I think like $5-10.
But you also get a few perks.
Yup, individually each expansion is 19.99 each. But the Digital Guardian edition is 89.99 and includes both expansions, plus some free weapons and a ship.
I think like $5-10.
But you also get a few perks.
i made another dum gif
That is pretty cool.
Nice!i made another dum gif
Got my copy preordered in Yodobashi Akiba yesterday. Looking forward to the release on the 11th!
Wondering how easy it will be for me to make a trustworthy fireteam out here in Japan.
i made another dum gif
Honestly, I'd like to point out SWTOR's initial offering of space combat, which was a fairly boring on-rails mode that didn't live up to expectations as a great reason why Bungie shouldn't even consider Space Combat unless they have a really clear vision of how to build it and an engine that's capable of delivering it in a fun way.
I get that people want it but I'd rather they focus on improving and adding more content that they already do well instead of devoting resources to adding a game mode that could realistically not end up being much fun for the sake of having added it.
Got my copy preordered in Yodobashi Akiba yesterday. Looking forward to the release on the 11th!
Wondering how easy it will be for me to make a trustworthy fireteam out here in Japan.
If I was still living there, I'd totally play with you.
Whoa, I just realized, Dax has not posted in the OT at all since it went up today.
Join us.Got my copy preordered in Yodobashi Akiba yesterday. Looking forward to the release on the 11th!
Wondering how easy it will be for me to make a trustworthy fireteam out here in Japan.
Whoa, I just realized, Dax has not posted in the OT at all since it went up today.
Go on...
Newsweek of all things published a special Destiny issue. It covers lore, classes, locations etc. It's pretty slick and a nice primer to the game. Most places that carry magazines have had it around here.
Is it too late to preorder from gamestop?
My friendly criticism would be that the font is too busy. Or maybe what I really mean is its just not to my taste. Hmm...i made another dum gif
What happened to the Dax Conglomerate?
Hello newb question here. Is there any point in me playing if I'm not good at FPS? I've only beat Halo and Halo 2, and I got to level 7 in halo 2 multi before it got too hard and frustrating to play. The whole shared world sounds cool tho and I think id be able to play the storyline by myself ok, I just don't know how much id miss out on if I don't play multi as much.
Got my copy preordered in Yodobashi Akiba yesterday. Looking forward to the release on the 11th!
Wondering how easy it will be for me to make a trustworthy fireteam out here in Japan.
What's this GoogleMaps promote about? Guise???
I've been drunk off my ass in New Orleans for Southern Decadence for five days. Forgive me! I missed shit!
Destiny is the start of a 10 year adventure. I sucked at FPS games when I started Halo 1 way back when.Hello newb question here. Is there any point in me playing if I'm not good at FPS? I've only beat Halo and Halo 2, and I got to level 7 in halo 2 multi before it got too hard and frustrating to play. The whole shared world sounds cool tho and I think id be able to play the storyline by myself ok, I just don't know how much id miss out on if I don't play multi as much.
In the post beta OT someone linked a google docs with a survey/stats.How many of you are getting Destiny for X1?
This is grimore card of what I assume and others as well. Is the first contact with the Darkness. Put in spoilers for those that haven't seen it yet.Question about lore: how is there not any documents of what happened during the Golden Age? Did it all happen over night? How did they not know they were being attacked. Did people just die?
Ghost Fragment: Darkness:
V113NNI070XMX001 SECRET HADAL INSTANT AI-COM/RSPN: SOLSECCENT//SxISR//DEEPSPACE CONTACT CONTACT CONTACT TRANSIENT. NULLSOURCE. NULLTYPE. This is a SKYSHOCK ALERT. Multiple distributed ISR assets report a TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT. Event duration ZERO POINT THREE SECONDS. Event footprint includes sterile neutrino scattering and gravity waves. Omnibus analysis detects deep structure information content (nine sigma) and internal teleonomy. No hypothesis on event mechanism (FLAG ACAUSAL). Bootstrap simulation suggests event is DIRECTED and INIMICABLE (convergent q-Bayes/Monte Carlo probability approaches 1). No hypothesis on deep structure encoding (TCC/NP-HARD). Source blueshift suggests IMMINENT SOLAR ENTRY. Promote event to SKYSHOCK: OCP: EXTINCTION. Activate VOLUSPA. Activate YUGA. Cauterize public sources to SECURE ISIS and harden for defensive action. I am invoking CARRHAE WHITE and assuming control of solar defenses. STOP STOP STOP V113NNI070XMX091
Probably so she could afford that dress...Confirmed, DAX canceled her pre-order and has abandoned the Destiny GAF community.
In the post beta OT someone linked a google docs with a survey/stats.
As of like 12pm earlier today, it was like 160 XB1 players and 500+ PS4 players.
I'm going XB1 myself, already have it preloaded. Cancelled my LE PS4 copy from amazon.
Nice OT! Can someone explain me the story of the sub title? I dont get it sadly.
Tell the Warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
Nice OT! Can someone explain me the story of the sub title? I dont get it sadly.