GG team, gg. That was fun.
I only got that chest on 1 of my characters. Still need it on my other two, in addition to Crota drops on my two Lv30's.
Nice! Crota down x2.
GG team, gg. That was fun.
I only got that chest on 1 of my characters. Still need it on my other two, in addition to Crota drops on my two Lv30's.
That was quick. There was like five other people there too. :_
What are they?
Looking for 1 more for the final raid boss checkpoint, Crota's end ofcourse.
Add TearsOfBlood on.PSN if interested
I didn't think there'd be other people, there weren't when I was there 10 minutes ago. Also he just melted. Thought he was supposed to be tougher than that.
You want to tag along for the final part?
Are sprint contrails an effect from? I thought I had somehow accidentally switched to Striker because I noticed the contrails in tower. I had not, and equipping a different weapon in that slot stops it from happening. Not just me is it?Murmur
OMG that last part was insane on hard. Wouldn't have done it without someone else to distract the enemies and the good ol Horn.
Give me 5 minutes. Doing the last part to unlock it
Did I miss it?
I'm ready. I'll run most of it with my warlock and switch to my hunter at the boss. It'll speed things up. If I'm still in lol
Sorry - saw you too late.
Wie did not make it though - wipe right at the end.![]()
My hunter is up to level 30. He needs to run the nightfall ASAP
Swords seemed to actually NOT be optimal to get rid of all those Knights D: Also my helmet got an upgrade during all that so I'm lvl 29, and ready for some Nightfall and VoG Hard now![]()
I've yet to do the Vault of Glass raid and I've been level 29 for a while now. I've seen it done but never attempted it. Is it even worth trying if I'm not going to buy the DLC any time soon (if at all)?
Emblem is glitched and won't be at post office if your inventory is full.Um, so I got 5 drops from Crota, but I only have 4 in my inventory and nothing at the post office... :/
Am I missing something?
Turns out these gauntlets don't even look as good as the ones I have on already and the stats are actually lower. Womp womp womp.
Think I'm going to level mine up just cos they have the Expansion I symbol on them.
Is that what all those symbols are? I was wondering what it means. I have a few stuff with it.
You want to do daily heroic? Looks like it's just the final DLC mission.
Guess I might try to make use of the raid group thread this weekend then. Nothing else to do without owning the DLC.VoG is an awesome experience, worth it even if there wasn't any loot at all.
The Raids are the only things that are keeping me playing this game. Thanks Luke (& Raid team).
Yo Cuco I heard that you know how to get Crota down in 3 rounds is this true? I had to leave the team I was with but god we spent 1.5+ hours on Crota and nothing came of it.
Emblem is glitched and won't be at post office if your inventory is full.
Once I have the general vanguard rep to level 2 and am working on getting marks to buy my first legendary I'm guessing its best to equip a faction item so while gaining marks I'm also working on a faction rep?
Edit: my crucible rank is currently zero but I imagine its far quicker just getting a faction rep up for buying crucible gear then the normal crucible rep.
Yeah I get that. I just got vanguard to level 2, given I'm only level 24 right now and do not have the dlc so I can't see a reason to get level 3 right now so am just figuring out the most efficient rep to grind next. I need to earn more vanguard marks to actually buy a legendary so figured the best option would be to equip a faction item to gain rep whilst doing pve related grinding for the vanguard marks. Was posting to see if I was missing something or is this actually the best choice?If you are leveling up a faction, you can't level up vanguard as well. It's one or the other. Same goes for the crucible.
Holy fucking dicktits fuck this game, urzok just spawned after an hour of waiting and he had lightning shield and 3000000000 adds that spawned, I was solo and he despawned before I could kill him. Fuck Bungie may they drown in a bag of dicks.
Anyone down for nightfall?
Nice! Crota down x2.
If only you where here an hour ago. There were like 5+ people there and he just melted like butter. I was surprised after hearing everyone talk him up.
I'm down.
PSN; drassill
let's see if you don't ignore me like the other guy one page ago :'(
let's see if you don't ignore me like the other guy one page ago :'(
-sigh- I guess I'll wait until the afternoon for people who actually read the thread after they ask for fireteam members for Nightfall...
I'm down, but I need about 15-20 minutes until I'm ready.
Anyone down for nightfall?