Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Only thing still worrying me about this game is content. Those campaign missions were crazy short... please tell me I didn't get through all the story missions on Earth in under an hour. That's absurd.

Edit: Omg lol googled it. Yeah nevermind... Nothing to worry about.


I'm kind of taking my time with it. Yesterday I did the intro mission and then the mission that ends with the fight vs. the Archon.

Today I made a new character (Warlock) and played through killing the Wizard, plus a public event.

Haven't even sampled PvP yet.


I think you were too excited getting on your semantic soapbox to pick up on the actual comment. If you still take it given that beta and demo are interchangable, it's still a valid question given the amount that this beta/demo are sectioning off content wise. There aren't a lot of RPGs where you can feel out the entirety of its systems within the first 8 levels. That's like making a judgement call on the amount of content in WoW only playing its starting zones.

That's pretty much how I feel about this game right now and so far I've made it to level 8 with warlock and the game seems enjoyable. Right now with the amount of content in the beta it's really hard to tell how deep this game will get. I kept thinking about some of the things I didn't like much and then think well this might change as stats increase or with customizations.

The game is pretty fun though, I really like the boss fights they are pretty interesting and require a lot of team work. When I was playing alone it felt like an average shooter but as soon as you start grouping the difficulty ramps up and each firefight can get pretty tense. I think Bungie did a good job with the AI, I've noticed them finding alternate routes, ambushing and straight up rushing it's pretty well done.

The warlock class is pretty good although the rate that the specials recharge are too slow in my opinion but that could obviously change when you skill up further. I did not like the warlock's glide mechanic it is extremely floaty and feels very awkward, I would have preferred a more heavier/snappy movement almost like something in Titanfall where it feels quick and handles nicely. I do like how the vehicles handle, I always loved the way Bungie did vehicle in Halo and they've managed to do a good job with the ones in Destiny.

Other than that some minor nitpicks would be having more loot to find around each area.I searched around a lot and sometimes I would find something but there certainly could be more. Some ammo drops around from time to time would be nice, I found that once the tougher fights started I ran out of ammo often and with poor communication getting some more can be tough in a multiple person group.

The music is nice and the look of the game is fantastic I really like the world and can't wait to see more of it.The main hub world is alright but nothing special but that's something that may benefit from more people when the game launches. I also can't wait for armor dye. The color combinations in the beta don't do the armor look justice and no one wants dirty yellow pants lol.

I'm gonna try out hunter next and see how that plays and I also need to try out PVP tomorrow at some point.
Finally got my Uncommon shotty! The last round in the clip is more powerful and it reloads insanely fast. Love this shit.

Been playing non stop today since 3:00pm and will do so again tomorrow.

Funny thing is haven't even thought about PVP. Absolutely no care in the world for it. Sad that the only special event they will have looks to be some PVP junk. Hopefully the 26th will be a lv. Increase and a RAID mission


So stats like strength, intellect and discipline only has to do with your skill and not actual power of the character?

Faster cool down is making you more powerful. But besides those cool down reduction, no it doesn't do anything else. It's powerful enough as it is, in my opinion.


I'm gonna take a break, gotta question: What's the best place to get loot at level 8? I still don't have a decent heavy machine gun, scout rifle, or fully auto rifle. I'm assuming going through Devil's Lair or the Array Mission on hard.


I'm gonna take a break, gotta question: What's the best place to get loot at level 8? I still don't have a decent heavy machine gun, scout rifle, or fully auto rifle. I'm assuming going through Devil's Lair or the Array Mission on hard.

Check both vendor (the gunsmith and crypto something). Run Devil's Lair on level 8 difficulty.


I know you can sell your "spin metal" the one on the left at one of stores in the tower.

really sell or just trade in for vanguard/crucible points? i found only the trade in ...

at the end of the beta i put all in the vault hoping i can keep it - but on the other side, i guess it's more crap compared to things in the full game in september ...


Up here in my tree...

If any other game plans on releasing in September they may as well announce a delay and ship some other time. This game will consume the gamer fanbase for awhile I think. I don't even much get into FPS generally but this fuckin game right here is just amazing.

I've been working to put together just the right suit for the past 4 hours or so. Just getting everything to Strength enhance on my Hunter and making sure the gear compliments my shotty and pistol and such. Slow go but each new piece that decreases my grenade cooldown or melee cooldown is worth it.

