4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
I feel for you dude.
4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
That's fucking ridiculous. It didn't take me anywhere near that many raids to max my first char. I think shards/energy should be limited to the chests because goddamn.4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
That's fucking ridiculous. It didn't take me anywhere near that many raids to max my first char. I think shards/energy should be limited to the chests because goddamn.
4th raid finished, still no raid gear, forever 29.
On the plus side I got Vision of Confluence and I guess the sparrow is ok. Everything else was ascendent shards. At least it didn't give me the same sniper rifle for the 4th time in a row.
One of the people I was playing with finally got raid boots after his 12th try and he pretty excited. Good for him, I just wish this shit wasn't so random.
I have so many ascendant shards its not even funny.
I have so many ascendant shards its not even funny.
That's fucking ridiculous. It didn't take me anywhere near that many raids to max my first char. I think shards/energy should be limited to the chests because goddamn.
Arms are Rank 4.1248 rep away from Rank 5 IB.
I'll get that tomorrow and Hopefully I can get my Warlock to IB Rank 3 and get the Arms and Legs for him.
Amen. You should be guaranteed at least one piece of gear every run. The piece can be random so people will get duplicates but the worst that happens is that it just turns into shards which is all I get anyway now. It's ridiculous how the hardest mission in the game often (at least for me) results in such crappy rewards.
What's with the new stunt sparrows as well? I don't see how they fit into the current game universe at all. Like the Guardians are meant to be the top of the top soliders/mercanaries protecting the last of humanity and fighting back against the darkness, yet they're out there now pulling sweet stunts, flips an shit. It's just such a clash of themes I thought I wouldn't see until later in the games life cycle. It's so silly and out of place.
Edit: Actually it fits in with dancing quiet well. As in, not at all in the slightest.
So it seems we have a group for the Hard Raid tonight at 8:30-9:00 EST 5:30-6:00 PST
1) Magik (x_Magik_ox)
2) Agent (phantom8324)
3) coy
4) SharkJAW
5) Qwell
6) Deku Tree
Good to go!
4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
That's just cruel. I feel real bad. At least I hope you got some cool weapons. Right? Or was it all shards
You need at least 10 clears to quality for #Forever29![]()
Fully agree on point C. That one was pretty bad since it was open on all sides.
But they could have just closed down the window and put up a wall to the side of the ravine.
Don't agree on B at all. Besides the door, you also had the 2 stairways you could use to approach the point.
Right now you can throw a grenade from either side and clear the point as its so open.
Really hate these changes on the map. I don't even see why A is where it is now. :-/
As I said before, the spawn points also make B even worse. One time I was killing people in loops, I originally came into B through the higher point door and killed about three people at B. Then after that they ALMOST immediately kept coming back through the bottom entrance, wave after wave, kill one, another would come in, kill another, another would run in from the same door, kill another and another, eventually they came in too rapidly.
RNjesus really hates me, shards all the way with the cream on top "Monte Carlo"
I mean of all the exotics that could have rolled, had to be one that I already have maxed out and a pretty mediocre one at best.......
I'll never be 30 or get an Icebreaker i know it
Anyone doing the NF on PS4?
4th LOL bro 19 here man and no Raid Gear
RNjesus really hates me, shards all the way with the cream on top "Monte Carlo"
I mean of all the exotics that could have rolled, had to be one that I already have maxed out and a pretty mediocre one at best.......
I'll never be 30 or get an Icebreaker i know it
I just want to hit 30 before Dark Below. I don't even give a shit about the story or multiplayer in that DLC, I just wanna see the freaking raid.
YesIf I wear the iron banner shader, emblem and warlock that I got from the first event does it boost my stats for this event?
YesAlso do crucible bounties work in IB since you still gain crucible rep from it?
Goddammit, 3 templar clears in one evening, still no Fatebringer. This gun eludes me so. I stopped counting along the way because it destroys my soul so, but I'm least 0/12 if not more than that.
I should stop doing the raid really.
Thanks to all the boys and girls I played with today. Shards and energies for everyone!
Anybody hard mode raiding tonight around 10:30pm est? I'm down if a group is coming together.
Ps4 gdt5016
I'd trade you my Fatebringer for a goddamn helmet for my titan. All I want is that damn helmet!
You can complete Crucible bounties on IB.Anyone use a maxed red death in Iron Banner?
Also do crucible bounties work in IB since you still gain crucible rep from it?
Medals of Shame redeemed!
Lol. I couldn't buy a win last night. Wasted so much opportunity for XP from playing with randoms.
I sat on 5 medallions for about 5 matches...