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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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Dear Game Developers,
Excessive pinpoint accuracy grenade spam from enemies on high difficulty levels is NEVER fucking fun. Ever. Period. Stop doing this horse shit. It was like two updates ago, they patched in insane grenade spam during nightfalls in this game. Dregs just heave like 5 grenades in 30 seconds, all perfectly accurate. This is some COD:World at War levels of shitty grenade spam. Fuck off.

Edit: Anyone need a nightfall kill? I want to finish this solo run on my lunch and it is almost up. At the boss and I am on that back tiny walk way but need someone to jump in to agro the boss. This shit is way too tedious solo now.
psn= gutterboy44 I hope you know where to hide in the left room.

Those dreg arc nades are a pain with arc burn lol. I've never tried, but is it possible to shoot them before they explode to take no dmg?
Level does not make a difference in the damage you deal in Iron Banner. A level 20 can carry a maxed out, 300 damage weapon. It does boost up your defense, which will help you take more hits in Iron Banner.
Some of us just blow at PvP.

Also, here's a story about my PvP experience with the Thorn bounty and a little video of the impossible happening:

So I'll be the first person to tell you, I'm not much of a multiplayer pvp guy. I struggle to keep track of someone not following the standard pattern expected of them as a good little AI driven enemy. I suffer miserably at the hands of people with hand cannons while it looks like I try to write "please die" in cursive on their torso and the gaping space around them with an auto rifle. Generally, I'm a poor team mate.

However, I'd already gotten SGA and the Bad Juju (another struggle in PvP), and Thorn was the only exotic bounty offered in the trio that I hadn't claimed yet. So I figured, eh, lets give it a shot. I pick the gun up and, like with SGA and Bad Juju, breeze through the non-PVP elements of the bounty.

But then... oh, then I get to the Crucible. 500 points of Void Kills, 5 for a kill, 2 off for each death. My only void dmg weapon in my arsenal was a rare fusion rifle I'd maxxed out and never bothered to learn to use after that, since I always preferred sniping. Regardless, I suit up and head into combat with my peers.

It goes poorly. As expected. Ten matches in and I finally reached 50 points. Another 10, and it was only at 86. I didn't crunch the numbers, but I imagined at my trickle-down rate of murder and .58 KDRs, I'd be done Thorn sometime around March.

But then, I started to learn. I started to keep an eye on my radar, and how to move around some of the maps more efficiently. I started getting twenty point games. Then thirty.

Finally, when I was around 410 points (and an easy 50 games of Crucible out), I found it. As Bruce Leeroy once discovered, I had the Glow. And the Glow was bright purple.

My aiming is mediocre and I'm all over the place in this video, but I present to you with much pride, a shit PvPer's first ever 10 kill streak:


I've still got no love for PvP... it's hectic and nerve-wracking, but I came out of it with a story, and for the first time ever a sense of accomplishment. Now on to the easy part with Xyor! (oh god I'm gonna die so much)

TL;DR: I suck horribly at PvP, but while doing my Thorn bounty I finally found myself in the zone and got over a 10 kill streak for the first time ever in my life

As a shit PvP player, I completely understand that glow. When all of the stars align and you can just do no wrong. My first round the other night in IB I had 15 kills and one death (or two, not sure about the math on this), 7.5 K/D. It was awesome and beautiful. Then the next 10 matches were back down to around 0.2 to 0.7. I did do a bit better the following night, but was still consistently at the bottom of the leader board. Nothing like feeling that you're having a great game just to end it with 2-3K on the score board and the rest of the team in the 3-4K range :(.
When I went out with Diablo III she was giving it up for pocket change. Everything special about the relationship went out the window when I realized I was just paying for it rather than earning it. I hear she's changed now, they say she doesn't even let people treat her that way anymore, but the hurt is still too fresh for me to go crawling back yet. .

Ive spoken with her recently. We went for a coffee, she told me about her rehab and about how those dark troublesome days for her are over.

She doesn't do that stuff anymore, she's found some respect for herself and I respect her for it. I think she realised that selling herself wasn't the right thing to do to fix her problems, she realised that instead of being cold and greedy, being kind, generous, but not a walk over, was the best path.

I love how she is open to new ideas and trying new things, she more often than not lets me decide what to do with our time together, rather than dictate what she needs. She caters to my needs instead.

