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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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all pvp, it's terrible, I just forgot how bad it was.

IB right now for me is everyone hanging back with sniper rifles especially the ice breaker because of ammo regen, and just popping shots, or if someone is running around they most likely have an AR in their hand.

Ice Breaker is terrible in pvp. Too slow to fire. Those snipers should be easy to deal with. Grab a faster sniper or use cover and sneak up on them.

ARs, Handcannons, Scout Rifles are all super viable. There are a few decent Pulse Rifles too. You're deifnitely not restricted to ARs in your primary slot to be competitive.



Farmed 112 Relic Iron.

Absolutely mind numbing. At least Corrective Measure and Suros are now maxed.

I just got Field Scout for CM. Gonna tear it up in IB with Suros. Played 4 games this morning and only lost one cuz a few asshats were basically camping a few spots for kills rather than capturing. It was a close game so if they had captured, it would've been an easy win.




Just like I figured it looks like it will be a grind to get the Iron Banner Gauntlets (Rank 4). I played IB a *lot* last time it was going and I'm still only half way to Rank 2.

And they know most people will be in my position because their bounties last time around was pure ass and nigh impossible to complete. eff off bungie

Going to give this a shot anyway. Got nothing to lose. my new games still in the mail and crap. So I got time


Rerolled a Lash. Got increased reload speed with precision kills, field scout, misses can return to magazine. All counter the low mag problem it has. Amazing.


So these are the only two weapons that are going to be available this week for Iron Banner right?

I wanted that Machine Gun.


By the way, is there a list of the new Iron Banner bounties?
App and website are still not showing the vendors...

They're not so stupid anymore. I only picked two since I wanna complete the other PVP ones. One of them is get 10k exp in IB and another is get 20 HS with ARs. Pretty easy.



Lol. From rank 2 to 3 already takes 2400 rep. With 3 hours each night? Not a chance. You get 66 rep on win and doing all 6 bounties give you about 750 rep. Those numbers are with the 33% bonus rep.

Figured, haha.

I need the boots in my Titan to hit 30 and the gauntlets for my Hunter to hit 30.

Titan boots first since Titan is my main. And since all rep is reset after each event then there really isn't much point in attempting to level up another character.

Might as well just focus on 1 character for each IB event.


slept with Malkin
It'll be fixed later anyway. Don't worry about it.

ah cool

Going to check out a match of IB to see how different it really is. Anyone want to get an Xbox One Gaf group together later today?

EDIT: Amazing, I love fucking join in progress and get put on a team that is loosing by 7000+ with 5 minutes left. Fuck you, assholes.


They're not so stupid anymore. I only picked two since I wanna complete the other PVP ones. One of them is get 10k exp in IB and another is get 20 HS with ARs. Pretty easy.
Doesn't sound too bad. I'm not really great at pvp, and only 28 at the moment (reserving my shards to reach 28 with my warlock alt first before pumping them into 29), so those bounties could really help me level up the faction a bit. And I must do some pvp for an exotic bounty, so I'll give Iron Banner a try...
For those who haven't played their first IB match yet. Here is a heads up.


Figured, haha.

I need the boots in my Titan to hit 30 and the gauntlets for my Hunter to hit 30.

Titan boots first since Titan is my main. And since all rep is reset after each event then there really isn't much point in attempting to level up another character.

Might as well just focus on 1 character for each IB event.

I don't know what the rep requirement from rank 1 to 2 is, but four days of doing just bounties (600 rep a day) gets you rank (2400 rep) in IB. So if the requirement from 1 to 2 isn't that high you might be able to get away with doing just the bounties every day for your titan to get your boots since those only need rank 3. Focus the rest of your time on your Hunter. It should be doable especially with the tempered buff you can use (use it later in the week). It's gonna be like a second job though.


Figured, haha.

I need the boots in my Titan to hit 30 and the gauntlets for my Hunter to hit 30.

Titan boots first since Titan is my main. And since all rep is reset after each event then there really isn't much point in attempting to level up another character.

Might as well just focus on 1 character for each IB event.

Can you buy the boots for other classes, or is it just for the current class?


So I reforged my Lash and now it's got increased reload on empty mag and crowd control. Then I can either get increased reload or range, thinking reload might be the best with the small mag (7 bullets) and the range is already pretty beastly on it. Question is, is crowd control gonna be viable with only a 7 round mag? Or shall I just reroll it?

Also, what's the best spot to farm glimmer?
Yep, suros and snipers everywhere, but hey, with a good team you can win, even if they are randoms, i roll with The Last Word, an Invisible Hand shotgun, and Corrective Measure machinegun, so far so good, but the camping is really tiresome sometimes, especially in Shores of Time ( people controlling C and sniping B) maybe i swap the machinegun with my Steel Oracle, it has tracking and that could be a really nasty surprise for those smart-asses.

Also, what's the best spot to farm glimmer?

