Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Can't get it to load either. East Coast USA here.

Keep at it.

I had to go up to the Playsation store link a few times,then I shut down my system twice....eventually I was able to get to the redeem code page. Once I redeemed my code it was smooth sailing.

At 25%
PSN regularly falls to pieces at the slightest bit of pressure (even when there's no pressure it struggles) so it's hard to judge anything based on them. I wouldn't bet against the game selling very very well though, the alpha convinced me and I really wasn't feeling it before then.

Can't agree there. I haven't seen regular issues with PSN for a long time, and only during huge surges like this and BF: Hardline. PS3 has issues with PS Store because of the updated store not jiving well with the PS3 OS.

Edit: And midnight launch for the PS4, which was fixed in a couple of hours.
C'mon Sony, get your shit together. How did they not see this coming?

This baffles me too. Surely they knew this was going to be HUGE, and that it would strain their PSN servers to the point of bursting? I hate to add to the "OMG SONY, THIS IZ UNACCEPTABLE!" string of comments that don't help matters in the slightest.....but it kinda is unacceptable, we're paying for this service now. A little bit of foresight would be very nice.

Also, am i allowed to just post beta codes here in the thread? I have 2 spare.


Second cutscene that's unskippable. This is a bit annoying since they're dull anyway, just let me get back to gameplay!

Might stick to PVP for the duration of the beta at this rate.


For people getting kicked from PSN Store: When you get the error message, DOUBLE TAP THE PS BUTTON to go to XMB.

Then, DOUBLE TAP AGAIN to go back to the Store. You may get the error again, but KEEP DOUBLE TAPPING IN AND OUT.

Pressing circle closes the store, while double tapping keeps it open in the background (I think)

You will eventually make progress without having to start the launch of the PSN store all over again (by double tapping PS button instead of circle)

Keep this in mind for future betas.

Love you.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Will redeeming through the mobile app work in place of the actual PS4 being a broken pile of garbage?


Download button has yet to appear in my Destiny Beta in View Downloads :( Just a blank page. Ugh.

Mine wasnt either, I went to view downloads in the ps4 psn store and there it was. Twice I had to do it before it would let me download but vwalla, its downloading


Logged out of PS4
Turned PS4 off
Activated primary console (it's my only one)
Restored licences

Still won't launch. Will download again.


Does anyone know if you can link or sign into using facebook or google to at least get my beta code? Since psn is down, I can't get into


is now taking requests
EU preload here,

i did the restore licenses trick (settings/psn/restore licenses) about a dozen times, until it finally worked.


see you on the other side


the double tapping the playstation button trick worked for me. and it's moving along nicely so far. interested to see how fast the 10 gig install goes

Ok here's how to get into the beta if you're having problems.

Step 1: Get your beta code from the bungie site. That's just perseverance. Keep spamming until you get through.

Step 2: Don't even try redeeming your code through your PS4 you'll end up flipping a table. Instead read Click "PC or Mac: Redeem Vouchers through the SEN website". Follow the steps to redeem your code.

Step 3: After redeeming your code you will not be able to download the game from the same site. Now you'll have to deal with PSN (god speed). This step was provided by TimeEffect:

Don't use the circle button like I was! Follow this procedure.

Step 4: Go down to the Destiny pg on the PSN store and click it. Keep following the quoted method whenever you get an error screen. If the download button doesn't work just keep trying the quoted method.

Step 5: You're in! Or you should be unless something changes. You can't actually play unless Destiny can connect to PSN which I haven't solved yet but hopefully you'll be lucky and won't need additional assistance.

Self quote for those still having problems.
Logged out of PS4
Turned PS4 off
Activated primary console (it's my only one)
Restored licences

Still won't launch. Will download again.

I haven't been able to restore the licenses on my ps4 for almost 2 weeks now. Always throws an error code. Prevented me from playing Strider. Only does it on my account, ps4 is set to primary. Didn't find anything online about the issue and haven't had time to call them. So frustrating.
This baffles me too. Surely they knew this was going to be HUGE, and that it would strain their PSN servers to the point of bursting? I hate to add to the "OMG SONY, THIS IZ UNACCEPTABLE!" string of comments that don't help matters in the slightest.....but it kinda is unacceptable, we're paying for this service now. A little bit of foresight would be very nice.

Also, am i allowed to just post beta codes here in the thread? I have 2 spare.

There's another thread for that.

I wonder how MS will do. If MS manages to launch much smoother, I'm going to get pretty pissy paying for PS+

Love you.

Im seeing a lot of bitching but from personal experience this was a WAY better/smoother launch than Titanfall's beta. just saying...

I had no issue with Titanfall's beta. They handled it differently and trickled out the codes.

This, I can't even get on the page to start the download for the icon I need to start the other download.


My download seems to have completely stalled at 23%, been there for over an hour. Just tried closing the application and restarting two times and still nothing. :(
This baffles me too. Surely they knew this was going to be HUGE, and that it would strain their PSN servers to the point of bursting? I hate to add to the "OMG SONY, THIS IZ UNACCEPTABLE!" string of comments that don't help matters in the slightest.....but it kinda is unacceptable, we're paying for this service now. A little bit of foresight would be very nice.

Also, am i allowed to just post beta codes here in the thread? I have 2 spare.

There should be a link to the Beta Code giveaway/beg thread in the OP or in the first couple of results when searching. Will edit with it. Edit: Here you go

And I can't agree with putting it on PSN. Yes, server tech in all cases (PSN, Xbox Live, Origin, Blizzard, etc) still have a ways to go in handling these surges in activity. But Bungie was the party responsible for breaking up the activity through waves and preloads, rather than opening the floodgates and leaving it at that.


By the sounds of it, people are getting random speed boosts. I bloody hope so as I am not gonna be able to finish this download otherwise.


I managed to get to the point where I could enter my beta code and hit download only to then be greeted with an error code.

Now, the game won't appear in my downloads and I get another error code when I try to re-enter my beta code. If it turns out that I've just wasted one of my three then I'll be seriously pissed.


For people getting kicked from PSN Store: When you get the error message, DOUBLE TAP THE PS BUTTON to go to XMB.

Then, DOUBLE TAP AGAIN to go back to the Store. You may get the error again, but KEEP DOUBLE TAPPING IN AND OUT.

Pressing circle closes the store, while double tapping keeps it open in the background (I think)

You will eventually make progress without having to start the launch of the PSN store all over again (by double tapping PS button instead of circle)

Keep this in mind for future betas.

The double tapping at least got me into the store, now to get to the download.


Well I managed to redeem one of my codes on the PSN website (I'm at work) but I'm not having any luck getting the download queue to load. I left my PS4 in stand by but it may not matter and I'll have to wait till later on tonight to get it to download.
I managed to get to the point where I could enter my beta code and hit download only to then be greeted with an error code.

Now, the game won't appear in my downloads and I get another error code when I try to re-enter my beta code. If it turns out that I've just wasted one of my three then I'll be seriously pissed.

You didn't waste it. I entered the same code like 8 times and errored 7 times even though the code went through. You can keep using that code until hitting "Confirm" on the download finally works.
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