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Destiny 2 Playerbase is reportedly mass refunding The Final Shape after Bungie layoffs


You're looking at the small echo chamber minority of loud basement dwelling reddit parrots who constantly go on destiny's subreddit to complain. That's their job...they just go there to complain. Meanwhile they have thousands of hours into the game. We'll see them in the final shape....and they'll complain then too.
How is Destiny 2 a shit product ? Game has a high player base and makes great $.

The real issue for Bungie is when this last expansion finally launches and people complete all the content , then it’ll be GG to the money gravy train for the most part.

That’s when they have to create a new funnel with Marathon. That can hopefully fund the other game they are working on that is meant to take the place of Destiny as their big bread winner.

Apparently you havent seen the news.


If enough people fork over money and continue to see Transformers movies — then guess what ? It’s a success.

Succes does not equal or make something good.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

It didn’t hit goals .

Nah, it didn't hit projections that were unrealistic and made by Bungie's management before being acquired by Sony.

Now they are 45% below those projections. That's different from saying it didn't hit it's goals.

But I guess you really don't know anything about the entire situation, considering your horrible diatribe.
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Bungie exec: post your pic cause I always wanted to see how an idiot dropping $100 on that shit in the first place looks like


Well done people, here's your pat in the back for having so superior morality.

But here's a fist in your stomach for being so retarded also.
Lot to unpack here.

To start.. On many of these storefronts, the full reservation isn't billed to your account until a few weeks before the release date. I think on Xbox it's 10 days? don't quote me on that.

Next, people really overestimate the reach of people on reddit or these forums. The masses are not here, I'd go so far as to say that most Destiny players, the vast majority, don't even know layoffs happened.

Additionally, I'd love.. SO much.. to be able to keep track of people doing these 'refunds' over the next few months and see when they re-preorder the game. Gamers are fickle. Just takes one cool trailer and a healthy little dose of FOMO to get them right back in.

In conclusion, this is dumb. Also as others have said, depriving a company of profits will lead to more layoffs, not less.


Gold Member
Hey OP,

first time GIF



And only an even bigger idiot would think that actively spending more money on a shit product is a good idea.
what does people losing their jobs have to do with the product, these people are protesting job losses by taking money away from the company,

companies don't fire people cause it's hilarious fun like people on twitter think, it's usually because they have to show higher revenue year over year to their dickwad shareholders over last year and that ends up meaning the cutting of jobs.

so cancelling your preorder in protest is just going to affect the companies bottom line which in turn means more people will get fired because at the end of the day the $$ in the company bank account need to reflect an upward trend no matter what. so your gamer rage just potentially cost more people their jobs.
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You're looking at the small echo chamber minority of loud basement dwelling reddit parrots who constantly go on destiny's subreddit to complain. That's their job...they just go there to complain. Meanwhile they have thousands of hours into the game. We'll see them in the final shape....and they'll complain then too.
You sound like the typical Bungie forum troll who just parrots the same thing: "you'll complain about D2 but keep playing anyway". It's pretty clear that the wheels are coming off that dumpster fire in a big way. No longer is this just petty complaints. Seriously doubt you'll see even a fraction of the regular base playing after Lightfall's horrible content.
You're looking at the small echo chamber minority of loud basement dwelling reddit parrots who constantly go on destiny's subreddit to complain. That's their job...they just go there to complain. Meanwhile they have thousands of hours into the game. We'll see them in the final shape....and they'll complain then too.

I don't think so.
what does people losing their jobs have to do with the product, these people are protesting job losses by taking money away from the company,

companies don't fire people cause it's hilarious fun like people on twitter think, it's usually because they have to show higher revenue year over year to their dickwad shareholders over last year and that ends up meaning the cutting of jobs.

so cancelling your preorder in protest is just going to affect the companies bottom line which in turn means more people will get fired because at the end of the day the $$ in the company bank account need to reflect an upward trend no matter what. so your gamer rage just potentially cost more people their jobs.

