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Destiny 2 |OT3| The Token King


Neo Member
Huh, just opened up a Clan engram and out popped some 300 Gauntlets for my Hunter. Yay, now my Hunter is at 305 too. Was a little salty earlier they didn't drop so I guess the RNG played nice to make up for it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I figured, but wanted to be sure. I'm enjoying my alt and rather play multi with it, but then turn the coins in on my main. Thanks!

You will miss out on 21 Token total daily if you can finish those 3 Challenges to get 6 Tokens, 2 per challenge, then Rep Bundle for +15
So 3 Guardians, equals +63 Tokens, that's 3 Packages Daily

Only need to know if IB Challenges stay the same tomorrow morning or a new set comes in
Maybe 2 sets of challenges for IB and every other day they swap

So if you just do it one guardian not a huge loss by any means, but in the long run, it's a fuckton of tokens

63 Tokens over 7 days, that's 441 Tokens overall, roughly 22 Packages worth or your Main guy...
You will miss out on 21 Token total daily if you can finish those 3 Challenges to get 6 Tokens, 2 per challenge, then Rep Bundle for +15
So 3 Guardians, equals +63 Tokens, that's 3 Packages Daily

Only need to know if IB Challenges stay the same tomorrow morning or a new set comes in
Maybe 2 sets of challenges for IB and every other day they swap

So if you just do it one guardian not a huge loss by any means, but in the long run, it's a fuckton of tokens

63 Tokens over 7 days, that's 441 Tokens overall, roughly 22 Packages worth or your Main guy...

Ahhhhhh good to know!


I'm finding myself to be disappointed with how the Antiope-D performs in PvP. Yeah I guess it's partly my fault for falling for the hype but the recoil seems to be all over the place with this thing even with the counterbalance mod. I'm finding myself being outgunned by the Last Hope most of the time.

Am I missing something here?

You just need to learn to control the recoil. You have to hold the stick down quite far to control it. The recoil is mostly vertical so it isn't too hard. Just keep practicing and it slays.


It's funny that the Beta had a better basic loot system than the full game... get Vanguard armour and weapons from the Strike and Crucible armour and weapons after Crucible matches... if only.


Prestige Nightfall anyone?

PSN: Stat_09 - need 2 people!

1. Stat_09
2. ???
3. ???

Also, looking for a Raid Team! Know what you are doing too please!
Quoted, as always, for truth....Lots of words to simply say...."Will the middle of the bell curve of our player base enjoy and have fun with this game for the amount that average plays?" I think Bungie, delivered a great game for those players. And as you correctly pointed out, the people bitching about the lack of content are going to be gobbling up the DLC day one. I know I will and I am happy to fork over the cash. Destiny is still a good entertainment hour per dollar.

However, one poster did, IMO, also nail the obsessive player sentiment, in a fresh way. It wasn't saying that Bungie "Effed Up" on their design decisions. I think they hit it out of the park with the way they saw the majority of people play the game. (My guess anyway....these guys with Activision backing don't guess with this stuff).

They said they wanted Destiny to be THEIR GAME...A game like Diablo 3, DotA, or what have you. While I don't think Bungie needs to reinvent the wheel on their game...I do hope they throw a few bones out there to let the obsessive players chew on. As they want something to chew.

As a stopgap, I don't understand why they don't bring back a record book like the grimoire. Do X number of patrols, challenges and PEs on a planet and level up 3 times unlocking 10% extra glimmer, 10% extra xp, chance at extra reputation token. Bring that to strikes and crucible but also add in an additional chance at random mod or 3 gunsmith mats as a 4th rank. Have an overall PE one that increases chance at random mod or 3 gunsmith mats per rank up to 15% chance. Then have ones for each weapon class that result in at rank 3 having a 15% at a gunsmith research token (or whatever the thing is). For each class unlock a new emblem up to rank 3.

There you reuse content (something Bungie loves what with this IB and it's reskinned weapons) and give players something to chase and a reason to do X activity. Players then have a carrot to unlock permanent account wide bonuses (like destiny 1) and a reason to not only use certain weapons or try certain activities but to keep doing/using them.


Feeling kinda salty right now, 4 exotic drops in two days, 5 high purples and not a single fucking gauntlet. It's the only thing holding me back from 305.


So, I finally got my first exotic engram from a PE today, and you know what? The dude sent the chest flying right as it appeared. I think there might be something to making it fly far away..


