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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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I'm almost finished with the story and I'm almost level 20! What should I expect in my future after I reach level 20??

Lots of hate... Towards the game, towards people that get the gear you want and you don't get it... then you will start to feel better think its ok roll an alt so you can do raids more than once a week and it starts all over again.

Destiny: "The only legal abusive relationship one can be in"


I'm starting the nightfall with my Titan. Feel free to join, anyone. I've done the weekly a few times already and the nightfall with my Warlock (self-res rocks) but I do not want to die alone.

Setting fireteam to public. Not wearing a mic either.

Deku Tree

Beginning Grimoire Hunting:
Okay, so step one is to identify what Dead Ghosts you are missing, as well as what Grimoire score you are missing. This is most easily done at DestinyTracker.com

For instance:

Use the [Missing Only] button at the top and see what I don't have. A quick scan shows that I need to generally play my Warlock and Hunter more and that I need to kill more Hydras and Ogres. Also, avoid Pulse Rifles if I can help it, since I have those maxed out already.

Now, if I Ctrl+F for Fragment, I see I'm missing 2 Dead Ghosts. Darkness 3, and Old Russia.

Now, we're going to compared that to this list here:

It looks like both of my missing cards are on Earth, so I'll use the link at the top of the google doc to find them. Earth 4 and Earth 11 in this video: http://bit.ly/rc_earth

Advanced Grimoire Hunting:
Most of the blocked off content in this game has a Dead Ghost floating around in it somewhere. While this ghost does not unlock any new Grimoire cards, it does add to your overall Grimoire Score. Here is where things get tricky.

You'll have to look up guides on how to break into areas that you shouldn't be in, some of them require teammates, so make note of that. Now, once you find out how to get into places, you're going to have to do some ghost hunting yourself. Thankfully most of the locations are small.

The most bang for your buck can be found in the Terminus. Basically a small jumping puzzle to get into, there are 3 easy to find Dead Ghosts in there.

Seraphim Vault (Part of the RAS-Bunker) has 1 ghost that I've found, but this area requires a second person to access. I've heard of a 2nd ghost here, but never seen one myself.

King's Watch I have never been in, but I've seen 2 ghosts in videos, and have heard of a 3rd. I'm wary to go into this location as apparently one of the dead ghosts actually awarded some players with a new ghost shell. Unfortunately, the Bungie BAN HAMMER scans for this and was banning accounts for obtaining said item. I believe you no longer receive the new Ghost Shell, but I stay away just in case. Not worth it in my Opinion.

Jovian Complex currently has no Ghosts in it.

The Black Garden secret area has no Ghosts in it.

I have not explored any of the Moon areas, as I figure I'll get to those in a couple of weeks anyway, and it's not worth the jumping puzzle headaches.

And that is pretty much everything I know about Grimoire score.

Wow! Thanks a lot!!!


The Cryptarch's Bane
From a story standpoint, I wonder if the mission designers were in communication with the writers.
My impression, I highly doubt it. In fact, I'd be absolutely shocked if the majority of missions were "storyboarded" in the traditional sense at all- there's no real sense of the narrative driving the encounter outside of a few select instances.

In general, the story missions play out as though the encounter designers were given an environment and instructed as to which types of enemies the player would be facing there, along with some notes on "how difficult" the fight should be. Then, the encounter having been crafted, a layer of narrative exposition from Dinklebot was layered on much like a coat of paint. The environment you're in and the context of what he's talking about make basic sense, and you're fighting the right types of enemies, but the "what he's talking about" part and the "fighting enemies" part don't mesh except on a very small number of occasions.

The narrative design of Destiny just doesn't seem to embrace the concept of a "set piece," like you'd find in... hell, any singleplayer campaign, whatsoever. Some of the fights themselves are actually quite well designed and compelling from a gameplay standpoint- but as you've noted, they interface almost negligibly with the plot points being offered at the time.

