I want so hard. Rng bless me please!Yeh, I had to tell you off at one point. It was quite impressive.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!
I want so hard. Rng bless me please!Yeh, I had to tell you off at one point. It was quite impressive.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!
Random IB drop.
Called "Birth of History".
Yeh, I had to tell you off at one point. It was quite impressive.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!
Random IB drop.
Called "Birth of History".
Yeh, I had to tell you off at one point. It was quite impressive.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!
Some of us just blow at PvP.
Also, here's a story about my PvP experience with the Thorn bounty and a little video of the impossible happening:
So I'll be the first person to tell you, I'm not much of a multiplayer pvp guy. I struggle to keep track of someone not following the standard pattern expected of them as a good little AI driven enemy. I suffer miserably at the hands of people with hand cannons while it looks like I try to write "please die" in cursive on their torso and the gaping space around them with an auto rifle. Generally, I'm a poor team mate.
However, I'd already gotten SGA and the Bad Juju (another struggle in PvP), and Thorn was the only exotic bounty offered in the trio that I hadn't claimed yet. So I figured, eh, lets give it a shot. I pick the gun up and, like with SGA and Bad Juju, breeze through the non-PVP elements of the bounty.
But then... oh, then I get to the Crucible. 500 points of Void Kills, 5 for a kill, 2 off for each death. My only void dmg weapon in my arsenal was a rare fusion rifle I'd maxxed out and never bothered to learn to use after that, since I always preferred sniping. Regardless, I suit up and head into combat with my peers.
It goes poorly. As expected. Ten matches in and I finally reached 50 points. Another 10, and it was only at 86. I didn't crunch the numbers, but I imagined at my trickle-down rate of murder and .58 KDRs, I'd be done Thorn sometime around March.
But then, I started to learn. I started to keep an eye on my radar, and how to move around some of the maps more efficiently. I started getting twenty point games. Then thirty.
Finally, when I was around 410 points (and an easy 50 games of Crucible out), I found it. As Bruce Leeroy once discovered, I had the Glow. And the Glow was bright purple.
My aiming is mediocre and I'm all over the place in this video, but I present to you with much pride, a shit PvPer's first ever 10 kill streak:
I've still got no love for PvP... it's hectic and nerve-wracking, but I came out of it with a story, and for the first time ever a sense of accomplishment. Now on to the easy part with Xyor! (oh god I'm gonna die so much)
TL;DR: I suck horribly at PvP, but while doing my Thorn bounty I finally found myself in the zone and got over a 10 kill streak for the first time ever in my life
The disagreement is on whether Pahanin was even in the vault, or if he had simply heard of Kabr's ill-fated raid and became terrified.
I hope Crota's End has just as much awesome lore as the VoG does!
I disagree. It's the most fun gaming I had in 2014.I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
When I went out with Diablo III she was giving it up for pocket change. Everything special about the relationship went out the window when I realized I was just paying for it rather than earning it. I hear she's changed now, they say she doesn't even let people treat her that way anymore, but the hurt is still too fresh for me to go crawling back yet.As much as I kinda, somewhat enjoy Destiny, this sums up why I've been playing Diablo III perfect for me :
It's massive in Salvage.Self reviving is huge in iron banner/control otherwise its kindof worthless.
Ha haha yeah not so much. you understand the first people to beat it did so without any guides existing, right?I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
I love it. You are bad game design.
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
Does anyone still need to do the Nightfall? I've just defeated the Devil Walker.
PSN: ps_flocki
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
You don't have to. That's the point.if you have to read up on the rules and conditions on the VoG raid to find out about it = bad game design
completely separate issue but sure. An in-game listing board would be a crucial addition that Bungie should prioritize.plus, no in-game hub or matchmaking to assemble a team to go without resorting to go on a computer recruiting players
Done. Thanks. casmith.
Next up: Weekly Heroic.
Done. Thanks. casmith.
Next up: Weekly Heroic.
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
When I went out with Diablo III she was giving it up for pocket change. Everything special about the relationship went out the window when I realized I was just paying for it rather than earning it. I hear she's changed now, they say she doesn't even let people treat her that way anymore, but the hurt is still too fresh for me to go crawling back yet.
It's massive in Salvage.
Ha haha yeah not so much. you understand the first people to beat it did so without any guides existing, right?
