I would agree about it being enticing had it not been nerfed a lot. Now it sounds like a shell of its former self, maybe a slight nuisance if someone else gets it. I loved the interceptor, but would be more likely to just try to get rid of it than actually use it now(again, unless it's not as bad as they make it sound).
I was honestly fond of the moon map as it was, and just felt a lot of people wanted to play it differently than it was designed to be played x.x Or didn't bother understanding it, like the fact I was never once charged into by another interceptor, while in an interceptor or a turret. Interceptors could take others out, and turrets, via their tackle in one hit. Yet no one bothered to try it on me. To me, it just goes to show people didn't understand things they could do.
Edit: My opinion is that people didn't understand the interceptor, as it was, enough. Taking it out seemed harder than it was because of that and it seemed too OP. But as a user of the interceptor I realized tactics that commonly worked against me, and things I could overcome like turrets that weren't on raised platforms. Always fun to charge into a turret =p
Also the ability to take pikes into buildings made the map fun x.x It was different but people didn't like that I guess.