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Destiny 2 Shadowkeep (OT4) Free Stuff For Everybody!


Neo Member
What is this "maze" shit I tried to figure it out by just reading some comments/shit on twitter and can't figure out what it's supposed to be?


What is this "maze" shit I tried to figure it out by just reading some comments/shit on twitter and can't figure out what it's supposed to be?

Who knows. It’s one of those super secret Destiny quests ... and probably the hardest one yet. It’s like Niobe Labs. Niobe Labs was a puzzle that gated access to the last forge in Black Armory DLc. It had no real reward for solving it but access to last forge was suppose to be gated by it but players couldn’t find the solution so bungie backpedalled and unlocked the activity for us... but they had advertised that content. This time they did not and we have no idea what it could be. It could be an exotic. It could be to unlock an activity of some kind.

You get lore and an emblem... so far. They thought they solved it but we’re at hour 22 now. Bungie trolled the fuck out of everyone with a second parter and maybe a 3-dimensional map.

for puzzle 2 they are crowdsourcing screenshots of the map room at the end from all users forwarding them their captures and then creating overlays to find duplicates that match and can be used. I’m actually impressed by how fast the community is compiling the info...

Existing Solutions:

New quest on osiris

New quest is available to get from osiris, it requires you to run through the portals in certain orders and at the end you enter a room and get a lore card, seems like the obelisks wich we are getting the orders from update every few hours (?) so currently we only have 12, will update when more gets revealed.

also at the end of the code we get a bunch of symbols on the ground wich i believe will be used for final parts of this mission.

NOTE: if you fuck up your code you can go back through the hallway and to a black obelisk and reset the code.

Code 1 - Plus, Snake, Clover, hex, snake, plus, diamond

Code 2 - Clover, Clover, Hex, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Snake

Code 3 - Plus, Clover, Diamond, Diamond, Snake, Diamond, Diamond

Code 4 - Diamond, Clover, Plus, Hex, Clover, Hex, Clover

Code 5 - Diamond, Plus, Snake, Hex, Hex, Diamond, Plus

Code 6 - Diamond, Hex, Snake, Hex, Clover, Clover, Plus

Code 7: Diamond, Plus, Clover, Hex, Snake, Hex, Snake

Code 8: Clover Plus Clover Hex Clover Diamond Snake

Code 9: Clover, Clover, Clover, Snake, Diamond, Hex, Diamond

Code 10: Plus, Hex, Clover, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Hex

Code 11: Snake, Hex, Snake, Hex, Diamond, Hex, Snake

Code 12: Hex, Snake, Plus, Hex, Snake, Hex, Plus

Code 13: Clover, Plus, Clover, Diamond, Snake, Snake, Hex

Emblem Code : Diamond, Clover, Snake, Plus, Hex, Hex, Plus, Hex, Diamond, Clover, Snake (long because brute forced, also gives out an emblem and not a lore card)

Code 14: Hex, Diamond, Snake, Plus, Hex, Plus, Plus

Code 15: Clover, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Plus, Snake, Diamond

Code 16: Snake, Hex, Hex, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Diamond

Code 17: Clover, Diamond, Hex, Clover, Plus, Diamond,

Code 18: Diamond, Plus, Plus, Clover, Snake, Plus, Diamond

Code 19: Hex, Plus, Plus, Diamond, Hex, Snake, Snake
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Neo Member
Damn that's wild! I'm glad to see Bungie give us something that's just completely ridiculous with no hints or build up. I think it's also hilarious how quick people are to assume companies have nothing clever up their sleeves anymore and have just given up. I feel like that's probably been the loud minority with Bungie lately but man it gets annoying.


Anyone start playing the first game again?

I’ve been playing it more and more with how much worse 2 is getting. Still holds up imo.

Nice to see people are excited to run around for hours for some lore and an emblem. Doesn’t fix any of the issues many streamers have complained about regarding there being nothing of value to do, but you do you bungle....


I’ve been playing it more and more with how much worse 2 is getting. Still holds up imo.

Nice to see people are excited to run around for hours for some lore and an emblem. Doesn’t fix any of the issues many streamers have complained about regarding there being nothing of value to do, but you do you bungle....
Yeah, D1 multiplayer, balance, loot, raids and strikes just felt so much better to me. The weapons and ttk... I miss it all, so I'm gonna restart and build up my characters too.

I mean, now that PS5 and Series X will be backwards compatible, D1 is kinda timeless.
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Yeah, D1 multiplayer, balance, loot, raids and strikes just felt so much better to me. The weapons and ttk... I miss it all, so I'm gonna restart and build up my characters too.

I mean, now that PS5 and Series X will be backwards compatible, D1 is kinda timeless.