Product is lacklustre = less purchases = less players = less money.

It isnt rocket science. This is the result of extremely poor management, and despite what you may believe, it isnt our job to pay bungies employees a living.

We aren't obliged to support a subpar product, we just aren't.


I don't think so.

Product is lacklustre = less purchases = less players = less money.

It isnt rocket science. This is the result of extremely poor management, and despite what you may believe, it isnt our job to pay bungies employees a living.

We aren't obliged to support a subpar product, we just aren't.
can you just simply not read?


what does people losing their jobs have to do with the product, these people are protesting job losses by taking money away from the company,

companies don't fire people cause it's hilarious fun like people on twitter think, it's usually because they have to show more profit to their dickwad shareholders over last year and that ends up meaning the cutting of jobs.

so cancelling your preorder in protest is just going to affect the companies bottom line which in turn means more people will get fired because at the end of the day the $$ in the company bank account need to reflect an upward trend no matter what. so your gamer rage just potentially cost more people their jobs.
I think it’s more than just lay offs people are protesting. It seems to me that they’re protesting what they perceive as bad practice of lay offs, since this targets long time staff members.

People aren’t so dumb that they don’t realize Bungie losing money would mean more people lose their job. The audience just doesn’t feel Bungie is worth supporting at all, which unfortunately means the rest of the studio suffers for management/shareholders sucking ass. Why fund them when even if the game is doing incredibly well, the talent behind the game is still at risk?
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Gold Member

When did everyone turn into a commie?

These pricks whinge about the game constantly and then whinge when there’s the inevitable economic impact.


That's stupid. And can cause more layoffs. Firing and hiring people are a natural part of any business, of course I feel sorry for the people who lost their positions, but they can go work elsewhere, the economy is not so great right now and Bungie is just another company in need to restructure during these difficult times. There is no evil here, it's just business.
Whereas in the real world, the guys at the top run a scummy business model based on greed, the customers dont appreciate or buy it and the people further down the heirarchy of the business suffer.


what does people losing their jobs have to do with the product, these people are protesting job losses by taking money away from the company,

companies don't fire people cause it's hilarious fun like people on twitter think, it's usually because they have to show higher revenue year over year to their dickwad shareholders over last year and that ends up meaning the cutting of jobs.

so cancelling your preorder in protest is just going to affect the companies bottom line which in turn means more people will get fired because at the end of the day the $$ in the company bank account need to reflect an upward trend no matter what. so your gamer rage just potentially cost more people their jobs.
Whats the alternative? Spend your money on a rip off product like all their other recent crap, and support a company with shitty business practices? Smart solution.

People have lost jobs because of the way the game has been managed by greed, its not the customers responsibility to keep people in jobs, the company needs to manage affairs properly and create quality product that people want to buy, not nickel and dime them at every turn. You are the one here that doesnt understand how business works not the people you're arguing with.
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Sony pissing away $3.6 billion on this wokeshit has-been studio is probably the worst acquisition Sony has ever done. Sony looked at Bungie and saw how Microsoft literally let them go and founded their own shit-tier studio to be caretakers for Halo, and then Activision dropped them after Destiny 1 because they were so financially unsuccessful, and really thought this was worth $3.6 billion? This is literally Sony's Twitter acquisition, what an absolute disaster.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
How is that a bar for determining if a game is good or not? Lmao

Transformers has had millions of people watching it, and made a shitload at the box office. Does that make it a good movie?

Are you a shareholder or something
funny is...what you are saying here is exactly why transformer is a successful movie franchise
How many sequels or reboots of Transformers we have now?

Its a shitty movie franchise but people kept watching it and companies kept making money off it.

Think again, if what you said is true....why games like COD or FIFA or some MTX games kept making money despite it has mid reviews?
Shareholders want to see profits $$$, and not its a "good" game or not.
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Whats the alternative? Spend your money on a rip off product like all their other recent crap, and support a company with shitty business practices? Smart solution.