Another example would be the mission on Venus I can't remember the name of (REALLY boring name). The climax is where you find this little research station and Dinkle it, and then waves of Vex are spawning while he delivers some exposition that explain who the Vex are and why they're so threatening. The actual content of his words is fairly interesting stuff, and fighting Vex enemies is fun. However, the encounter/narrative interplay as presented is borderline gibberish. The premise is that your Ghost analyzing this information and stealing Vex secrets is attracting them and they're teleporting more and more stronger enemies to stop you. That could work, and the waves do ramp up in difficulty, but each time you complete a wave- literally upon killing the last enemy- Dinklebot is mystically cued to deliver the next little bit of information on them. If there is one Vex Goblin left alive and you just toy around with it for an hour, letting it chase you or dancing while it shoots feebly at you on a rooftop, the all-seeing, interconnected hivemind of the Vex don't think to teleport in a hundred Hobgoblins while you're waiting, nor does Dinklebot "hack" any information despite the luxurious amount of time afforded him. By the end of the fight, you've experienced a battle with even type of Vex enemy (besides the raid-specific ones), and learned a fair amount about the Vex in general, but there's basically no context connecting the two.

Basic story-driven campaign design would dictate that this mission should instead have been crafted to have you "hack" into, whatever, the Vex network, letting Dinklebot sift through the information about them he delivers in exposition, while also granting you access to a mysterious, defunct building or complex that actually housed whatever plot device necessary to move things along. Then, as you advance cautiously through it, Vex seem to appear out of nowhere in increasing density and strength despite the structure seeming to be abandoned. Goblins you put down in one shot and keep moving, but suddenly there are Minotaurs. Dinklebot's exposition, driven by how deep you had delved into the area (rather than having stayed in one place and defeated a certain number of enemies) would then lend an air of "learning your enemy" after each encounter- until you finally understand that the Vex aren't just independent robots mindlessly defending the area, but a partially-organic, mentally connected race which can divert resources to kill you, specifically, at will. This is what they were going for with the wave battle at the research station, but the encounter is so contrived that it just falls flat. In fact, this could have been totally combined with the preceding mission where you are first introduced to the Vex altogether, instead of a half-mast "second introduction" that spawns waves of each enemy type like they're being exhibited in a showroom.

There just wasn't much effort put into these story missions, which is a shame. Maybe Destiny 2 will have more of an inspired attempt at a campaign, but they're just not what is good about this one.






Man, you guys are making me want to stop at 20. But I can already feel the loot lust in my heart and I'm not even high level yet. I think I'm too hooked on the game to stop after I finish the story.


Looking to start a fresh normal raid on PS4.

Need 4 more, already have 2

PSN: ShinigamiFrost

I am level 29 warlock Sunsinger with maxed VoC, Icebreaker, Hezen's Vengeance, Gjallarhorn, Found Verdict.

My wife is a level 30 hunter with a slew of maxed weapons.

Still need one? 29 hunter here, maxed weapons

PSN: kitaj84


The Cryptarch's Bane
Man, you guys are making me want to stop at 20. But I can already feel the loot lust in my heart and I'm not even high level yet. I think I'm too hooked on the game to stop after I finish the story.
if you're having fun try your best to ignore the snarky responses -_- check out the guides in the OP if you're not sure what your next step is. I found the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable after 20 personally.
Man, you guys are making me want to stop at 20. But I can already feel the loot lust in my heart and I'm not even high level yet. I think I'm too hooked on the game to stop after I finish the story.

Stopping after doing the story would be doing yourself a disservice. Give the end game a try. You might hate it, or it just might hook you enough to put up with all the bullshit like the rest of us do.
That destinytracker.com site barely works for me. For example it shows my Grimoire score as 490 when it's actually over 1800. Is it just because of that bungie maintenance it talks about?



Keep seeing the invite when I have to step away.

Skipped the AR headshots bounty yesterday because fuck assault rifles.
Decided to do it today and switch to Suros for the first time in years. Maintained a high K/D, but seem to be getting more kills overall. Feels bad man.

Perun's Fusion Rifle achieved. Have to find out the perk bonuses. I have 80 motes, but still don't feel the need to burn them all.
It can change the element... Well that changes shit.