I farm it in Earth, patrol, the 3 hive ultras that spawn in the left building using the black wax thing, it goes really fast.
Lol. They should just call IB, Campfest 2014. What an utter piece of shit mode this is. Woo hoo. One shot kills from 23's on me a 29. It is all sniper camps, auto rifles and fusion. Thanks for making hand cannons garbage before kicking off IB Bungie. Guess I should join the wankfest and fully level my Suros. Wooooooooooooo.

IB just makes the fuck awful PvP balancing that much worse.

Oh and to edit, fully leveled icebreaker still doesn't even one shot kill titans who are 6 levels below you. Awesome.

My Hawkmoon is shining brighter than when it catches the moonlight. You've just had some bad rounds, pvp is rng too. I'm not a pro FPS player but anything that stands in front of my Hawk goes down in 1-2 shots, 3 if I'm super sloppy.


Yep, suros and snipers everywhere, but hey, with a good team you can win, even if they are randoms, i roll with The Last Word, an Invisible Hand shotgun, and Corrective Measure machinegun, so far so good, but the camping is really tiresome sometimes, especially in Shores of Time ( people controlling C and sniping B) maybe i swap the machinegun with my Steel Oracle, it has tracking and that could be a really nasty surprise for those smart-asses.

I farm it in Earth, patrol, the 3 hive ultras that spawn in the left building using the black wax thing, it goes really fast.

Yep, both sides are using their best weapons and it's mainly Suros, TLW, Mythoclast and maybe some other wide variety of weapons I didn't recognize. But with a good team, it's not an issue and if you're higher level than some dudes, you can survive. No normalization crap.

Disappointed I haven't seen any low level 20 guys. I've only seen 26+. Hope they show up tonight. I wanna crush them!


Damn. My warlock is fucked. Titan boots, here I come.

Also it seems IB gear is just regular Legendary gear with the ability to hit 30 Light. I'll still want a complete raid gear set because for example raid boots give Heavy Ammo whereas the IB boots are just auto or scout right ammo for example.

Still, getting to 30 is infinitely more important.

Thank you IB.
My Hawkmoon is shining brighter than when it catches the moonlight. You've just had some bad rounds, pvp is rng too. I'm not a pro FPS player but anything that stands in front of my Hawk goes down in 1-2 shots, 3 if I'm super sloppy.

Fully leveled TDYK was taking over three shots for all enemies, equal and lower level. From a range advantage and getting the drop on them, three shots only took an equal 29 titan into his health, let alone near death. He of course one shot fusion rifled me from 30 yards away. Every weapon class I hate using, fusion, shotty and AR, are of course the OP PvP weapons. That is why I was so happy with Thorn before it got shitted on. It was finally a solid hand cannon for PvP. I wish I had the Hawkmoon :(


Also it seems IB gear is just regular Legendary gear with the ability to hit 30 Light. I'll still want a complete raid gear set because for example raid boots give Heavy Ammo whereas the IB boots are just auto or scout right ammo for example.

Still, getting to 30 is infinitely more important.

Thank you IB.

Yeah, those are my thoughts. I have the raid gloves for all of my classes, but I don't have the boots for my Titan and Warlock. I'll run the raid with my Titan, and if I get them, great. If not, I can always give IB a shot.

Deku Tree

Yep, both sides are using their best weapons and it's mainly Suros, TLW, Mythoclast and maybe some other wide variety of weapons I didn't recognize. But with a good team, it's not an issue and if you're higher level than some dudes, you can survive. No normalization crap.

Disappointed I haven't seen any low level 20 guys. I've only seen 26+. Hope they show up tonight. I wanna crush them!

Is MIDA or VoC any good for IB?


slept with Malkin
Definitely a difference this time around, second game 2.4kd and stomped the other team. Medallion idea makes this so much better, no one quit from the other team too. Going to play some Dragon Age, then jumping back on this tonight.

Also I didn't notice any camping that's out of the ordinary, but I've only played 2 matches so far.
A couple questions:

1) Should I use ascendent materials to upgrade my vendor bought legendary armor past the second defense upgrade?

2) At level 25 should I even bother with Iron Banner? I don't have any legendary or exotic weapons at this point.


I'm a big fan of high range stats on HC for PvP. That's why I love the Thorn so much. 62/100 range and pretty fast RoF. I really want one of these Timur's Leash handcannons to drop from the IB. The wiki says they have 70 range, that's insane. That, and the ability to re-roll the perks sounds awesome. Currently I'm using a vendor TDYK and it's really good for PvP, with Crowd Control it deals 99 damage a headshot.
For those who don't go on Reddit, take warning.

DO NOT BUY THE IRON BANNER BUFF TODAY!!!! It instantly activates. It is not a consumable, you know, like every other fucking thing in this game. No warning, just instantly turns on. It is unknown if we only get to buy one this entire week, or maybe one a day. Either way, lots of people bought it this morning, then went to work, and their possibly one time 12 hour buff just ticked away. The buff also gets stronger as the week progresses. So, sometime on the weekend is a good time to use it if we only get one.
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