I'm more sympathetic to the hardcore MMO crowd that actually found it simplistic in terms of raid design. it's pretty impeccably designed content.

Coming from a WoW raid background pushing for world/EU/Server firsts the raids are laughable in Destiny.

It's understandable though as they don't really have the same flexibility as Blizzard has in WoW however it would be cool to see some interesting mechanics in the game.

They're on the right tracks, don't get me wrong but they could do more imo.
Coming from a WoW raid background pushing for world/EU/Server firsts the raids are laughable in Destiny.

It's understandable though as they don't really have the same flexibility as Blizzard has in WoW however it would be cool to see some interesting mechanics in the game.

They're on the right tracks, don't get me wrong but they could do more imo.

Same background, but I didn't go into VoG expecting MC/BWL/AQ40/etc. VoG is exactly what I expected from a Bungie FPS RPG - and that's not a bad thing.


it's not about holding hands, it's about knowing your information in-game instead of resorting to watching videos or read reddit on your computer.

if a game forces you to get out of the game to get your info on wtf is this stupid mission about = bad game design

How did the first people who beat it beat it then?

You don't need to go out if game at all.
Same background, but I didn't go into VoG expecting MC/BWL/AQ40/etc. VoG is exactly what I expected from a Bungie FPS RPG - and that's not a bad thing.

Yeah I mean don't get me wrong I think it's by far the best part of the game! The ceiling for that accolade isn't really very high though and that's a problem.

I don't think they've done a bad job of the mechanics at all really, but I just expect something more. I don't really know what though :p I think I'm expecting bigger, more to explore, better loot tables. Throw something in there that even if you have all the gear you NEED, have an ultra super rare thing that everyone WANTS.

You could say Vex is that thing, but I'm thinking more along the lines of sparrows with guns or some shit.

I remember farming for Ashes of Al'ar for nearly 4 years or something silly like that and I STILL didn't get it. I still want it :/

The raid is enjoyable to an extent where doing the raid is fine BUT the cockblock of RNG behind the drops is worse than anything I've ever seen.

Even in WoW when we were running raids before tokens came into play, to still had a chance to get upgrades from somewhere, other than the raid.

Destined problem is that the raid is the be all and end all and if you don't get what you need well tough shit come back next week.


Level does not make a difference in the damage you deal in Iron Banner. A level 20 can carry a maxed out, 300 damage weapon. It does boost up your defense, which will help you take more hits in Iron Banner.

Makes sense. pretty sure i got one shotted by a lvl 28 carrying a hawkmoon last night. i want a hawkmoon...


Neo Member
Cømet;139702348 said:
Cool guys, have a feeling we've got each other added already but if not, ScrewAttack_ !

Two more needed folks, for a raid as smooth as butter.

I'm up for the raid if you still need players!

Quote for PSN ID.
Man I hope they get Thorn back to where it was soon. I've still been fairing well with it in IB but soooo many missed opportunities where enemies escape death with a sliver of health that normally would've been a kill before the DoT nerf. Literally a sliver.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!


I actually like that ship
Yeah I mean don't get me wrong I think it's by far the best part of the game! The ceiling for that accolade isn't really very high though and that's a problem.

I don't think they've done a bad job of the mechanics at all really, but I just expect something more. I don't really know what though :p I think I'm expecting bigger, more to explore, better loot tables. Throw something in there that even if you have all the gear you NEED, have an ultra super rare thing that everyone WANTS.

You could say Vex is that thing, but I'm thinking more along the lines of sparrows with guns or some shit.

I remember farming for Ashes of Al'ar for nearly 4 years or something silly like that and I STILL didn't get it. I still want it :/

The raid is enjoyable to an extent where doing the raid is fine BUT the cockblock of RNG behind the drops is worse than anything I've ever seen.

Even in WoW when we were running raids before tokens came into play, to still had a chance to get upgrades from somewhere, other than the raid.

Destined problem is that the raid is the be all and end all and if you don't get what you need well tough shit come back next week.

I agree that both the loot tables and the mechanics are shallow, at best. The fact that there's really only two bosses was a disappointment to me - I was expecting a raid with a wider variety of encounters. I also wasn't expecting to full clear it my first night.

