I'm going on my Warlock and he's only 30 :/ were supposed to be starting now right? I'm in orbit.Do we have another who can sword it up?, would like to net wins on my Warlock & Titan, if not I'll Hunter for people and get them loot
I'm going on my Warlock and he's only 30 :/ were supposed to be starting now right? I'm in orbit.Do we have another who can sword it up?, would like to net wins on my Warlock & Titan, if not I'll Hunter for people and get them loot
I think after this week's reset, I'm going to delete my 2nd titan and start a hunter.
psn? I think I have a character on that part.Running Xyor now for anyone who needs it. Knights shall taste the saltiness of my brand new Fatebringer.
Great, what time specifically, my boy is watching cartoons.
What's your psnin 40 minutes give or take, let's see if Glam can get online by then
I know, I finished that part an hour after Xur left. I was surprised by the new mission though, so that's cool.return the urn to xur? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this shit
you guys should have warned me guess I'll go wait a week then.
PSN PikaPuff ?No takers on a VoG run then??
Running Xyor now for anyone who needs it. Knights shall taste the saltiness of my brand new Fatebringer.
I think each bubble is 25k XP. If you ran Nightfall all your XP gains have a 25% boost so you'd get 6,250 XP for every 5,000 bounty. That means 4 of those bounties per upgrade bubble.
Edit: checking my new Revenant Wings it seems the first upgrades are 12,500 so I don't know what the total required XP for the entire thing would be.
Anyone up for nightfall? Then maybe weekly after? I'll do it with my hunter then switch to my Titan at the end for both
"It's not an Acolyte's loin cloth, it's the spoils of war." - Vell Tarlowe
"And with the lone strength of the Titan Vell Tarlowe, we felt invincible." - Eris
I'm already liking Vell Tarlowe. I need to read some more on this badass. First Kabr and now Vell. Something tells me Titans are second to none in the raids.
Anyone doing the Crota CP on PS4? I keep missing out on teams :/
31 sunsinger
I'll help with the weekly.
What's your psn
Manp shows 18k results
Would like to get a raid group for CE around 9pm GMT.
I have a Corta check point BUT don't mind starting fresh either.
if you're interested please put your name down and preference for new start or Corta CP.
lvl 30 + and would love it if we could get 1 person that is 31.
1) Me - Milkypooz lvl 30 Titan - start fresh or Corta CP
Ok sure, I'll do that first. PSN same as here. Have you got a third?
Need 3 more for VoG run
Add me: HigXx
Got it. Thanksi sent you a fr minutes ago, just Manp btw
edit: well apparently not. tried again.
psn? I think I have a character on that part.
PSN PikaPuff
edit-oops n/m I thought this was urn quest. but if you want help feel free to invite me
Would love to join if you still have space.
PSN : Thesoremaker
Same here. If you want to start a group I will gladly join. I think you are already on my friend list but my psn is jtran2003
Are you our number 3?31 Titan ready to kill Crota! Macello
Anyone up for nightfall? Then maybe weekly after? I'll do it with my hunter then switch to my Titan at the end for both
Running Xyor now for anyone who needs it. Knights shall taste the saltiness of my brand new Fatebringer.
How are you guys getting legendary engrams so often? I maybe get 1 every 2 weeks. Such crap.
I need it!Allright, Crota CP - PS4.
1) PewPewPewBow (31 sunsinger)
2) jtran2003
3) YOU!
4) Someone else!
5) Another person!
6) Number 6!
Please respond with your psn.
Are you our number 3?
Yes. I can bring a 30 Titan with Ballerhorn too.Allright, Crota CP - PS4.
1) PewPewPewBow (31 sunsinger)
2) jtran2003
3) YOU!
4) Someone else!
5) Another person!
6) Number 6!
Please respond with your psn.
Are you our number 3?
I need to do them, for bounties, I'll help if you still looking for help.
Sure thing. PSN is same as GAF. Sent FR.
Allright, Crota CP - PS4.
1) PewPewPewBow (31 sunsinger)
2) jtran2003
3) YOU!
4) Someone else!
5) Another person!
6) Number 6!
Please respond with your psn.
Are you our number 3?
Thanks for your help today, it was frustrating to get so close and not quite manage to pull it off.
Yeah I've been using the chalice table. I'll try to stay up on the walkway for the 2nd swipe as you suggest. What are you finding to be the most effective combo? We had a couple of runs where we were on pace for atleast 3 sword runs but Swordbearer was acting funny on the 3rd and we took long to kill him. It through our timing off then it just snowballed on us.
Yes. I can bring a 30 Titan with Ballerhorn too.
Can you add me as a firm "maybe" or an alternate? PSN AdamKoy 30 Warlock Crota CP