I went extreme and deleted 95% of my items and all there characters and have limited myself to what I get, and yeah rewards are awesome (especially picking gear or guns every faction level up). Got a decent LDR that I was glad to see drop. Little things like actually having to level your gear and guns makes bounties actually a useful tool, and xur not being completely pointless is good. Banshee gunsmith rewards are sorely missed too. Sitting on a PDX pulse forever til the right one comes 😍


They finished it this morning... 5days later.

it ended up being for bastion... which was originally announced to launch on the 28th along with the Empyrean Foundation. Dataminers figured that out on day 2 for the most part

a bit bizarre, as there is still a hidden heavy exotic in the database.

I’ve pretty much exhausted current content and drop back in here and there for new stuff when it happens. Still kinda surprised the game is still pulling in a million players a day.... I would’ve expected a steeper drop off by now but only crucible has taken the hit this season.

don’t have anything to chase other than Not Forgotten and I’m not really going to try until the meta levels out. Trials can’t come soon enough. The crucible endgame isn’t there this season cuz that linear fusion rifle was shit and took like 5 games to unlock.

Bastion seems underwhelming in pve but I imagine if you stack it with those new fusion rifle mods and run double fusion you can do some nutty stuff. Also, disruption break perk on a weapon in the special slot grants 50% bonus dmg when swapping to a primary and breaking shields.

In pvp however it looks beastly. a definite answer to shotguns pussies. Melts guardians in supers as well.

edit: just got it for myself and gave it the crucible test. It melts. I think it’ll play well with a high impact pulse rifles like premonition.
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Some Empyrean Foundation details for next week. Will be somewhat of a community event. All players whether they have the season purchased or not will be able to donate fractaline currency. There will be 7 levels of rewards as each community milestone is reached.

it’s also been datamined that after donating 5,000 fractaline a mission called “worthy” unlocks and we will be restoring the D1 Mercury lighthouse.

It’s been leaked that next season will likely be called “season of the worthy” and trials is confirmed... in addition to more things returning (could be faction rally but don’t really care about that).

I’m so ready for trials. Pretty sure it’ll be behind some kind of paywall, power grind, and time gated missions... essentially anything that can deter cheaters from just making free player accounts. That of course is mostly a pc issue but bungie is supposedly working in anti-cheat solutions and will be rolling it out soon.

Feel free to add me on ps4. Im a competent pvp’r. Not quite Legend status yet but I expect to have my Not Forgotten by season end. My only goal at this point is to earn the Unbroken title.
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Who plays on PS4 here? Just downloaded my Destiny 2 again after not playing it in like a year ish, I got all the DLC up to Shadowkeep which I will get soon.


I have it for both X and PS4 but 99.9% play on PS4 (have it on X just to play with my old IRL friends). VertigoX86 on PSN.

Looking forward to today’s update and community mission and whatever surprises that could have. It’ll get my mind off this pandemic for a minute. At least I’ll get to enjoy my favorite game for a minute before we all die.

As always with Destiny... you’d want to at least have Shadowkeep as the raid is still relevant to endgame players for power grind... well kinda. The power grind has been kinda deflated this season but if looking to raid that’ll still be the most popular one (and the best weapon pool out of all the raids).

It looks like both Trials of Osiris and Faction Rally is returning next season. Very much looking forward to march. These winter months seem to be the growing pains season year after year.

With that said you may want to hold off on Shadowkeep till the launch of next season as it comes with a “free voucher” for one of the 10$ DLC seasons and your better off using that at the start of a new season rather than the last few weeks of the current one. You’ll “miss out” on some loot but they’ll reintroduce that seasonal loot at some point in some form. I imagine you won’t be able to farm them as effectively as you can now tho where you can select up to 4 weapons per sundial run and can hold up to another 4 weapon bounties in your inventory.

As a returning player Menagerie and the Forges will be your best friend on console when it comes to weapons. Iron Banner, raids and Reckoning for high stat rolls on armor. Crucible meta weapons like Luna’s Howl and Recluse should also be on the radar and the exotic sniper Inazagi’s Burden is the meta for endgame pve activities. At least it’s not “must have Gjalajorn” as you can actually choose to acquire it.

PVP population took a drop. I’m kinda impressed that overall daily player numbers still fluctuate from a million to 750k in slow season. Even without trials the game has been performing as great as ever, even better than tail end of D1 lifecycle.
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I have it for both X and PS4 but 99.9% play on PS4 (have it on X just to play with my old IRL friends). VertigoX86 on PSN.

Looking forward to today’s update and community mission and whatever surprises that could have. It’ll get my mind off this pandemic for a minute. At least I’ll get to enjoy my favorite game for a minute before we all die.

As always with Destiny... you’d want to at least have Shadowkeep as the raid is still relevant to endgame players for power grind... well kinda. The power grind has been kinda deflated this season but if looking to raid that’ll still be the most popular one (and the best weapon pool out of all the raids).