People have lost jobs because of the way the game has been managed by greed, its not the customers responsibility to keep people in jobs, the company needs to manage affairs properly and create quality product that people want to buy, not nickel and dime them at every turn. You are the one here that doesnt understand how business works not the people you're arguing with.

I dont know how he doesn't get that these layoffs are a *direct result* of d2 being sub par recently.


Why anyone would still defend Bungie and Destiny 2 is beyond me. They've drip fed the community for years. They've milked the community for years. They don't deserve money, not a dime for the content they've released the past few years.
It's literally a GAAS what do you want them to do. Wait 3 years before dropping the content or spread it out. The game is good value especially if you buy the yearly expansions in sale.


funny is...what you are saying here is exactly why transformer is a successful movie franchise
How many sequels or reboots of Transformers we have now?

Its a shitty movie franchise but people kept watching it and companies kept making money off it.

Think again, if what you said is true....why games like COD or FIFA or some MTX games kept making money despite it has mid reviews?
Shareholders want to see profits $$$, and not its a "good" game or not.

I know, easily digestible shit gets eaten up by the masses.

Wether that is COD or Transformers.

Doesn't make either series good.

I understand publishers just want to make money, so I cant blame them for churning out the same shit every year.
I was just trying to get him to understand that profits does not equal quality in any way shape or form.


It's literally a GAAS what do you want them to do. Wait 3 years before dropping the content or spread it out. The game is good value especially if you buy the yearly expansions in sale.

Good value?

You are fooling yourself when the purchase you made last year is invalidated and wiped from existence ( I understand they don't 'sunset' content anymore though?)

Good value for you perhaps, but when I can buy a Humble Bundle with 10 amazing games for 15$, I'm not sure how spending 300+ $ on Destiny 2 is 'good value'.
"It's my favorite game by far but this…. This broke me…"

Jesus fucking cringeworthy Christ. Broken by Bungie employees being laid off lol. I can't believe there are people who care enough about online attention that they'd actually post shit like that.
I swear some people don't even think about the nonsense they parrot. Like when people use the word "gutted". I was GUTTED when a game was delayed.

What the hell will you use when your grandma dies in a fiery trainwreck?


Why would anyone pre-order Destiny dlc at this point. Game hasn't been good for awhile now
I doubt mass refunding is happening over studio layoffs.

Well... mass refunding isn't happening. It's just a shitty Reddit thread of around 2k people.

And the person in the Reddit thread says directly it's in protest of the layoffs. So maybe next time read the OP at least.


"It's my favorite game by far but this…. This broke me…"

Jesus fucking cringeworthy Christ. Broken by Bungie employees being laid off lol. I can't believe there are people who care enough about online attention that they'd actually post shit like that.
Monster Hunter is my favorite game and if I hear of layoffs, I will boycott the next game. Please believe me guys!!!!


I have, which plot have I lost?

The part where shares that these people were supposed to obtain a certain period after Sony acquisition, are now reverted to Bungie?

The part where the game has turned into a shithole of monetization, worse than some free to play games?

The part where genuinly talented people who have been with the company for over 10/15+ years, are fired because some shitheel at the top doesn't want to reduce his bonuses?
Lmfao, community managers and talented people. Are you fucking kidding me. Go back to your corner son.


Lmfao, community managers and talented people. Are you fucking kidding me. Go back to your corner son.
Breh, im not talking about a community manager.

Im talking about the composer and art director.

Why don't you go back to your corner, since you don't even know who the fuck im talking about.

I'll help you out tho.

They fired Michael Salvatori who has been with them composing music since Halo.

