Just keep stockpiling and don't forget to dismantle the ever living shit out of everything!
You will need those weapon parts/cloths, if you have stockpiles, you will save yourself such a huge headache for level 20+ stuff
I remember I earned like 65+ weapon parts from buying so many weapons from the Cryptacrch while leveling him up, you can only buy up to 9 per purchase rotation
Also for my loop, learn all the places were Spinmetal can spawn, there's at least roughly 7 spots I know of it can spawn, so yeah, need those too!
You can trade them in for marks for Crucible or Vanguard in 40 stacks, but save those shits at the start, cause guns quickly start requesting material @ level 10+ when Blue (Rare) stuff starts dropping
I grinded in the BETA just to get as much info as I could so I have a nice head start from others who will be a little aloof, *TRADE SECRETS*
Some things I still haven't mentioned =D