It looks like both Trials of Osiris and Faction Rally is returning next season. Very much looking forward to march. These winter months seem to be the growing pains season year after year.

With that said you may want to hold off on Shadowkeep till the launch of next season as it comes with a “free voucher” for one of the 10$ DLC seasons and your better off using that at the start of a new season rather than the last few weeks of the current one. You’ll “miss out” on some loot but they’ll reintroduce that seasonal loot at some point in some form. I imagine you won’t be able to farm them as effectively as you can now tho where you can select up to 4 weapons per sundial run and can hold up to another 4 weapon bounties in your inventory.

As a returning player Menagerie and the Forges will be your best friend on console when it comes to weapons. Iron Banner, raids and Reckoning for high stat rolls on armor. Crucible meta weapons like Luna’s Howl and Recluse should also be on the radar and the exotic sniper Inazagi’s Burden is the meta for endgame pve activities. At least it’s not “must have Gjalajorn” as you can actually choose to acquire it.

PVP population took a drop. I’m kinda impressed that overall daily player numbers still fluctuate from a million to 750k in slow season. Even without trials the game has been performing as great as ever, even better than tail end of D1 lifecycle.

Thanks for all the info and I will add your PSN later after work! I only am around 755 power I believe from last time I left it and have no clue how Seasons work as I have not refreshed myself with everything but I will regain my knowledge soon I am sure.

And yeah I will likely get Shadowkeep once I finish Forsaken and give the new raids a go as I was never that good with those aha, and it will be nice to forget the impending apocalypse in the Corona Virus for sure!


The new boss encounter for sundial is actually... different.

Donating fractaline let’s you farm timelost bounties with incredible efficiency... i farmed like at least 40 weapons while donating. It was probably more ... and for the first time ever my vault is about to be filled. God plenty “god rolls” but I’m good I think.

If you check the crucible playlist... our donations are tracked visually ... as there a new icon there... we’re building the actual trials playlist with our donations.

And spoilers:


Pretty significant changes to sandbox coming next season. Mostly pvp focused cuz ... trials (I.e the much needed erentil nerf and hopefully removing QuickDraw from Mindbender shotties)

Looks like they’re going full Warframe with swords.

Light attacks will no longer use ammo of any kind and will not just be a 3 hit combo but a continued loop and feature a cleave attack. There will be a sword meter that recharges on its own which replaces the melee meter when having a sword equipped. Guard usage will be changed as well to actually make it useful.

I never was a sword guy. But as Titan main I also don’t ever use melee builds in pvp. In pve sure but never in pvp (Sentinel middle tree always). This is a pretty big change IMO. I don’t use heavy in pvp much at all so if swords are still in the heavy slot that pretty much adds a nice close encounter option for me as I roll with a handcanon and sniper with now having that shotgun range covered (and without the need of heavy ammo no less? What?)

To me this would make sense to have a second primary slot made to slot swords into instead of keeping them in heavy as they no longer would need heavy ammo to use. They didn’t mention anything about that however.... Interesting regardless.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
interesting stuff about the upcoming changes. Lord Of Wolves and Last Word both got hit, along with Erentil. auto rifle seems to be moving back up on to the stage again and that's nice. along with swords, I'm guessing that's going to be part of the focus next season in terms of weapons. and it seems like we'll get some ability & exotic armor adjustments too, and I'm pretty sure my crutch (Contraverse Hold) is getting nerf as well lol


I’m all about the most recent adjustments except for the nerf to rapid fire frame sniper rifles. Well, I don’t think they’re getting adjusted In pvp but inazagi’s days as pve meta seem over and Whisper of the Worm (Black Spindle) will be king of boss dps again ... unless somehow rocket launchers finally become meta. And if rocket launchers get a buff that pretty much confirms Gjalajorn’s return but we may be looking at swords becoming king of boss dps this go around.

And speaking of snipers in pvp.... I know players loved their Beloved from the Menagerie. Hell, I maining a godroll beloved for a bit. Then moved onto the Apostate from the Altars of Sorrow loot pool and was ripping with it. However, decided to take an omniscient eye from the garden raid out of my vault and even with base stats slightly worse Apostate... it outperforms it for me in every way as it probably has a better accuracy stat. It’s just more crispy overall but oh man is it amazing.

The adjustments to high impact frame fusions seem modest. They had too much range and long distance one-hit kill potential.

I’d personally also love to see Jotunn get nerfed into oblivion along with Lord of Wolves. Actually, part of me wants to see shotguns banned from pvp in general... but they’re generally less used in playlists that aren’t 6 v 6 so while a nuisance... it’s not as big of an issue in comp playlists. And a good sidearm melts kamikaze shotgun players...

