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Destiny |OT| Home of Frabjous Guardians

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Bold One



Sexy ...

man, that grill really cramps the style


Watching this Faction gear video and Future War Cult is my absolute everything. I know I throw the word WipEout around a lot but HOLY MOLY IT IS SO DAMN WIPEOUT.

And their helm. My god. It's perfect.

Right? FWC immediately became my dudes when I saw their logo and emblems.

XL da gawd
My hype is rising to unhealthy levels. I can't wait for midnight Monday anymore.
I can't.

Btw, anyone else using this Upgrade deal? I'm picking up my PS4 version at Midnight and some Xbox Store Cash Cards so I can get the Digital 360 version and One version for the price of one to play with all of my friends.
Thank you,


Man there is gonna be an overflow of titans lol might start a warlock just to be different :)

It's all right man. If you need a break from the fighting and saving the world, you go on and relax with the civilians. Not everyone is cut out to PUNCH ENEMIES IN THE FUCKING FACE and you know you don't have to feel bad about that, okay? If anyone even glances at you WE WILL KNEE THEM TO BLOODY OBLIVION. We got your back, buddy, you go on and have a nap now. There there. Don't worry about us, we'll just be SCREAMING INTO THE FACE OF THE DARKNESS YOU SUCKERS WAIT TILL I'LL SHOTGUN YOU IN THE FACE AAAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU CRETINS FEEL MY WRATH!!!


You want to be different? Then make a difference. Choosing another class out of three that millions of people will be choosing isn't going to make you any more different.

Just do the right thing. I worry about you. We all worry about you. Are you gonna be okay? Please let us know you're going to be okay.


Er, I just want to say I just became a full member with that last post. I like it, I like it a lot. I love this game and it hasn't even come out yet.


I played as a Warlock for the Alpha and Beta but the Hunter really has me interested. Are hunters based on long range combat? That cape is amazing.


I like the aluminum sticks but there's no way I'm doing this. I'm 100% guaranteed to not be able to put the controller back together and break the damn thing.

Honestly it doesn't look that bad at all to do in terms of diffculty. It's like building a computer!



Man I'm fucking Livid right now.... Not only did I cancel my amazon order this morning, which I had Prime at the time and had free Day of release delivery. I go to fucking SHITSTOP, which is fucking 45 mintues away, wait 25 minutes the three employees there are no older than 20. Finally I give him my number info and whatnot and he clicks the preroder button or whatever, and says there is an X there soo no more preorders -_______________________________________- He says they have a bunch extras though, so come Monday about 5 hours before and wait til a manager is there..... I called the day before they said YES!.... MOTHERFUCKERS. Really fucking tried of stupid ass employees. I then go the the Walmart right next door and the fucking electronics manager isnt even there, and no one their even know if they will get the white console or not... Good thing I dont have Prime anymore and if I got with amazon now have to wait my whole fucking day off, I now have to pay $20 more for Day of Release Delivery...
fuck my small ass town -_-


XB1 analog sticks. And they're damn sexy on a PS4 controller.

Edit; Damn, aluminum? That's damn cool.
Holy shit. I NEED to do this. Both ps4 controller joysticks are falling apart to the point that they feel like off-brand player 2 embarrassment controllers.

Not the Xbox One analog sticks.

be careful to unplug the ribbon cables carefully, and from the start to eleminate risk of unplugging the sides that are covered.
While taking apart the controller, press the L2 and R2 buttons to make the underside shell come off a little easier.
unplug the battery, and take it out, there is one screw holding the rest of the controller together(5 screws in total after the 4 shell screws).
The logic board should only be wiggled out after you have unplugged the ribbon cable I warned you about.
Now, you have access to the analog thumb sticks.
They are not glued, but are on pretty tight, so use reasonable force, with a little wiggle.

place the desired thumb sticks on, and put back together.
If you mess something up, it can likely be fixed, but remember: There are no repair/replacement parts to buy online if you actually break something.
If you have not taken any electronics apart in the past, this is a bit close to intermediate levels, but is doable. Just be warned, it aynt all that easy.

Clips hold the controller together, so after you unscrew the 4 screws, you will need to push/pull the shells apart, starting on the handle side.

Man I'm fucking Livid right now.... Not only did I cancel my amazon order this morning, which I had Prime at the time and had free Day of release delivery. I go to fucking SHITSTOP, which is fucking 45 mintues away, wait 25 minutes the three employees there are no older than 20. Finally I give him my number info and whatnot and he clicks the preroder button or whatever, and says there is an X there soo no more preorders -_______________________________________- He says they have a bunch extras though, so come Monday about 5 hours before and wait til a manager is there..... I called the day before they said YES!.... MOTHERFUCKERS. Really fucking tried of stupid ass employees. I then go the the Walmart right next door and the fucking electronics manager isnt even there, and no one their even know if they will get the white console or not... Good thing I dont have Prime anymore and if I got with amazon now have to wait my whole fucking day off, I now have to pay $20 more for Day of Release Delivery...
fuck my small ass town -_-

You never cancel the current order until the new order is confirmed. Rookie mistake. You've no one to blame but yourself. May the Traveler have mercy on your soul.


Those look great. Do they feel the same as the stock thumbsticks in terms of tension and resistance when using them?

They feel really good to me. Havent noticed any ill effects by changing them.
The tension is the same, and I feel no extra, or less resistance than before.



Man I'm fucking Livid right now.... Not only did I cancel my amazon order this morning, which I had Prime at the time and had free Day of release delivery. I go to fucking SHITSTOP, which is fucking 45 mintues away, wait 25 minutes the three employees there are no older than 20. Finally I give him my number info and whatnot and he clicks the preroder button or whatever, and says there is an X there soo no more preorders -_______________________________________- He says they have a bunch extras though, so come Monday about 5 hours before and wait til a manager is there..... I called the day before they said YES!.... MOTHERFUCKERS. Really fucking tried of stupid ass employees. I then go the the Walmart right next door and the fucking electronics manager isnt even there, and no one their even know if they will get the white console or not... Good thing I dont have Prime anymore and if I got with amazon now have to wait my whole fucking day off, I now have to pay $20 more for Day of Release Delivery...
fuck my small ass town -_-

Couldn't you just go digital?


I'd find it interesting to see if the class ratio will be different between the two player-bases. Like, I wonder if more Xbox players will roll Titan because of the obvious Halo similarities, and will PS players roll more Lock and Hunter...or will it be similar across all platforms.


I'd find it interesting to see if the class ratio will be different between the two player-bases. Like, I wonder if more Xbox players will roll Titan because of the obvious Halo similarities, and will PS players roll more Lock and Hunter...or will it be similar across all platforms.

I thought there was a thread about what class everyone was playing and a mod shut it down saying he'd put a poll here on the OT? Or did I read it wrong?
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