I'm more sympathetic to the hardcore MMO crowd that actually found it simplistic in terms of raid design. it's pretty impeccably designed content.
that's awesome. congrats on getting to the end of the bountty, happy to help with Xyor anytime if you need it.My aiming is mediocre and I'm all over the place in this video, but I present to you with much pride, a shit PvPer's first ever 10 kill streak:
TL;DR: I suck horribly at PvP, but while doing my Thorn bounty I finally found myself in the zone and got over a 10 kill streak for the first time ever in my life
I hate VOG really hate loath VOG (bad game design),
I hope Crota's End respect the game design that it taught us in PvE missions, strikes and PvP.
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
That's basically how raids are though. They aren't going to hold your hand through the mechanics. The fun comes through trying to figure it out with your group.
The glitches are the reason to hate VoG IMO. I like the encounters and design of the raid other than that.
Haven't played in like a month and trying to get back into it. Never done (and don't really want to go through the trouble of finding a group) the raid but I'm a 27 hunter. Any way I can get to 30 without doing the raid?
Join me im at sepkis, psn pansargryning
Random IB drop.
Called "Birth of History".
Any way I can get to 30 without doing the raid?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Iron Banner allows you to get legendary gear with 30 light, but it's only two pieces (gloves and boots). You would need chest and head gear that has 30 light, which you could sub in an exotic piece.
If you get the IB gear now, you could potentially get to 30 the next time IB comes around.
Now my question: Why do you want to get to 30 if you don't raid?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Iron Banner allows you to get legendary gear with 30 light, but it's only two pieces (gloves and boots). You would need chest and head gear that has 30 light, which you could sub in an exotic piece.
If you get the IB gear now, you could potentially get to 30 the next time IB comes around.
Now my question: Why do you want to get to 30 if you don't raid?
OK, I think the companion got erased part makes sense. However, I'm still not sure if Pahanin was part of Kabr's group. How can he not be erased then? This whole thing is just confusing.
Where are you getting all of this? I read super good advice and it said he did see Kabr fall.
...Hunter Pahanin, who witnessed the fall of Kabr and became terrified of traveling alone.
His name was Kabr. He wasn't my friend but I knew and respected him as a Guardian and a good man.
He fought the Vex alone. This destroyed him. In the time before he vanished he said things that I think should be remembered. These are some of them:
"In the Vault time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle.
No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone.
You will meet the Templar in a place that is a time before or after stars. The stars will move around you and mark you and sing to you. They will decide if you are real.
I drank of them. It tasted like the sea."
That is all I can remember.
Just sent you a friend request.
because Iron Banner is 1000x more fun than VoG
You should probably give it a rest already. Some people like it, some don't. You don't, we get it.because Iron Banner is 1000x more fun than VoG
because Iron Banner is 1000x more fun than VoG
Dunno. Guess I just want to be max level. And doesn't it make you do more damage in the Iron Banner?
Yeh, I had to tell you off at one point. It was quite impressive.
Here you go, in all its hideous glory!
My hate for VoG stems from ''hey, here are some wonkey rules on how to beat this mission but we won't tell you in-game how to do it so you have to read up on it online to find out!''
VoG is garbage game design
if a game forces you to get out of the game to get your info on wtf is this stupid mission about = bad game design
Anyone have any theories on why they made the radar so bad in this game (I'm talking about the stupid pie thing, the elevation aspect is fine)? Half the time it ends up confusing more than helping. Is it to even the playing field? So basically instead of letting good players just dominate they have to kind of figure out where the enemy is based off of the radar kind of giving you a general hint at the area that they are in?
Anyone have any theories on why they made the radar so bad in this game (I'm talking about the stupid pie thing, the elevation aspect is fine)? Half the time it ends up confusing more than helping. Is it to even the playing field? So basically instead of letting good players just dominate they have to kind of figure out where the enemy is based off of the radar kind of giving you a general hint at the area that they are in?
Anyone have any theories on why they made the radar so bad in this game (I'm talking about the stupid pie thing, the elevation aspect is fine)? Half the time it ends up confusing more than helping. Is it to even the playing field? So basically instead of letting good players just dominate they have to kind of figure out where the enemy is based off of the radar kind of giving you a general hint at the area that they are in?