Is it an attempt for the Rat King or just a normal run?

I'll try it either way if there's still room, need some practise before making a proper run for it. Rat King seems doable with enough coordination

Just a normal run for me, I can try and go fast? What's your PSN?

Anyone else for Nightfall?


Need 1 for raid on PSN my name is same on here, experience would be nice but I'll take the first to send me a friend request with GAF in the message. Warlock is preferable too. We also plan to run a couple.

Ready set go!

EDIT: Full, next time!


No that's cool Xbox Live, I wasn't excited to play IB or anything anyways...

XBL core services down for any of you non-PSN players.
After much time with the Hunter I think I'm done after I get him his IB gear. They're so terrible compared to Titans it's ridiculous. It's so bad I said fuck it and play pvp with my Titan and then switch to my hunter when I go get the IB packages.
It's funny that the Beta had a better basic loot system than the full game... get Vanguard armour and weapons from the Strike and Crucible armour and weapons after Crucible matches... if only.

I'm not sure about Strikes, but you definitely get Crucible weapons and armor after Crucible matches. That's in addition to your tokens. I got the entire Titan set that way.
After much time with the Hunter I think I'm done after I get him his IB gear. They're so terrible compared to Titans it's ridiculous. It's so bad I said fuck it and play pvp with my Titan and then switch to my hunter when I go get the IB packages.

I started off Hunter and the class feels utterly lacking next to the other 2. It's insane that Warlock has better mobility in PVP.


Not Wario
Cross posting for discussion from the expansion wishes thread since it became a more general post on desired improvements as well:

Stuff that could realistically be done without needing massive asset generation/programming work:

  • Make strikes more relevant/relevant at endgame
  • Fix the public event zero players issue. That this happens is mind boggling to me
  • Determine what max power is even for. I actually like the fact that content stays challenging and engaging regardless of power, but, as it stands, there is currently zero benefit to even being 305 power over 300. That's insane. There should probably be a cross activity introduction of prestige and normal difficulty modes, where normal offers actual scaling benefits and prestige continues to scale enemies to your power.
  • Find a better way to meaningfully leverage the campaign content and lost sectors in the endgame. Destiny 1's tougher missions on the daily heroic difficulty actually used to present some of the more challenging solo content opportunities of the game. Destiny 2 has a dearth of content at endgame, but not a dearth of content in general. To tie this point together with the last one, prestige mode campaign levels with modifiers could be an engaging endgame experience. Lost Sectors are pretty light affairs, though, so I'm not sure what to do there.
  • Go a little more aggressive with exotic design, both in creating new ones and in revisiting underwhelming ones currently in the game. I like the idea of the unique gameplay experience over simply being the best choice- I was not a fan of Gjallarhorn and did not enjoy what it brought to the game. The problem to me is that a lot of the Exotics in the game right now are so mild in effect that they don't even bring a unique experience to the table, much less the power to be worth using. I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again here to reiterate the point: Touch of Malice is the ideal. Exotics should have clear niches where they reward players for using them correctly, but can also have actual drawbacks to ensure they aren't just the top guns.
  • This is probably a sequel level change, but, at this point, the jury is in and I think we can safely say 6v6 is a superior PvP experience. Trials should stay at a low count (Maybe even dropped back down to 3?) but normal crucible shouldn't.
  • I actually really like how legendary weapons work right now. Not having to level them up or grind for godrolls is a A+ change in my book. That said, I recognize there is something missing for that crowd that just needs something to grind (excluding how I feel about catering to this morally...) so I'm open to seeing changes; I just hope they keep in mind the seemingly decent sized player base that does consider the new system an improvement.

As far as brand new content goes, I generally prefer raids to any other kind, and I like the ones on the more mechanically dense end of the spectrum. (My personal raid ranking- minus WotM which I never played- would be something like King's Fall >> Leviathan > Vault of Glass >>>> Crota's End)

That said, I do think some of the mechanics have been so abstracted from the actual theme/what's happening in the raid itself that they feel forced. Shooting two arrows that explicitly don't match the path someone needs to traverse? Calling out symbols on a psychic projection's head in a telepathic realm separate from a room where you need to determine which symbol on the floor wasn't called? Uh, this stuff is so detached from the fiction that's playing out on the screen that I might as well be playing a Euro board game equivalent of a Destiny raid. Find more flavorfully resonant and appropriate ways of tying mechanics to the storyline of the raid. Not only will the whole experience feel more coherent, players less partial to the mechanic driven experience will feel less frustrated and more rewarded by the process of learning the raid.