Thanks for all the responses guys. Even if I don't like the endgame grind I feel as though I've gotten my moneys worth out of Destiny. I've been having a blast with the story and the strikes, the shooting just feels phenomenal. I've also probably played this game more than any other on my ps4, so I'm a happy camper.


I'm almost finished with the story and I'm almost level 20! What should I expect in my future after I reach level 20??

Lots of pointless grinding for materials
Fun pvp in Crucible that won't help you anymore after you get to L29. Then it becomes pointless

Raid- which are fun and highly repeatable. Problem is the Casino slot machine will piss you off

You will probably learn to hate your fellow gaffers that hop in the thread to share stories about how they've been blessed by RNG.

And yet you will still be compelled to play due to the inner child inside of you that wants more loot. Activision/Bungie should go into the Casino business they'd make a killing!!

Good news is you are a fellow gaffer so you'll enjoy good teams and getting to know good folks. GAF makes Destiny fun (not Bungie)


Thanks for all the responses guys. Even if I don't like the endgame grind I feel as though I've gotten my moneys worth out of Destiny. I've been having a blast with the story and the strikes, the shooting just feels phenomenal. I've also probably played this game more than any other on my ps4, so I'm a happy camper.

If you like it, play it. We'll rant, we'll rave, we want 30, we want (insert weapon of choice here), we want bug fixes and updates and so forth. But we're still here, still playing and still talking about this game.

That we "hate."
We're hooked.
Loot lust is real.
Ha ha weekly finished at 28 and this thing gave me two blue engrams, both of them were class items.

The rewards that piss me off the most in this game are shaders and freaking class items. I don't care if my warlock's arm is glowing I would rather have something that isn't cosmetic.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just my weekly stuffs post, we've got open spots for tomorrow's Newbie raid!

Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Static Hard Raid
1. NarcissisticJay
2. Palom12
3. Squall ASF
4. Union Carbine
5. wins1991
6. Hawkian

Hopefully everyone can make it. Wins had mentioned having some connection/PSN issues over the weekend, I'm not sure if it all cleared up or not.

If we have any no-shows, as always I'll be poking my head in here tonight to try and recruit a 6th. If you'd like to be put on the list as an Alt now, just reply to this post.

Now that we're doing Hard, I'm streaming these because, well, I'm still learning and wouldn't mind sharing whatever I learn with the viewing public, even if I'm guaranteed to embarrass myself by falling to my death.

Thursday, 8:15PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Happy Time Newb-Friendly Normal Raid
1. schwagger15 (if you can make it!)
2. Hawkian
3. someday
5. RidliMM
6. RetroMG

These runs are for people kinda new to the raid, brand new to the raid, or just not confident/comfortable with all aspects of it yet. Anyone can attend except those who were in it the previous week. If you've raided before, we'll focus on giving you roles you're NOT comfortable with, to get a little more experience and improve as an overall player. Lots of hands will touch the relic!

Very laid-back atmosphere, please bring your most patient self, our (many) wipes will be opportunities to laugh and figure out what went wrong, rather than getting frustrated or blaming anyone at all. :)

Please quote this post and post your PSN ID if you want in for tomorrow's raid! It is first come first serve, so please make sure to quote something from this post so that I can see it easily.

These are streamed, so please Opt-In in the PSN Party settings if you'd like to be able to be heard by the viewers (of course if you'd prefer not to be then just don't opt-in). For those that tune in, I always try to narrate the general strategies and offer tips in a way that can be helpful even if they don't necessarily apply to the group I'm running with at the time.

Friday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Pay-it-Forward Weekly Heroic/Nightfall Clinic

You guys know the drill here, I guarantee you safe passage through the Weekly Strike of your choice and show you a viable cheesy (for Nightfall) or lactose-free (for Heroic) strategy that is easy to replicate; you use this knowledge to help someone else out when the time comes!


Sorry to post this a little later in the day than I intended, but please reply with your PSN if you want in for tomorrow's raid! Still 4 slots for the moment.


Level 29 Sunbro, looking to group:

- Weekly Strike
- Raid (Normal/Hard)
- Iron Banner

Let me know if you wanna group or you need help! PSN: Shawn128


have bungie said if the DLC will launch with the new raid or that we will have to wait a week like the vault of glass?

need to know as I may have booked the wrong day off work lol.