It’s looking like the sandbox changes coming in March are going to be the biggest changes to affect the pvp meta since... warmind. All the “nerfs” seem to be in good taste as well. Anything to promote primary weapon duels is a great change. A lot of players have once again been asking for increased primary weapon damage values to once again decrease ttk to D1 values but I like how it is now... many special weapons need their ease of use adjusted instead of decreasing primary weapon ttk just so someone can melt a shotgun ape with a two-tap handcanon.

I hate 6v6 modes. The survival playlist is easily my favorite. However... I’ve actually started to become a fan of Rumble. I’m hoping they even put Rumble in the comp playlist. Staying in rumble lately has really improved my map awareness and positioning more than any other mode. Give the top 3 spots on the podium finish rank points and I think we would see it get tons of play.

Grandmaster nightfall difficulty sounds great too. But there needs to be more than just titles attached to it for it to get play.

PS - that new cutscene of Osiris talking shit to Rasputin was badass. They surprisingly did more story content this season than any other small dlc prior. I didn’t like Osiris much before but now I think he’s awesome. Will Rasputin become our enemy now? Perhaps... I’m definitely interested to see what they do with the Mars reprisal in March. Could we even see something about the Exo Stranger since she’s Ana Bray’s sister? That’s one character that hasn’t been around since launch D1.

here’s the cutscene:
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
been running SOTP for Anarchy lately and I think I'll keep grinding it for the Box Breathing No Feeling scout. that gun feels pretty good and I'm always a fan of scouts. also, got 1k Voice on first try of running Last Wish so I guess there's my luck all used up for the whole year lol


That was great to see.

Looks like Trials isn’t paywalled with next season. We “built” it for all players this season with Enpyrean Foundation... hmm

Now I’m a bit more curious about what the actual paid new seasonal content will be. We’re expecting some kind of reprise of Mars.

Trials of Osiris is a permanent return. Some kind of Escalation Protocol rework is expected and Year 2 versions of hose Ikelos weapons. Still no word yet on what the actual PVE content will be.

Trials not paywalled is a concern for hacking but it’ll be power level or mission gated probably.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member

long quote but important part at the bottom

OK. Let’s talk more about weapons. And let’s begin with how weapons have worked in Destiny 2. All the way back to Destiny 2 vanilla, every weapon you get is a weapon you can keep and infuse to raise its Power level indefinitely. Remember the waters I talked about chumming earlier? It’s time to eat.

In Destiny 2, with infusion, it’s like having every card you own in Magic available and playable in all formats forever. It passively creates power creep (an ongoing Destiny problem), which also means our teams need to spend more and more of their time re-testing and supporting old stuff instead of making new stuff, it reduces player desire for new items (which dismantles aspiration like the shard-the-blues post-Crucible match ritual), and it means we ultimately create a ton of gear that doesn’t have any value beyond ticking the box on the “I Got It” checklist.

That isn’t value. It’s actually the opposite of value, because it’s work that we could be putting into making new stuff, or improving old stuff.

Our combat team works extremely hard to make weapons feel unique. Each Legendary (and many blues) get their own flavors of special sauce. Sometimes it’s the way a gun sounds, sometimes it’s the insanely over budget range stat (HAND IN HAND), sometimes it’s the recoil pattern, sometimes it’s the art, sometimes it’s something indescribable that just makes an item resonate with our players.

In an action game like Destiny, our weapons are feel-based extensions to the character. I’ve played MMOs and ARPGs where I get amazing weapons, but rarely have those weapons felt like an extension of my avatar. Certainly in an action game like Dark Souls or Sekiro, the weapons become a feel-based extension of my character, rather than a stat stick like Fang of Korialstrasz.

Remember many, many words ago (in previous DCs) when I talked about the collision between the action game and the RPG? Couple with that with our theme of aspiration and I believe we are approaching an inflection point for weapons and infusion in Destiny 2.

We’ve made a lot of Magic cards, and we want you to keep the ones you love in your collection (as opposed to taking them and throwing them all away and having the Tower get destroyed again). And a bunch of those Magic cards could be playable around the world while free-roaming or in PVP formats. But where Power matters or aspirational activities are involved, we’re going to make some changes to Legendary weapons.

There was a lot of learning to do when Destiny launched in 2014. But there was also some real good stuff in that game. I think back on a bunch of it fondly – almost wistfully at times. The weapons from the Vault of Glass could be powerful, unique, and rare. If you had Fatebringer, you probably had a bunch of Ascendant Shards to commemorate all of the times you didn’t get it. I miss those days, when rewards were rarer and so special that you celebrated (or hated!) when your friends got one. That’s in part because the design of the game gave them space to be different, space to be awesome.