While I actually like the fact that Destiny has pushed the boundaries of what can be considered a raid design in comparison to traditional MMOs, I think tossing a bone to the crowd wanting to see more actual boss fights and shifting the balance back from Leviathan to being 50/50 boss fight:"something else" (gauntlet/jumping puzzle/door opening experience/etc.) would be totally fine.

Destiny 1 has a huge backlog of content now and it'd be a shame to see it all go to waste. For a new weekly activity for larger player groups in clans outside entire raids, I think it'd be cool if we had a coliseum with 1 to 2 Destiny 1 raid encounters with prestige modifiers for additional loot and cosmetic goodies. This would let players who never saw Aksis or Oryx get to see those encounters without stepping into an obsolete game AND provide a high level high player count activity that doesn't demand a ton of time like a proper raid. Dress it in the flavor of being Warmind run simulations to train Guardians from the encounters observed by Ghosts in the past. Not sure how technically feasible it is but I'd like to see it happen.

Lastly- and this is definitely pushing into numbered sequel territory here- I want to see Bungie revisit their heritage. A crucial component of Halo's experience was the variety of different vehicles you could use in the sandbox. Let's bring those back and have a varied arsenal of vehicles available for Guardians to use. This would open up new raid encounter possibilities, new pvp gametype and map possibilities, new campaign possibilities, public event possibilities, and heck, even exotic possibilities to augment your vehicle's capabilities!

Cool. Keep putting me against clans of 4 and have my team be all randoms who have no idea how to play the game mode. Such a fun time!!!

Either I've been super lucky or this has been largely overstated in regards to regular Crucible. Iron Banner, though? Yeah, it's been non stop 3 - 4 clan premades. Guess solo players are more intimidated by the name?
That said, I do think some of the mechanics have been so abstracted from the actual theme/what's happening in the raid itself that they feel forced. Shooting two arrows that explicitly don't match the path someone needs to traverse? Calling out symbols on a psychic projection's head in a telepathic realm separate from a room where you need to determine which symbol on the floor wasn't called? Uh, this stuff is so detached from the fiction that's playing out on the screen that I might as well be playing a Euro board game equivalent of a Destiny raid. Find more flavorfully resonant and appropriate ways of tying mechanics to the storyline of the raid. Not only will the whole experience feel more coherent, players less partial to the mechanic driven experience will feel less frustrated and more rewarded by the process of learning the raid.

This is the main reason why I despise The Leviathan and think King's Fall is easily the best and most complete Raid experience in Destiny and what I have come to expect from Bungie.

I also think it is more about what is happening outside of the storyline of the Raid that is a big issue with this latest one. It just didn't fit in at all for me.


Weird, didn't turn in my milestone engrams since I didn't log in for a few days. Expected to just see new drops in loadouts...and nothing new.



Hey about the Milestone for Iron Banner packages, is Season 1 referring to just this current Iron Banner period that lasts a week, or will there be a few Iron Banner events per Season?

I must be getting lucky, I don't think I'v been grouped with any clans for Iron Banner, got like 6 wins and 3 losses, I've opened up 2 Iron Banner packages so far.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
dumb question, but i know about the kinetic mod for primary weapons you can only get by trading....but are there exclusive armor mods you can only get by trading with the gunsmith?

just got a health (restorative) purple from a trade for boots I've never seen, not even blue.



Who said kinetic mods were hard to get?


Prestige doable at 294 ll?
I believe so.
We second tried the Prestige (thanks team! (going to orbit early doesn't count.)) Really not too hard and I didn't even know the specifics of some areas. The boss can be tricky without being able to burn him down quickly because of all the adds, but we managed.

Clears should be relatively quick. I just don't like the strike very much. Will wait and see if I run it often after my other two characters are done.


Did they recently add this control pvp map from Destiny 1 into the game? I don't play much pvp but it was great to play on a map I enjoy. Hopefully they add more old maps back.


Permanent Junior Member
I only ever log in now to collect my raid engram in hopes of acquiring the scout rifle, but continue to get the sub machine gun or rocket launcher, both of which I’ve been given 3 times.


I just joined an IB match that's 75-20... Why is that a thing?

I mean, I'll run around and take my 2 tokens, but seriously. Bungie, pls
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