There’s perks and mods. Watch coolguy on YouTube. There’s also a weekly podcast that discusses them called Firing Range. The Meta evolves constantly.
Welcome to my channel! I love the game of Destiny and my channel is based on it. I specialize in reviews, gameplay, and tips on how to become a better player...
There’s perks and then there’s mods. What you choose for mods can depend on play style, the use of the weapon And rolled perk. It also varies by platform. On console for instance, because of the differences in recoil between controller and m&kb, you would want to slap a counterbalance mod on an auto rifle over targeting adjuster for instance ... unless you somehow godroll Ed stability perks on your weapon.
That kind of stuff is the crux of the game that gets you hooked. To be honest, I wasn’t as familiar with that kind of stuff in D1 as I am now but 6 years of Destiny changes a man...
In PVE you want damage perks. I’m a big fan of vorpal weapon for both pve and pvp as that does increased damage to all yellow bar enemies and bosses, and can melt other players while they’re in their super and is something I rely on in competitive pvp modes quite a bit.
For shotguns you want handling and range stuff. QuickDraw, opening shot, etc... snipers you want snapshot sights to beat other players with a faster ads time. Stability helps on snipers too but because of how zoom and range works in the game, scopes matter and increased range stat helps quite a bit with bullet magnetism.
Handcanons you want range and stability or even something like explosive rounds for increased enemy flinch and stagger as well as mitigating damage fall off a bit when you’re using it out of its intended range. You also want to check the magazine column looking for stuff like ricochet rounds for increased stability and range, etc.
In other words, the sandbox is so goddamn deep that you can obsess over it and can’t give you all the info you need but I can steer you in the right direction a bit.
Coolguy does excellent weapon analysis. Aztecross is good too but his reviews aren’t necessarily as sophisticated or accurate really.
And seeing how so many YouTubers have made careers over it... it makes me wonder my purpose in life.