problem is those changes will make it severely OP in PVP.
I just got it the other day and it WRECKS.
This isn't a good idea unless those changes are for PvE only, which I'd sort of oppose. I understand that guns should be balanced separately, but I'd prefer that apply only to values- damage, accuracy, range- rather than mechanical things that affect how a gun FEELS to use. Both a bigger clip and shorter reload and Thorn would be one of the absolute best guns in the game out of the box; any of the various builds we've crafted to cater to it would suddenly become seriously OP. It's a nasty weapon.
As far as the debuff, I have to imagine they experimented with various versions and this was the only one that didn't make it completely dominant.
Honestly, I think best approach is just to significantly improve its damage in PvE, both to its shots and the DoT effect. The low clip and massive reload time- those are Thorn, those are what you accept to wield it. It should do crazy damage for each one of those shots you connect with, and really make you feel the reload when you're down to that last bullet, unless you build around it- which, if using Thorn seriously, you should.
Yeah i get and respect where you guys are coming from.
I agree that in PvP it is possibly one of the best guns to use.
However it does lack in other areas massively such as reload and stability. Both of which can be upgraded dependant on what perk you choose to run with on your gun.
For PvE it needs an overhaul, it needs to be putting out enough damage with those 6 bullets to counter the long reload.
For me personally, i would change the way the DoT works, allow it to refresh per hit, that way, when you connect with your final bullet in your clip, you will still be carrying out damage during the long reload.
I feel that is the fairest and simplest way to make the gun operate.
It should feel powerful.
It should be better than the legendary options.
It should be at least on par with TLW.
It should really make you have to think, right, should i use this for VoG? At the moment, the answer is a resounding no as there are many many better options out there.
As for Bad Juju? That gun is just so broke it ain't even funny