It’s hard to cleave out that space in the current version of Destiny 2. Weapons that are supposed to come from pinnacle activities like Raids or Trials don’t really have space to breathe. The answer can’t be “Just make them better,” because that approach ends up with the Reckoning situation I described last year. Now we had Pinnacle weapons, which were largely just talents that had Exotic-esque capabilities in Legendary-clothing. These weapons were typically the result of long pursuits and when they arrived in your hands they were pretty strong (sometimes hilariously strong; looking at you RECLUSE). It also meant the team spent significant time developing each one.

If you imagine the abstract weapon space as a pyramid, those pinnacle weapons largely sat at the top of the pyramid. Most other Legendary weapons are down in a clump of “They aren’t really that different.” Why? Because when every Legendary item the team builds is going to be around forever, outliers get weeded out.

Back to 2014: The Vault of Glass weapons could be memorable because we knew they weren’t going to be in the ecosystem for things like Trials, Nightfalls, and Raids forever. They’d naturally fall by the wayside because Power (Attack/Light in those days) would make them obsolete.

In the world we’re imagining, we’ll have space at the top end to create powerful Legendary weapons. Legendaries that are just better than other items in the classification. We’ll be able to do that, because the design space for weapons will expand and contract over time. Items will enter the ecosystem, be able to be infused for some number of Seasons and beyond that, their power won’t be able to be raised. Our hope is that instead of having to account for a weapon’s viability forever when we create one, it can be easier to let something powerful exist in the ecosystem. And those potent weapons entering the ecosystem mean there’s more fun items to pursue.

Changes like this also mean Legendary weapons (or their talents) that would be “shelved” could be reissued at a future date. Or could be brought back in fun ways by involving our community. The more specific nitty gritty for this will come a little bit further down the road but we wanted to get some of thinking behind it to you sooner rather than later. The simplest version of how it is going to work is: Legendary weapons will have fixed values for how high they can be infused. Those values will project the weapon’s viable-in-end-game lifespan and we think that lifespan is somewhere between 9 and 15 months.

One final note: We are not applying this to Exotic weapons at this time. We want to iterate on the Legendary ecosystem first.

this is... I'm not too sure about this change that they're putting thoughts into. I can understand where they're coming from but it would also make those who put in the work to grind for the god roll weapons VERY upset for sure. hell, I got most of my god rolls through just luck and didn't really put in that much work on grinding and I would still be upset if I can't use my favorite weapons, which I will admit is a pretty small limited pool of a few guns only. but that's why they're my favorite.


I now seriously doubt the existence of D3 anymore.

Theyre going back to D1 vanilla with weapons.

Legendary weapons will now have a shelf life of 9-15 months and will be retired and not be able to be infused after a point.

I kinda was leaning towards that opinion as of late too but still surprised they’re doing it. I was hoping they’d Just erase the year 1 weapons from the game and start curating weapon pools to leave only the favorites... and that still may be the case but they’re going further than that.

Its a good read. Tons of videos summarizing the bulk of the writing as well.

My concern is that they will now need to do something about pinnacle weapon chases for crucible and vanguard etc...entire vendor refreshes etczzz and while keeping old weapons still in the game. Exotics will be evergreen it seems however (unlike D1)

If they’re worried about loot bloat... just start deleting shit. Future weapon changes would need to be significant for this to be the better option. I’d also imagine that with next gen coming... being able to create better looking weapon models and revamping the look and performance of the engine would also facilitate the need for new and better looking gear.

Glad to hear the comments about still working on the evolving world and end game aspirational content feeling missing.

Seasonal activities would be far better represented if they were similar to the Vex Invasions on the Moon (similar you EP) like during season of Undying. They mostly make it sound like huge pve patrol area mega bosses showing up like in most veteran MMOs. Yea... do more than that.

EP was one of my favorite activities in both games so whatever ideas come from that I’m looking forward to.

and about the evolving world... Luke commented how they haven’t pulled that off and just have the rotatitng activities in place...

well no shit... and knowing that a SIVA outbreak on Nessus has been in the planning since D2’s pre-launch ... just do it already. Most of those changes seem penned for year 4.
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A heads up to the PC players that are in my clan, I'm going through and likely will be culling my discord back down to being a personal discord instead of a clan one. There isn't really much activity and most of it was PC guys anyways. If folks have some clans that need members post em here and maybe the few people still playing this can join up. Hopefully the few that still believe in this game have fun moving forward with this.
A heads up to the PC players that are in my clan, I'm going through and likely will be culling my discord back down to being a personal discord instead of a clan one. There isn't really much activity and most of it was PC guys anyways. If folks have some clans that need members post em here and maybe the few people still playing this can join up. Hopefully the few that still believe in this game have fun moving forward with this.

Yeah that's fine, I joined a more active raiding clan anyways. Personally I'm still addicted to the game hardcore, just put in 9 hours on the new Season before my headache made me take a break. It's more levels to grind, more bounties to grind, more weapons to grind for... but that's all fine and dandy for me.


