For the new page.Servers still down for me, but if it comes bam tonight, is anyone down for a flawless attempt?
Anyone up for HM Raid?
Got 2, need 4.
Anyone up for HM Raid?
Got 2, need 4.
Sounds good. So our group is:
Dan Miller (world designer, Bungie)
Lars Bakken (MP designer, B ungie)
Start time is 8:30 PST / 11:30 EST. I'll send our FR's to the folks here in just a bit.
I got 30 warlock ready to go can I join? PSN: PTK70
Lunlunqq. Lvl 30 Titan.
Sounds like fun. Is this is your first?
Yup, first run. Woo!
Sent FRs.
Need 2 more
Don't let Dan spoil it for you. Btw, my kids and phen0m have been paying together, so we have to get your kid in for a full fireteam.
can't join your fireteam for some reason...
Sent FRs.
Need 2 more
Sent FRs.
Need 2 more
I don't know how to say this but uhh, you know how I got Timepiece earlier? Well after that and my Nth VoC my primaries were full... I had something yellow waiting back at the tower... so did Colonel, making three that dropped that round o_0 Still need PF tho, and I reckon I'm not done with Atheon yet, hopefully the holidays gift us with fresh meat for fun normal runs...Ugh I need Timepiece and Vex to close the book on VoG
My first purple engram dropped that Friday night and it turned into Ghorn... remember this was before the Raul fix. I laughed about it then but I came to realize how awesome that was.He sold Ghorn week 2, most people didn't have 17 coins by then.
That is sooo cool, I would love for my kid to give Destiny a try but she is not interested at allDon't let Dan spoil it for you. Btw, my kids and phen0m have been paying together, so we have to get your kid in for a full fireteam.
Anyone interested in getting the Strength of the Pack trophy done right now (PS4)? We just need to complete a quick strike with all clan members.
I created a quick throwaway clan you can join ASAP and we can get this done. Thanks!
PSN - djblackice
Sure, I need it as well. PSN-ArkkAngel007. Hopefully I can access the game.
Sounds good. So our group is:
Dan Miller (world designer, Bungie)
Lars Bakken (MP designer, Bungie)
Start time is 8:30 PST / 11:30 EST. I'll send our FR's to the folks here in just a bit.
Oh crap, I didn't realize I was going to be playing with important people! I will do the best I can, and let you know if I need anything explained.
Gatekeeper is the only fight I'm really vague on, but I'll try and look at some YouTube guides. Most of the times I did it people were just like, "Stand out here and kill all the adds" and that was about it.
I'll see you then, and I hope everyone is able to get on to PSN.
Sent you a friend request on PSN. We will still need one more. Also, you will need to join the clan - it's called "Strength of the Packz". Not very creative, I know.
Gotcha, initial group request sent.
YoAnyone interested in getting the Strength of the Pack trophy done right now (PS4)? We just need to complete a quick strike with all clan members.
I created a quick throwaway clan you can join ASAP and we can get this done. Thanks!
PSN - djblackice
Ok my rep is ready to go for Tuesday. But can I earn marks without earning rep? I still have marks I can earn.
Ok, I will send you a friend request. Then go to and join the "Strength of the Packz" clan. Once I approve you, set it as your playstation clan and we can get this done quickly.
Anyone getting a new update installing? Just logged back in on xbox and it's 76.87 and I was playing earlier tonight.
Saw a reviewer on with the name irawrs. Thought it was you.
It wasn't
Assuming you're on Xbox One? It's a bug. I had it re-patch like five times. Do a hard reset of your Xbox and it should stop happening.
Found on thread. Apparently, if you use the sitting gesture. Harpies are unable to hit you with their attack.
Cool, already joined the gaf throaway trophy clan. Joining yours now
Lol, performance anxiety? No pressure.
You're in. I'll send you both invites now.
No it was from Bungie's servers in game. It wasn't an xbox one update to the game.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Can do like 4 tiger strikes.
Thanks guys for the