They fired Lorraine Mclees who was an art dirctor at the company for over 20 years. She worked on Oni, Halo and all their other games. She designed the fucking Halo logo ffs.
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Ev1L AuRoN

Whereas in the real world, the guys at the top run a scummy business model based on greed, the customers dont appreciate or buy it and the people further down the heirarchy of the business suffer.
Being an entrepreneur myself I think people has somewhat bias vision of how a business work, how many people work at Bungie and depend of their business to earn their wages.
A worker has one job, they work a collect their salary. A company has capital, investors, risk, have to pay their staff, worry about sales, the economy, competition, policies, etc. it's not greed, is a level of security your business needs to have so you don't go bankrupt and let go of everyone who works for you.

I'm not saying there aren't companies who behave badly but I don't think we have any reason to put Bungie in that category, they needed to layoff some of that staff and that sucks, but we are seeing this trend everywhere in the industry, the world economy isn't exactly booming right now, there are major conflicts going on in the world right now. I think it's a good time to save money and prepare because who knows what will happen next.

P.s. I hope I was able to make a point coherent enough, English is not my first language and a learned basically by myself, a can speak fine but my grammar is not that great.
It's literally a GAAS what do you want them to do. Wait 3 years before dropping the content or spread it out. The game is good value especially if you buy the yearly expansions in sale.
  • stop putting the best armor ornaments behind silver while giving battle pass players garbo
  • bring light levels back to give reason for the grind
  • add more new mp maps while removing broken ones
  • bring back worthwhile crucible pinnacle rewards
  • stop cutting up expansion missions in to "new" strikes
  • increase vault space
  • stop making earned currency like IB coins useless
  • stop vaulting planets and dlc people already paid for
  • add more freelance playlists
  • provide better expansion content
  • stop re-using old assets while calling them "new" content
  • stop putting high tier weapons behind the most expensive expansion bundles


Breh, im not talking about a community manager.

Im talking about the composer and art director.

Why don't you go back to your corner, since you don't even know who the fuck im talking about.

I'll help you out tho.

They fired Michael Salvatori who has been with them composing music since Halo.

They fired Lorraine Mclees who was an art dirctor at the company for over 20 years. She worked on Oni, Halo and all their other games. She designed the fucking Halo logo ffs.
You might want to ask Bungie why they would hire a composer full time instead of contract work.


You might want to ask Bungie why they would hire a composer full time instead of contract work.

You could say, hey you know what, I was wrong to assume you were talking about a community manager.

These are significant people of contribution to Bungie and their games over the years.

But you'd rather be a dickhead with a snarky smartass comment. Cool. Another clown for the ignore list.
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Good value?

You are fooling yourself when the purchase you made last year is invalidated and wiped from existence ( I understand they don't 'sunset' content anymore though?)

Good value for you perhaps, but when I can buy a Humble Bundle with 10 amazing games for 15$, I'm not sure how spending 300+ $ on Destiny 2 is 'good value'.
I've played every expansion, dungeon keys, 6 seasons and the base game for destiny 2 and I've spent roughly €250 in total. Over 5 year's and played thousands of hours.

I consider that better value then buying a humble bundle I might spend a few hours playing the games.

Btw the industry ain't going to be funded by paying penny's for your games.

I'll buy the next expansion next autumn on sale and then I'm done with destiny for at least a few years. The current storyline should be wrapped up and my journey on this game will be done.


I've played every expansion, dungeon keys, 6 seasons and the base game for destiny 2 and I've spent roughly €250 in total. Over 5 year's and played thousands of hours.

I consider that better value then buying a humble bundle I might spend a few hours playing the games.

Btw the industry ain't going to be funded by paying penny's for your games.

I'll buy the next expansion next autumn on sale and then I'm done with destiny for at least a few years. The current storyline should be wrapped up and my journey on this game will be done.

Hahahaha bro the industry is making money over fist like all the companies have seen massive growth. Paying pennies for games cmon now 😂😂😂

You dont need to spend 250€ to get 1000s hours out of a videogame

For you it maybe a value, but most people would disagree big time
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