Had to reforge it.... a few times, but finally got a Perun's fire I liked.
Slide Futher
Bonus Hip Accuracy

It will be great for one of my alts. Will see how well it works with some upgrades, but can't see it supplanting Final Rest II as my favorite.


Anyone running the raid in the next 10 minutes or so and need a 29 hunter on PSN please let me know




The Cryptarch's Bane
Had to reforge it.... a few times, but finally got a Perun's fire I liked.
Slide Futher
Bonus Hip Accuracy

It will be great for one of my alts. Will see how well it works with some upgrades, but can't see it supplanting Final Rest II as my favorite.
Reforging changes the element as well? Miiindblowwwwn


Going from hard oracles to the Gorgon chests if anyone wants to knock it out. Four spots. Reply with PSN ID. Thanks!


Just my weekly stuffs post, we've got open spots for tomorrow's Newbie raid!

Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Static Hard Raid
1. NarcissisticJay
2. Palom12
3. Squall ASF
4. Union Carbine
5. wins1991
6. Hawkian

Hopefully everyone can make it. Wins had mentioned having some connection/PSN issues over the weekend, I'm not sure if it all cleared up or not.

If we have any no-shows, as always I'll be poking my head in here tonight to try and recruit a 6th. If you'd like to be put on the list as an Alt now, just reply to this post.

Now that we're doing Hard, I'm streaming these because, well, I'm still learning and wouldn't mind sharing whatever I learn with the viewing public, even if I'm guaranteed to embarrass myself by falling to my death.

Thursday, 8:15PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Happy Time Newb-Friendly Normal Raid
1. schwagger15 (if you can make it!)
2. Hawkian

These runs are for people kinda new to the raid, brand new to the raid, or just not confident/comfortable with all aspects of it yet. Anyone can attend except those who were in it the previous week. If you've raided before, we'll focus on giving you roles you're NOT comfortable with, to get a little more experience and improve as an overall player. Lots of hands will touch the relic!

Very laid-back atmosphere, please bring your most patient self, our (many) wipes will be opportunities to laugh and figure out what went wrong, rather than getting frustrated or blaming anyone at all. :)

Please quote this post and post your PSN ID if you want in for tomorrow's raid! It is first come first serve, so please make sure to quote something from this post so that I can see it easily.

These are streamed, so please Opt-In in the PSN Party settings if you'd like to be able to be heard by the viewers (of course if you'd prefer not to be then just don't opt-in). For those that tune in, I always try to narrate the general strategies and offer tips in a way that can be helpful even if they don't necessarily apply to the group I'm running with at the time.

Friday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Pay-it-Forward Weekly Heroic/Nightfall Clinic

You guys know the drill here, I guarantee you safe passage through the Weekly Strike of your choice and show you a viable cheesy (for Nightfall) or lactose-free (for Heroic) strategy that is easy to replicate; you use this knowledge to help someone else out when the time comes!


Sorry to post this a little later in the day than I intended, but please reply if you want in for tomorrow's raid! Still 4 slots for the moment.

I'm in for the Thurs night Raid again if that's ok! (PSN: DaveS78)

I'd also be up the Weekly as I did the Nightfall last night and don't have any alternates capable of doing it again.

EDIT: Oops, nevermind! Skipped over the part about being in it the previous week.


I don't know how many more enemies I can one shot in patrol, it's the least challenging thing I've done in a game for a while and yet the main way of farming materials. How on earth are they going to fix it?


Anyone for VoG normal now?
i'm a lvl30 titan. and will be taking 2 lvl 28's with me. anyone wanna tag along?

1. Milkypooz (me) - 30 Titan
2. SupBeeCheese - 28 Titan
3. Snaggletooth000 - 28 titan
4. Mango15 - 30 Hunter
I don't know how many more enemies I can one shot in patrol, it's the least challenging thing I've done in a game for a while and yet the main way of farming materials. How on earth are they going to fix it?

That's why you get a weapon like TLW and have fun doing it. I try to make the best of the most mundane tasks
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