Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Not to derail the thread or anything, but if I enjoy both Borderlands games, I will most likely enjoy Destiny. In terms of story, atmosphere, graphics and game play, which game handles those facets better (from what you've played?
Borderlands is too condensed with content,it's just heavy with everything it offers
Meaning half the shit you get is just vendored away or not even picked up (weapons/skins/mods)
The missions are set on a Diabloesque chain quest, side missions are more of the same just in those zones (plenty of fetching stuff, protect an area, kill certain types in an area)
The thing that works for Borderlands is it's lightheartedness and the meme factor of being Pop culture influenced (either they borrow jokes and infuse them into quests or they try to create something for the public to show off)
It's almost too much clutter for it's own good, if they would remove even 25% of it, game would be more enjoyable, there too much there to digest
Destiny on other hand streamlines the process
There are nice amount of weapons, but it isn't on the bazillion level scale
There is rarity involved, but guns go up tier wise, and the thing that sets them apart are the talents you can upgrade and the feature the guns offer, the same gun gotten twice might have different features
The game on the story side is broken into different sections of a meal
Main Story is the Meat, Strikes your Mashed Potatoes, Patrol your bread (too much carbs yo'!), and Raid your Desert
You have the options to choose where you start and how to finish up the meal
Game tries to stay within the Universe, does not to break the 4th wall by winking at the player through certain actions
So Destiny = Streamlined, Borderlands = Cluttered