Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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They should just release the game now and be done with it, I'm enjoying myself but there's not enough content for my taste lol. I know I'll be saying the same once the game is out :D

Also the MP maps are all shitty so far


This event isn't going well, haven't seen any of the new maps (fuck the moon!) and any match where my team doesn't lose I disconnect, woe is me, etc. ;)
Hrm... i'd like to say PVP is balanced but if someone has a decent AR it's just way OP right now.

New maps make this worse as they are tighter areas than Moon.


Neo Member
Tried the Iron Banner and got a hand cannon, Timur's Lash, a level 20 monster with an attack of 358.

Three hundred and fifty fucking eight.

Bungie, you teasing bastards!


Loving the pvp. This is probably the most I've played pvp-wise in a console for a long time. I'm interested in seeing how abilities flesh out later.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
So how do rewards for this work? Do I have to talk to someone to get stuff or is it just stuff from you crucible? Can I talk to the guy at the tower after playing or is he gone in 2 hrs?
Has Bungie ever talked about why the love radars/motion trackers in multiplayer? I'd love to hear from one their designers why they put them in.


Really not a fan of the Moon map with the vehicles. Much prefer the other two maps.

I hope there's a way to bypass maps like that


Finally the new map, had most captures and my best K/D yet .8! haha I'm bad but I'm a team player. I hate the people that just ride around in vehicles the whole time.
My character looks different on the Character screen than it does in gameplay (my character has a helmet when I pause, but when I'm just running around it's the normal face), and it seems like my equipped gear isn't showing up on my pause screen character model.


After a day of playing the beta I have to say I love this game. I dont do PVP, just the main mode. It convinced me to preorder the limited edition.

Does anyone know what exclusive content the PS version has? Own both consoles but getting X1 version to play with friends.


My character looks different on the Character screen than it does in gameplay (my character has a helmet when I pause, but when I'm just running around it's the normal face), and it seems like my equipped gear isn't showing up on my pause screen character model.
Are you in the tower?


Because after Reach and Halo 4 people wanted something more like the older Halo games they loved. Instead we got something much worse.

They said it's not Halo, that it wasn't going to be anything like Halo, so for you to have the hope that it would play like older Halo games completely went against them telling you it wasn't going to be like Halo and set yourself up for disappointment.

Despite some balancing issues I've been enjoying PvP as much as I enjoyed Halo 2's multi, which is a lot.
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