Holy Hell, only 6 more sleeps 'till I get my White PS4 Destiny bundle! Am hype!
anyone else here getting it on 360? I own an xbone and ps4...my last gen irl friends are holding me back
Got more avatars for peeps, if they want to rep GAF, Xbox or PlayStation.
For some reason the black version isn't quite as clean.
I can also do any variation at request.
So why are the chances that we would bump into server problems? I hope not :[
Oh, and I need a volunteer to take care of my job, wife, house and dog for the coming 1 year atleast, thanks.
I noticed some people saying the download was 18 gig but on the Australian store it shows 31 gig?
Is this going to be one of those games where you download more after opening the game? Wasn't the beta like that too?
only the reuse ones,
the important single item ones like vangaurd armory access and weapon/armor ones aren't.
What codes are reusable? Is they the Grimoire cards and the Emblem stuff from Planet Viewer?
Vanguard Armory is included in every pre-order
not in UK its not, exclusive to game for the physical SE version, only the LE and above have it across the board in UK.
What codes are reusable? Is they the Grimoire cards and the Emblem stuff from Planet Viewer?
God I hate GAME..
Now, this will probably sound paranoid but, now that I noticed someone else has brought it up, did the preload download and install unusually fast for anyone else? I can't help but feel as if the whole thing didn't download right and the OS merely thinks it did.
they have a monopoly across most of the UK though, not many small independants left in bricks and motar,
grainger games, cex and thats about it.
I do most of mine from GamestopUk now, seem cheap and post fast,
gameseek and simplygames are a bit meh charge postage as well on top.
Shopto started out OK but now are just as bad as game as far as I can see, not cheap anymore.
Amazon, hit and miss with me.
Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
I will. While Hunter is my main I wouldn't mind using the others. Especially since the raids will have lockouts. When one character is locked out hop on another. Also trophies /achievements for getting each class fully upgraded.Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
I do a mixture of Amazon, ShopTo and Tesco
not in UK its not, exclusive to game for the physical SE version, only the LE and above have it across the board in UK.
I've done that amount of time on a single disgaea game, it builds up pretty fast after you have been playing a game for awhile. Heck look at veteran LoL or Dota players time played or your average mmorpg player and the numbers are shocking.500 hours, wow!
I got to play a tiny bit of the beta on a friend's console when visiting on a beach trip. So jealous of you guys.
Dude straight looks like he came out of a character creator.
Yeah , goog luck on that !
500 hours, wow!
I think I will eventually try all of them because I would hate to miss out on a subclass I could potentially end up loving
Not sure if it was posted, but the Target Cartwheel app has Destiny for 10% off. Any console.
For those picking up on launch day in store.
Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)
got the eldest sons PS4 version coming from Tesco's, hopefully with the free headset or else he's shot it for talking, broke both his and mine PS4 mono ones.
Thing I don't like about tesco's is they take the money straight away.
I've done that amount of time on a single disgaea game, it builds up pretty fast after you have been playing a game for awhile. Heck look at veteran LoL or Dota players time played or your average mmorpg player and the numbers are shocking.
If it will sell millions (probably it will) the gaming industry is gonna see something like "hey, we don't have problems with online only games, so please, make more of them".
Is anyone else going to eventually level all classes and subclasses? That's what I tend to do. I usually have one main that I do endgame stuff with, but I try to get everything up to max level so I have a better understanding how everyone else plays.
It's going to be really interesting to see how much time that takes. I put 500 hours into Diablo 3 getting all the initial classes up to 60 @_@ (currently doing the same thing in FFXIV.)