D i Z

And here we lament the quiet days when Destiny stood on its own legs, and not on recycled memories of Halo play. If anything is going to bring this giant to its knees, it'll be these needless call backs to things completely unrelated.
My friends and I just played two PvP games. We were just talking and not really paying attention. At 12 am is apparently when all the serious teams play because we were completely butt stomped dominated by these teams that play completely like an actual team. It was ridiculous. Apparently we can't attempt to play this late unless we have 6 people and are serious.

Also 1 am Destiny Tower is hilarious. So much dancing and mass lemmings suicide. I love players in this game.


Honestly, the AI doesn't feel as challenging as Halo 3 or Reach on Heroic, let alone Legendary. It feels more like Borderlands.

I still really enjoy Destiny a lot, but at least in the beta, the AI is not on the same level as Bungie's previous games.
My friends and I just played two PvP games. We were just talking and not really paying attention. At 12 am is apparently when all the serious teams play because we were completely butt stomped dominated by these teams that play completely like an actual team. It was ridiculous. Apparently we can't attempt to play this late unless we have 6 people and are serious.

Also 1 am Destiny Tower is hilarious. So much dancing and mass lemmings suicide. I love players in this game.

Basically this. I wanted to play with randoms casually because I as done talking to people and half of the GAF team from earlier shows up and fucks me and the randoms.


I'm at level 4 right now. I feel I should be impressed with this game more than just technically but I'm not. It's actually quite boring IMO


I love all the pulsating options the Titan has: the pulse grenade and the pulsating after a Titan smash. I've gotten so many kills after I died just because they stick around it. It's hilarious. Can't sleep on that.


really sell or just trade in for vanguard/crucible points? i found only the trade in ...

at the end of the beta i put all in the vault hoping i can keep it - but on the other side, i guess it's more crap compared to things in the full game in september ...

No idea wasn't paying that much attention. ;)


And here we lament the quiet days when Destiny stood on its own legs, and not on recycled memories of Halo play. If anything is going to bring this giant to its knees, it'll be these needless call backs to things completely unrelated.

It plays a good bit like halo. That's a good thing. Wish the ADS didn't exist though. I hate ADS, it restricts player movement.


I love the ''activate fan'' button in the Tower

I'm at level 4 right now. I feel I should be impressed with this game more than just technically but I'm not. It's actually quite boring IMO

I felt the game was okay but then I started playing through the missions and multiplayer with a friend and it's much better that way. If you're not talking and playing co-op it loses a lot of its lustre.


Play the Strike at level 6. If you think it's boring after that then I don't think this is for you.

I actually played it as part of a fireteam even though I'm level 4 (got an invite). Decent but I'm just not feeling the game for some reason

I just don't know that a shooter works as an MMO-type game


I felt the game was okay but then I started playing through the missions and multiplayer with a friend and it's much better that way. If you're not talking and playing co-op it loses a lot of its lustre.

Game with a significant online component aren't meant to be fully enjoyed alone indeed. You can solo with a character to max level, but you will need a group or clan to tackle on the harder strike or raid. PvP is currently relegated to team play, but it should eventually be better once all mode are enabled in the retail version (since there's a free for all mode and vehicles should spawn in their own mode).
So stats like strength, intellect and discipline only has to do with your skill and not actual power of the character?

Apparently yeah.

As a Hunter, Strength affects my throwing knife (which I admit is almost useless for me) while intellect affects the cool down of my golden gun and Discipline affects the cool down of my grenades. Both much more useful than Strength apparently.
Apparently yeah.

As a Hunter, Strength affects my throwing knife (which I admit is almost useless for me) while intellect affects the cool down of my golden gun and Discipline affects the cool down of my grenades. Both much more useful than Strength apparently.

True, yet most uncommon armour pieces have high str attributes than the other 2. :(
Had a pretty humbling experience with crucible tonight... I've learned the folly of playing late at night with randoms. Got fucked over worse than I have since the very first multiplayer game I played when I was twelve... ;_;


Love this game!
I play it on PS3 and oh man, the graphics are definitely an "experience" after weeks of playing PC and Wii U only, but I got used to them fairly quickly. Will buy on PS3 and PS4 later or (hopefully) PC.
The alpha had way better loot, and more glimmer to experiment at the cryptarch.

Beta loot chests only give 125 or so glimmer, and there is no cash reward for completing the quests :(
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