You can't buy weapons unless you're level 3. Definitely get to 3 before you switch. And every level after 3 you get a Vanguard package. Actually I believe you get one at level 3 as well.Yeah I get that. I just got vanguard to level 2, given I'm only level 24 right now and do not have the dlc so I can't see a reason to get level 3 right now so am just figuring out the most efficient rep to grind next. I need to earn more vanguard marks to actually buy a legendary so figured the best option would be to equip a faction item to gain rep whilst doing pve related grinding for the vanguard marks. Was posting to see if I was missing something or is this actually the best choice?
I assume you can earn vanguard marks with a faction item equipped.
Damn...I really want to because I need that FATEBRINGER! And the Vex. But it's getting late...Reposting because fuck last post on last page:
Cool just sent you a FR.I'm in. Could also use weekly strike if you haven't done it yet.
PSN: Temidien
Maxed out my thorn 2.0. I dont get why some people are saying they cant tell the difference between pre and post upgrade. I definitely can.
Reposting because fuck last post on last page:
Reposting because fuck last post on last page:
Where's a good place to kill 7 hive with a nova bomb?
Where's a good place to kill 7 hive with a nova bomb?
I'll go.
Level 31 Titan.
Wake them up and ask them.
Thats two![]()
Do you have some more?
I might have one more.
Have you checked lfg?
Il do it, 31 warlock, have someone else too if you need?Reposting because fuck last post on last page:
Il do it, 31 warlock, have someone else too if you need?
SweetSure, that's 4 or 5 now. We need one more. Join me. GlamFM
Come and bring your friend.
You can't buy weapons unless you're level 3. Definitely get to 3 before you switch. And every level after 3 you get a Vanguard package. Actually I believe you get one at level 3 as well.
After that then you can fuck with the factions.
Also, factions use crucible marks. So if you don't wanna do pvp, then leave the factions alone.
Have space for one more?
Psn Dhruv_Hanom
Sure, send request again pls
Anyone for weekly and nightfall? We are at the final boss for the weekly.
Just need 1 more.
Anyone for weekly and nightfall? We are at the final boss for the weekly.
Just need 1 more.
Need one more to finish weekly strike 30 (we're at the end) then tackle Nightfall. Please be lvl 30 with some arc weapons leveled.
I'm glad you had the vid of our first kill, for some reason it didn't save mine. I was kinda bummed. Should have left the audio of us nerding out when he exploded!
That was a crazy ending. I think I might have cried if Crota didn't go down that last run haha. It was a lot of fun, definitely learned about the fight. Huge thanks to DrDrizzay for being patient and being the sword master.
Crota has been ended! Man, that was intense and thanks to everyone that raided with me, GhostFaceDon (my PSN). Got the shader, emblem, shards and Black Hammer sniper rifle. Feels good to complete that.
Nice! Crota down x2.
Did Crota twice tonight. Great job to everyone on the team. Huge thanks to Boguester/Drizzay for being the Sword master for both runs.
Huuuuuge thanks to the team I just beat Crota with, pic in the above post. Special thanks to Boguester/Drizzay and DekuBleep for doing some incredible explanations of roles. Boguester rocked that sword hard. Also, if you have Gjallarhorn, hug it tight. So good.
Sorry for the late response. I finally got some sleep last night. I think we did it with 2 or 3 first timers, as well. but everyone understood their role and was locked in. Boguester/Drizzay ran theHere's the vid of our run.sword up Crota's ass.
I'll go..
Come and bring your friend.
Could get exotic drop chances and then figure out a super efficient strat for GK glimmer farming. I still really want to see how fast you could hit glimmer cap there. Also I can run Crota sword whenever if you're around today.
Sure, send request again pls
Need one more to tackle Nightfall. Please be lvl 30 with some arc weapons leveled.
Im down. 30 warlock.
PSN captscience
Haha wow, this made me legit lol, especially with that Yoshi avatar. If only I could have been in party chat to hear our collective bitching. The worst game we can't stop playing!
Anyone needing one more for nightfall on ps4?
Was with Temidien, but had to resolve an problem.
I'm alone. Let's team up.
Have you unlocked the Nightfall yet? Because I haven't; I still need to do the last story mission.