Lol that’s the reason I’m sick of the game. All it is is bounties, nothing to chase in the new season, and another boring escalation protocol activity where you need a team and you can only bring 3 into patrol. Took me a few hours of “new” content to realize this season isnt worth the effort


Tried one of the legendary lost sectors. Got wrecked Since it’s power lvl 1000. Game didn’t let me know it was available either yet.

I like that I can do all of the bounties in crucible. the sandbox changes were pretty huge so I need to adjust. I definitely want that warmind hand canon tho. I checked out the Rasputin vendor and I don’t really get it yet but there’s a bunch of perks and mods again, one of which is to launch Rasputin AI robots.

there’s some cool use of instancing used here and actually changing the world map is nice to see. Definitely glad there’s not another horde mode or menagerie light activity.

I’m less concerned about the content right now as I am trying to get a new or better armor build going for crucible.

One eyed mask got nerf’d pretty badly IMO. But those new titan Guantlets that let you shoot thru towering barricades may be my new pvp go to option. A lot of armor and ability changes to toy with ... which kinda blows... cuz one eyed mask was my day one forsaken exotic drop and really haven’t used anything since. Crest of alpha lupi may be good.

then again I went on a uriel’s gift tear last night just for shits and giggles... so I may even consider an auto rifle build.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
didn't get a chance to really play in the new stuff yet outside of finishing the quest to and getting the artifact. it seems kinda interesting thou and I think I'll pay and get the new season later today.


didn't get a chance to really play in the new stuff yet outside of finishing the quest to and getting the artifact. it seems kinda interesting thou and I think I'll pay and get the new season later today.

it seems mostly power and time gated... I just did the Earth EP once. Too underpowered to get far in it... that and once legendary lost sector which I was also too underpowered for. I appreciate the temporary challenge for a bit. Playing weeklies for power will probably have me busy with base activities for a bit. Gonna try to do as much in crucible as I can really.

That, the weird warmind robots you can spawn into some activity (no idea how they’re used and haven’t seen them yet), and more charged by light mods should keep me busy.

I know I’m gonna see carnage in trials this weekend but I want to be ready as best as I can anyway. Should be a circus but I’m looking forward to it.
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Did one legendary lost sector with a friend, pretty fun, have beaten the public event lots of times now, it's not too hard once you get it down and your team realizes to throw the ball at the red orb in the sky to construct, ive been spawning my own AI bots into it, nearly got my bunker to level 3 just grinding these weapon bounties, i'm 981 right now and may switch chars soon to maximize my bunker upgrading since a new char can do the non-repeatable bounties


Some console handcanon tips by... me

180s with kill clip (Optative from season of undying) is tremendous in 6v6 modes. Optative w/ kill clip also does well in Garden raid And replaces recluse when you don’t need anti-barrier rounds. Slap a major spec on it and it mows raid adds.

110s... I kinda love these since Duke. Great in pve activities not raiding. Both rampage and explosive payload perform exceptionally in pve.

150s and 140s dominate pvp. Im a bit more of a fan of the 140 austringer over the 150 spare rations on console. This is where the differences between mouse and keyboard and controller show. Because of fire rate, recoil, and non ads usage on pc due to mouse precision and speed.

Handcanons are in a good spot but there needs to be some range changes to the lower rate of fire ones... that’s seems to be in the works currently so that’s good news.

Weapon previews make it seem like the majority of these new weapons, trials weapons, and reprised year 1 stuff is mostly pvp geared with their perks.

The season stuff needs to pay off in some way. Felt similar about Season of Dawn as I did Curse of Osiris except a bit more positive overall. Warmind saved them game back then so its sequel is a bit more anticipated for me. Spring and summer metas are when changes start to not feel crazy. Escalation Protocol is still my favorite activity in the game... so this has to show a bit more But there just seems a lot to unpack here... again...seems to be drawn out as well... which I don’t mind honestly.

Seems mostly single player with the seasonal content. I don’t mind... the menagerie knocks off need to go.



pretty interesting article. points out, I feel, a lot of the issues that most players have with Destiny. hopefully people will be able to get these points through to Luke Smith and all the folks working on Destiny.
That article hits on almost every reason I'm done with D2. Too many tasks, no reason to do any of them.


Congrats to my RL son: Kaijuseijin and his teammates oDefty and Sinlyes for going FLAWLESS on their first card
when Trials of Osiris went live today on PS4(Pro). Don't think they got world's first but have to be up there on the PS4 leaderboards!
Apparently Bungie has stated they weren't tracking world's first so oh well. They have to be up there! Great team!





pretty interesting article. points out, I feel, a lot of the issues that most players have with Destiny. hopefully people will be able to get these points through to Luke Smith and all the folks working on Destiny.

Probably not. Game is booming with its population currently with this season. It may do higher numbers than it did at Shadowkeep’s release at this point.

