done, the money they're awarded might not even cover a year of their collective salaries.
A definition of punitive damages from Wikipedia:
Generally, punitive damages are not awarded in order to compensate the plaintiff, but in order to reform or deter the defendant and similar persons from pursuing a course of action such as that which damaged the plaintiff. Punitive damages are awarded only in special cases where conduct was egregiously invidious, and are over and above the amount of compensatory damages. Great judicial restraint is expected to be exercised in their application.