Seems pretty silly to phase out VoG. This game sorely needed to have at least 2 raids... But it appears they really wanted to push the DLC sales so it was corporate mandated to shove all the players into the new content, effectively phasing out quality content. Guess this is typical with the 'gear treadmill' type of online RPGs
In a few weeks thinking I want to come back for some crucible action. Hopefully in the near future they will give pvpers an avenue to hit L32 legit. Then I'll consider picking up DLC. Maybe by the next DLC things will improve to my liking
Good to see you guys having fun. Want to see pics of new armor and gear. also gonna lookup Crota raids on youtube
Am I the only one who thinksCE is pretty fun?running like a mad man in the first part of
Which Eris story quest unlocks the Nightfall?
What gear gets you to lvl 33 then?
Yes, it's very unfortunate how quickly they phased out all of the old content. It was done in poor taste.
Am I the only one who thinksCE is pretty fun?running like a mad man in the first part of
I have a question about Insurmountable Skullfort btw. Is it like Inmost Light where you just gain the extra perk (and melee energy on spawn), or is it actually an improved version of the skill? Meaning you have to select it in your skill slot too for an even better Transfusion?
There's an even easier spot right at the beginning of this zone, which doesn't trigger any confrontation whatsoever. This video might come in handy if they decide to forbid the chest from spawning here, though.
Once player population starts dropping, I expect another change to the old content. VoG had some areas that seemed unused. Maybe they'll add stuff there. I'd expect it.
Has anyone found a safe spot in the boss room for Will of Crota? The second half when she starts spamming wizards can go south quickly when doing the Nightfall...
That's a very good idea! I recall during some VoG raids with gaffers some people would try to explore and jump to new areas. Just sucked we couldnt discover more secrets
I like it. Bladedancer focused on agility, and MIDA (weaps with agility+). RUN.
The idea is not to go into that room....
Once player population starts dropping, I expect another change to the old content. VoG had some areas that seemed unused. Maybe they'll add stuff there. I'd expect it.
Ooh, you run agility? Interesting...
Has anyone found a safe spot in the boss room for Will of Crota? The second half when she starts spamming wizards can go south quickly when doing the Nightfall...
There's an even easier spot right at the beginning of this zone, which doesn't trigger any confrontation whatsoever. This video might come in handy if they decide to forbid the chest from spawning here, though.
Also: dat loot! Dat luck!
It feels it does give me that edge. Always ahead of the pack, turn around, spray some dudes until everyone can sprint again.
It is.Is the easier spot the one right to the left with the door that opens? I can never get a chest to spawn there if so.
that mean green flying machine
That's been our strategy so far but it takes forever and Omigul likes to stay hidden while spamming trash and wizards. PITA battle.
Thanks for the link! There was another bounty after defeating the Will of Crota strike to do it a second time. I didn't get the chance to check afterwards if the Nightfall was up for me, so I was in the dark. At least now I know it's unlocked and ready to unleash its pain upon me!Not sure how to explain it...all of them?
A buddy and I jumped into the raid last night by ourselves to check it out.
We were able to get up to the bridge in the first section by using Solar grenades at the lamps to debuff
You lucky.Gjallerhorn dropped from a purple engram on moon patrol. This thing is CRAZY!
Do we have any idea what radiant energy is used for yet?
that mean green flying machine
It's also sucked to drop down to level 28, from 30, just by equipping all new purple gear (one of them is a raid piece).I wouldn't be surprised if they add another difficulty level. They should also allow us to upgrade our VOG armor. I don't think there is diversity to phase out loot. It'll suck when every looks the same again.
You lucky.
Radiant energies and shards are for crota's raid weapons and armors, if I'm not mistaken.
Still pissed about only get 5 Radiant Energy total from the first and second sections of the new Raid last night. Seriously, at least give all noobies at least one piece of gear. RNGesus pls.
Yes, it's very unfortunate how quickly they phased out all of the old content. It was done in poor taste.
yea i only got energy and i just did the chest run and got energy again.
that mean green flying machine
It's also sucked to drop down to level 28, from 30, just by equipping all new purple gear (one of them is a raid piece).
I already lost two destiny buddies because of this, one of them my brother, i even gifted him one psn card but he refuses to buy the dlc, he says they don´t deserve it because they are treating us like fools, and sadly he is right.
From now on i will have trouble to make full teams even for weeklies/nightfalls, even worse with the raid, we are just 4, and some have very busy schedules.
yea i only got energy and i just did the chest run and got energy again.
that mean green flying machine
Am I the only one who thinksCE is pretty fun?running like a mad man in the first part of
What do you mean by this sorry?
I worked out the lamps reduced the slowness, when you stood next to them. Can you reduce it more using solar grenades?
Fortunately, since you are on PSN, there is a big crowd here for you to play with.