Never thought my barrier to entry for level 31 would be frickin plasteel plating.
Is there any way to solo the lamps as a Warlock or Titan?
I'm at the final boss in weekly heroic if anyone wants to jump in and give me a hand.
PSN: GriP17-
DLC Nightfall anyone?
Lvl 30 Titan | PSN: Raadius
Hunter master race!I think after this week's reset, I'm going to delete my 2nd titan and start a hunter.
I think after this week's reset, I'm going to delete my 2nd titan and start a hunter.
Glide sucks it big time but its possible to adjust.We had 2 rounds where he was 10% or less after 2 swords. Glide can't get near the height of Titans but you can jump up from the higher ground along the left wall or onto the chalice table then up into his face. For 2nd shield break, I preferred to stay up on the walkway and just use a lot of R1 for mobility. Circle back around in the air while strafing his projectiles, just have to remember to stay on the right side away from the team's rocket fire.
Hunter master race!
Do you want to run Nightfall? Got the boot but will be right back on. Tigerheli needs it too.
Add me bro.Tiger Heli and I are about to run it.
Welcome to the club bro. I try to play my alts and always gravitate back to my Hunter. Such a fun class.I think after this week's reset, I'm going to delete my 2nd titan and start a hunter.
I found it quite difficult with all 31, so I'd say at 29 it wouldn't be plausible.I just hit 29 last night, is Crota's raid doable at that level?
What about that, is that doable at 29? I feel like I'm getting slaughtered when I just try to get one kill in there1 more for night fall. Ps4. Psn Tigerheli
Check the link.
I just hit 29 last night, is Crota's raid doable at that level?
I just hit 29 last night, is Crota's raid doable at that level?
6 shards shy of Level 31 with my Hunter. Anyone doing a quick VoG run today?
Cool. I just had to step out but should be home by then. Add me if you can EL_CUCO305
Sent.1 more for night fall. Ps4. Psn Tigerheli
1 more for night fall. Ps4. Psn Tigerheli
Yeah I wouldn't mind doing nightfall on my Warlock. I gotta swap some gear first.
"It's not an Acolyte's loin cloth, it's the spoils of war." - Vell Tarlowe
"And with the lone strength of the Titan Vell Tarlowe, we felt invincible." - Eris
I'm already liking Vell Tarlowe. I need to read some more on this badass. First Kabr and now Vell. Something tells me Titans are second to none in the raids.
Anyone still needs to do weekly? Im down to help, still need to do it myself as well.
I'm up for doing one soonish?
(snip) I"ll join you in a sex
I'm down if we can get a group together.
Hung Wei Lo
(Today, 12:51 PM)
I still need to do it 3x one more nightfall, I"ll join you in a sex
Anyone still needs to do weekly? Im down to help, still need to do it myself as well.
Awesome! That's 4 of us!
2:30pm EST
1. Phenom
2. Byron
3. Ocean
4. grave???