On the flip side, it's also worth saying that I don't miss 2 months of Twin Emps attempts. Oh, and DKP - I definitely don't miss that. Guaranteed loot (even if it's bad) is nice.


I witnessed 3 different people on my team getting Timur's Lash last night.

All three of them were the worst on the team with baffling K/D ratios. So annoying.

Seen the top played get it plenty of times.

RNG is RNG, just like in the raid and nightfall and everywhere else.

Perfectly fine this way imo. There are some people who have actual impairments who will never be good, shouldn't lock them out.
I'm always surprised when people say stuff like this. For me, VoG is easily one of the most compelling examples of game design I've ever played.

Nothing in VoG needs to be learned about in the grimoire cards, they just add interesting lore behind the events. Each mechanic is taught to the players piecemeal throughout the raid, with Atheon as the culmination of everything (except Gorgons). This is why they wanted his teleports to be random, since everyone is supposed to know every part.

Spire: sync plates used for activation, only Praetorians can take control
Confluxes: Vex sacrifice to expunge you, fanatics can mark you (debuff) which requires cleansing, and their kamikaze explosions prepare you for supplicants
Oracles: Mark you if you don't kill them fast enough, spawn in specific places
Templar: How to use the relic (super+cleansing), detain shields, boss enrage
GKeepers: Combine sync plates, confluxes, and relics. Introduces (player-controlled) portal use and new blindness debuff
Atheon: Combine sync plates, oracles, relics, kamikaze enemies, detain shields, enrage and blind debuff with boss-controlled teleportation and a new buff (T'sV)

VoG never remotely requires this, not even close. Figuring stuff out by being observant is the brilliance. Please play the new raid blind everyone!!! It will be way more fun.

Yeah, I'm with you on the above. The dude making those comments sounds like he may or may not have someone wipe his own ass for him. If you don't want a challenge, stick to patrols or something. The whole point behind the raid, and what makes a video game realistic, is that you have to learn it from scratch without Mommy Google to help you out.
At this point you should be over that. K/D has nothing to do with the rewards

Yep. For the first few weeks the game was out, yeah, okay, haha, bad people getting good rewards, good people getting bad rewards, crazy loot system, how unfortunate, etc etc.

But we're to the point that it should be pretty expected that plenty of cases of this happening are going to pop up. Not very interesting anymore. Mostly just confirmation bias - I rarely see a post of "This guy did so well, and got an exotic! Yay, go him!". Statistically, that event may be less likely to happen because there seem to be more mediocre/bad players than very skilled players.

Nonetheless, if we were to base our understanding of the loot system off the reports we see in forums, it would seem that the worse you do the better the rewards. In reality, it's just random, and we should probably come to terms with that.
At this point you should be over that. K/D has nothing to do with the rewards

And it's just making me want to play less and less. There's zero reason at all to try in crucible.

Perfectly fine this way imo. There are some people who have actual impairments who will never be good, shouldn't lock them out.

And that's fine. But maybe the RNG should scale so that those that excel on the team have a better chance at those things? It can still be random, but like I said there's no reason to try at all.


Rank 5 Iron Banner, Now I need about 35k Glimmer, Any ideas?

heh, I'm dreading this myself. I'm always broke as shit.

My plan is to take some Cabal resupply codes into the 'exclusion zone' mission, set it to a harder difficulty and repeat the first encounter over and over with them active. There's a lot of yellow health elites in there to farm money from.
Wow, fuck soloing nightfalls now. It used to be a great balance of fun and challenge. Now it is just a slow tedious grind (hmmm where have we seen these before in this game?). At least my one solo this week got me my one decent roll. Hard Light dropped. Neat.
As a shit PvP player, I completely understand that glow. When all of the stars align and you can just do no wrong. My first round the other night in IB I had 15 kills and one death (or two, not sure about the math on this), 7.5 K/D. It was awesome and beautiful. Then the next 10 matches were back down to around 0.2 to 0.7. I did do a bit better the following night, but was still consistently at the bottom of the leader board. Nothing like feeling that you're having a great game just to end it with 2-3K on the score board and the rest of the team in the 3-4K range :(.

Or... when you are at the bottom of the board with 2-3k, feeling ok about it, only to see your buddy at the top with a score of 8950. Yes, 8950.
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