I actually like the seasonal roll out. Don’t mind content being removed either. However there needs to be more done with raiding and more secret missions like zero hour. Still a bit too early for the faux outrage tho. Otherwise that’s the regular commentary that exists with every dlc release.

I still need to put in a good amount of work to get trials going this weekend. Still at like 980 power or something and I’m seeing players at 1000+
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Probably not. Game is booming with its population currently with this season. It may do higher numbers than it did at Shadowkeep’s release at this point.

I actually like the seasonal roll out. Don’t mind content being removed either. However there needs to be more done with raiding and more secret missions like zero hour. Still a bit too early for the faux outrage tho. Otherwise that’s the regular commentary that exists with every dlc release.

I still need to put in a good amount of work to get trials going this weekend. Still at like 980 power or something and I’m seeing players at 1000+

don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty happy with the game so far. what I'm trying to say with that post is more about the underlying problems which could eventually ruin the game. cause lord knows if they really go through with that whole "weapon retirement" idea I would be pretty upset.

also, since you mentioned Zero Hour, it seems that normal and heroic Zero Hour, along with the normal Whisper mission is currently bugged so that if your light level is a lot higher, you can basically solo them easy (as long as you can actually do the jumping puzzles).

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
How is the current season? I just jumped back in after like 4 months off

new season is alright IMO. some decent public events and interesting weapons. still plenty of stuff they had not unveil yet like the 3rd exotic weapon (the Cabla machine gun) and a couple other activities. the main thing for some people is the return of Trials Of Osiris. so far things seem ok. I would love for them to put more PvE/story related stuff in the game but I'll take what I get. new meta focusing on Auto Rifle is pretty cool, even if I still don't use them all that much. thou the whole change thing about the changes to sword still isn't really going to make me use it seriously unless they do something about the stumpings from the bosses.

how's it going guys, how's pvp?

I still play pretty often, even thou nobody's in the clan these days. probably gona seek another one to jump over for the moment. had not done Trials yet so can't tell you about that, thou from what I've gathered people seem to like it. Iron Banner this week and it's mostly things as usual. I do like the IB bow thou, it's pretty fun to use for the most part.


PVP meta is excellent in its current form. Shotguns got reigned in nicely and op outliers seem few and far between except hardlight ... but I’m used to dealing with it now. We’re over a million day so the game is doing well — thank trials and a pandemic that gives us plenty of time to stay home and grind shit out.

Swords are in an okay place but I mostly use them for champions and yellow bars.

Haven’t tried the new weapons and the warmind cell stuff much at all but as the mods begging to trickle out ... we’ll take a look. It’s a bit ridiculous...

Not a fan of the public event but really enjoy the legendary lost sectors. I didn’t care that Vex Offensive or sundial disappeared, but the lost sectors, like the saint 14 story missions before them... should stay in the game.

Fourth Horseman has become the newest best burst dps weapon after inazagi nerf and Xenophage the best weapon for boss damage in the Garden raid. Meaning... I have to get Xenophage now. I was trying to solo the boss for Xenophage yesterday but had a rough time.

Then new cabal machine gun exotic is not the only hidden loot drop coming... Felwinter’s Lie shotty has been discovered , it’s ornament and its quest steps... part of which includes fighting a Siva infused Felwinter like the siva possesed guardians in rise of iron... so siva is coming sooner than later
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Fourth Horseman has become the newest best burst dps weapon after inazagi nerf and Xenophage the best weapon for boss damage in the Garden raid. Meaning... I have to get Xenophage now. I was trying to solo the boss for Xenophage yesterday but had a rough time.

let me know if you need extra body on Xenophage run. I can help.


Yea I kinda do need the help.

Me and a buddy have been two-manning most quests for 6 years now but he’s been super busy... I’m actually starting to fall behind ... no Xenophage, divinity, or catalysts for whisper and outbreak.

It’s easier to find grindy single-player challenges in d2 over d1 also — so I find myself stuck doing even more trivial nonsense.

Being stuck home tho? It’s in my best interest to find some trials players. I know I need a lot of practice however... map awareness and call outs, etc... rumble helps with map awareness. I should jump into the elimination playlist for a week... fucking trials

And yo... I’ve been using this seventh seraph sidearm in pve and pvp ... ummm ... I love this thing. Been successful with a roll with accurized rounds, threat detector, vorpal weapon and a range masterwork... potential god roll... and its shreds in crucible.

The auto rifle is trash but this sidearm while not flashy (aside from the warmind cell stuff) is pretty effective. I’m gonna run it with revoker in pvp for a bit and see how it plays out... so far...pretty damn good.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Yea I kinda do need the help.

Me and a buddy have been two-manning most quests for 6 years now but he’s been super busy... I’m actually starting to fall behind ... no Xenophage, divinity, or catalysts for whisper and outbreak.

