Warlock and Hunter 31 :]
Titan just needs a bit more XP. Wish I had an upgraded Saint helm.
Probably won't be tonight, but tomorrow will definitely be looking to make some Crota runs. I'll solo to the second chest if I have to.
Icebreaker is one the very best weapons and one of the few exotics that doesn't lose a lot from perks. If you wanted to use an exotic shard to upgrade anything then Icebreaker is an excellent choice. Probably the best choice. Saving the shard for later isn't a bad idea, but since it would be pretty far down the line before you need it I would upgrade Icebreaker.
Titan just needs a bit more XP. Wish I had an upgraded Saint helm.
Probably won't be tonight, but tomorrow will definitely be looking to make some Crota runs. I'll solo to the second chest if I have to.
Upgrade Icebreaker.hey guys, i bought an exotic shard on accident (thought i need it for the helmet i wanted, instead it was for the upgrade) now i got an exotic sniper rifle (ice breaker) should i use it on it or safe it for later? i'm level 26.
Icebreaker is one the very best weapons and one of the few exotics that doesn't lose a lot from perks. If you wanted to use an exotic shard to upgrade anything then Icebreaker is an excellent choice. Probably the best choice. Saving the shard for later isn't a bad idea, but since it would be pretty far down the line before you need it I would upgrade Icebreaker.
As a high level character with maxxed weapons it's possible. Have something to strip his shields. Using an arc fusion rifle is very effective. Then have something really heavy to hammer him with. I used Murmur (Arc) and Gjallarhorn. Managed to kill him in the middle of a warzone event.Can I kill Urzok solo?