So my upgraded Thorn definitely has the penetrate perk active even though it isn't leveled. Enemies glow green but it doesn't appear to be doing DoT.
Oh so that's what it is
So my upgraded Thorn definitely has the penetrate perk active even though it isn't leveled. Enemies glow green but it doesn't appear to be doing DoT.
Does anyone know what it means when you have an exotic bounty that is "fractured"? I had one to complete a nightfall. During the nightfall I left and came back and saw it was fractured after completing the nightfall.
Yes.question: unlocked nightfall/weekly on 2 characters, but 1 is still on mission 1 of the DLC. can he join a nightfall/weekly someone else is hosting?
Well hopefully we can get 4 other people sometime this weekend, haha.
So my upgraded Thorn definitely has the penetrate perk active even though it isn't leveled. Enemies glow green but it doesn't appear to be doing DoT.
Oh and the 5 motes of light from completing the last Urn mission on Hard is so worth it!
Oh and the 5 motes of light from completing the last Urn mission on Hard is so worth it!
Why is Atheon's Epilouge so terrible?
It's an unlock key so whenever they push the update out in March that contains all of the data for the DLC the game recognizes that you have bought the expansion and can access it on reset when it releases.
In other news I just got back to back exotics in Vanguard Roc. No Land Beyond and Dragon's Breath.
My buddy was pretty mad. Like I say hate the game not the player.
There's just no range where it can win a fight.No impact and poor stability.
Yeah it's just the target tracker thing they added to it. Also cool note about Thorn, you can shoot Fallen dropships and the whole thing turns green.
There's just no range where it can win a fight.
Crota down. Black Hammer get. Just the weapon I wanted
BIG thanks to Bloodsent, Kartik21, Slammin_Hammon, Aquila_Red and Stantron. you guys were awesome.
3 est might work if my team downs Crota 35-40 min, haha. 4 or 5 est would definitely be better.I am down for a hard VoG run this weekend. Tomorrow afternoon (maybe 3 est) would be great or Sunday. Desperately need shards. Maybe a second too on my warlock.
I still haven't played Crota's End dammit!
I really really want Black Hammer.
I am down for a hard VoG run this weekend. Tomorrow afternoon (maybe 3 est) would be great or Sunday. Desperately need shards. Maybe a second too on my warlock.
I'm up for it as well. Level 30 Warlock. Know how to beat it. Just haven't done it yet with my other team. Got 3 characters though so I'd be more than happy to join.
PSN: EroticSushi
I'd like to join.
31 Hunter Outlaw_Omega
I'd be down, level 31 warlock. I got to crota with another group so I get the basics of the fight, just didn't beat it due to time constraints.
PSN: phantom8324
I'd love to go. Fresh or just him?
Well restedreporting for duty, if needed.sword assassin
Apologies also to astro, rubenov, dhruv, unknown, reaper and any other groups I haven't done it with yet. As long as everyone is locked in we should be able to bust him up in 30 minutes at most every time.
Anyone running any groups to take down Crota? I can bring my 31 Warlock.I am hoping someone with us knows how to run the sword.
Raided Crota up to the Deathsinger. Got shards and energy that I'll probably never use while other folks were getting raid gear.
I hate this game so much.
Don't worry about it. You need tons of shards anyway. My raid gear is pointless since I need lots of shards. You will get gear eventually and be ready when you do.
Well, at least in next patch that raid gear is moving up to base 30L/302A so it'll be more solid against 31s before you hit the material upgrade block.
If anybody wants to do Crota now I'm running sword. I think we only need 2 more to do a quick one here. A GH with heavy synth will make it even easier but not necessary of course.
If anybody wants to do Crota now I'm running sword. I think we only need 2 more to do a quick one here. A GH with heavy synth will make it even easier but not necessary of course.
Finally got Crota down. Great job to the entire team.
Me too. Want to get a raid going?
yeah but I doubt you can get to 33 light without the shard upgrades so upgrading vendor gear is still preferred.