It’s easier to find grindy single-player challenges in d2 over d1 also — so I find myself stuck doing even more trivial nonsense.

Being stuck home tho? It’s in my best interest to find some trials players. I know I need a lot of practice however... map awareness and call outs, etc... rumble helps with map awareness. I should jump into the elimination playlist for a week... fucking trials

let me know when you want to run it and we can give it a go on whatever. I've run plenty of Whisper and Outbreak runs. and Xenophage seems to be not too hard these days. for Divinity, I think the best way to do it is to look on Destiny's fireteam search site and wait until someone post a GOS run for Divinity and join those. I got mine that way at least.

I'm not that big a trials person with all the network problems and cheaters going on right now but I'm willing to give it a go.


The exotic machine gun comes thru the community guardian games event. Earnable Like the Arbalest the year before it. Verdant forest returns or whatever... I remember that being ... okay. Hopefully they made changes this year to it because the Halloween forest was unchanged.

Zero Hour followed the arbalest drop and the mission was designed to have players use their new arbalest exotic.

Convinced the felwinter’s lie legendary drop is an actual quest akin to both whisper and zero hour... it’s not an exotic this time so that’s interesting but something rollable gives more replay ability to the mission...

We return to Vostok and fight felwinter’s siva zombie or whatever ... felwinter’s is being referred to as rasputin’s son in lore...

Whatever ... these quests are my favorite part of D2 so it’s about time for the yearly drop. Sucks that it’s a shotty but it’s nice to know some real content is comig

Finally played trials. Only won two games with randoms from lfg before we lost the card. I had fun tho. May use a sidearm and sniper combo for this week’s map.
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Got the lord of wolves catalyst last night and completed it in too, doesn't seem to be that good actually lol.

How is the exotic for the season?

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Got the lord of wolves catalyst last night and completed it in too, doesn't seem to be that good actually lol.

How is the exotic for the season?

Tommy's Matchbook is kinda like a Touch Of Malice lite. it's kinda cool but nothing game changing.

4th Horseman is more or less it's old self. seems to be a really good dps dealer for up close encounters, especially if you're a Hunter that can just dodge and reload.

still have the exotic machine gun to look forward to also, so we'll see about that one.

armor wise, I think the Titan one with shoot through barricade wall and the Hunter arc super saver thing are both nice and have some real use. the Warlock one is on lock right now but it suppose to be able to use for a pretty awesome PvE build as I understands, so hopefully they'll fix that bug so they'll unlock it soon.

overall I think we won't get anything too overpower for a long time but we'll see how that goes.


I do not mind losing but I can see the trials frustrations people are having... I find it a fun game mode overall and how it forces me to know maps that much better for angles.

so after 4-6 hours of trials this weekend am I annoyed I didn’t get shit for loot? Sorta... but I got nothing better to do so I’m gonna keep trying.

I expect bounties to reward trials loot in some form next season. Don’t expect a fix now but the way loot is designed keeps the best players in opening rounds consistently. People expect a player drop off. I think it’s already happened for trials with only the most hardcore players left. Daily player counts are as big as shadowkeep if not arguably larger with a million plus in pve... which is ironic since the new pve content is a bit ... nothing? I guess people just like grinding.

seventh seraph sidearm is fucking awesome... it’s proven to be my best weapon on this week’s map and I just stated using it competitively Friday.

revoker is gonna get nerfed... I bet last shot only refunds ammo next season. Makes me a bit sad... wont change how amazing it still is tho.
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Cutscene dropped about the pyramid ships and Rasputin agreeing to help us.

the planet chart at the Rasputin bunkers have changed... now pyramid ships show up on the chart flashing red... with 3 blacked out planets ahead of it....

They’re pushing pyramids like it’s happening soon. That is a bit dubious perhaps as siva seems to be coming back... and we’re expecting the Dreadnaught and Savathun for the fall.

who knows... shadowkeep was a stop gap measure. Dreadnuaght was originally going to close D2. I wouldn’t be surprised if that got pushed back two years.


Been focusing on doing some missions the last couple days. Completed the one for Bastion just now, the pack of wolves catalyst, Truth, and I'm working on the solar machine gun, and Rose next. It is taking a while those ones!

Don't get me started on the catalysts for Arianna's vow and Symmetry!

Any suggestions on what else to work on? Open to some team ones like the "arms dealer" if anyone wants to. I've tried it so many times and always lose on the boss.


Work on tribute hall challenges on Nessus to unlock Bad Juju quest. the quest unlocks after I think 15 of them or something like that

You definitely want to try both Zero Hour and Whisper of the Worm quests at some point.

Yea you can probably kill a lot of time just chasing exotic quests. I think both Thorn and truth require fireteam activities at some point.
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