Thank you all for teaching me the way of the samurai. Got a sweet Light of the Abyss.
Dude, you killed it with the sword man. That was a great run.
Thank you all for teaching me the way of the samurai. Got a sweet Light of the Abyss.
Is there anyway to stop Crota from moving?
Is there anyway to stop Crota from moving?
I sherpa'd a group through it yesterday, but we did it legit. It's actually really easy to do legit. You just have to listen to me lol.So has anyone posted about the cheese method for thebridge?
The raid hunter boots gives extra agility for sword bearing. Best class confirmed.
Anybody has to do the Eris bounty for last DLC mission heroic need help? Need to do it on both characters and I need a decoy as usual.
The raid hunter boots gives extra agility for sword bearing. Best class confirmed.
The raid hunter boots gives extra agility for sword bearing. Best class confirmed.
Anybody has to do the Eris bounty for last DLC mission heroic need help? Need to do it on both characters and I need a decoy as usual.
Uh all classes have raid boots that have that perk...The raid hunter boots gives extra agility for sword bearing. Best class confirmed.
The raid hunter boots gives extra agility for sword bearing. Best class confirmed.
Anybody has to do the Eris bounty for last DLC mission heroic need help? Need to do it on both characters and I need a decoy as usual.
Take his shield down and he'll kneel. Hit him with the sword then. It must be timed perfectly tho. Because he doesn't stay down long.
Unless you just mean not moving at all. He always will walk to the right or left eventually.
No, he follows a set pattern though. Mid > Right > Mid > Left repeat
Once he's at mid you have to be fast in taking down the Swordbearer or shoot his shields down so he can't move.
Wow at ruin wings and gjallerhorn combo. Nothing stands in my way now. I'm a single dps machine at all times. Never have to use purple synths now on the raid. Very very good exotic, my new favorite exotic .
It's a shotgun. Purely pvp weapon, though they are pretty solid in the first CE section. Fusion rifle still probably better there though.
Fatebringer da god tho.
Has anyone tried the BADGER CCL Scout from the vanguard quartermaster? Compared to VoC it has a significantly slower rate of fire but nice bump in impact.
I'd like to know how it feels, especially if you're used to VoC
We can't shoot his shield down twice, he always manages to dodge rockets from Hezen...Should we just use Ice Breaker or VoC if we don't have Gjallarhorn?
We can't shoot his shield down twice, he always manages to dodge rockets from Hezen...Should we just use Ice Breaker or VoC if we don't have Gjallarhorn?
Need one for Crota. Preferably 31.
PSN: Ourobolus
Need 3 for Croat, psn babyghost853.
If only VoG had given me it one of 100 times I beat the hm Templar.everyone walking around with them except me.
Feels a lot slower but unless you are playing pvp it shouldn't be a problem.
Finally got mine yesterday. So much fun ripping mobs apart.
I actually got a 330 scout rifle with the same exact perks as Fatebringer, no arc damage of course. That's gonna be useful too haha.
Took Crota down in what, 2 tries with a completely new team? Getting good at this...
Finally got mine yesterday. So much fun ripping mobs apart.
I actually got a 330 scout rifle with the same exact perks as Fatebringer, no arc damage of course. That's gonna be useful too haha.
In all our runs we had no Gjallarhorns at all so we used Icebreaker for the first time to take him down and then switched to Corrective Measure second time around. Worked really well..
Sadly it seems that Ghorn is crucial IMO. 2 on the team makes getting it down a joke.
I showed a few people but haven't posted about it. It's too broken.
I sherpa'd a group through it yesterday, but we did it legit. It's actually really easy to do legit. You just have to listen to me lol.
titans first across to blind gatekeepers. Warlocks last because I hear they can jump the gap. Have not tried this yet. Only be on mid if you need the bridge open. Once 3 people are on the away side the 3 people on home side need to go over to the platform on the left (the Pwn Strategy) they wait for sword bearer and focus fire. When sword bearer is up and they are shooting it, that's when away side gets bridge open. Totem people need to try and agro gatekeeper to keep from killing mid, or just blind them. Away side need to watch out for wizards on left side and once everyone is over 2 ogres. Burn them as quickly as possible. As soon as both are killed you'll complete the encounter. Also pro tip. Heavy sword attack will stun gatekeeper. 5 heavy as lvl30, 3 as lvl31
Thanks guys
Theres two pillars on the left of the bridge. If everyone jump on that and theres a warlock, someone actives the bridge. Then everyone jumps off and the warlock kills himself at the end. When the countdown hits 1, the warlock reviews himself and it should start the next phases with the adds spawning across the bridge. Kill the ogres and the bridge should form.
It'll be 32 light. 5 upgrade slots and 6 light to add (1, 1, 1, 1, 2) but 3 raid pieces plus an upgraded exotic would be 36+32+32+32=132=lvl31just wish that after the patch you can get to 33 light on raid gear without shards so I can replace my vendor gear.
Has anyone tried the BADGER CCL Scout from the vanguard quartermaster? Compared to VoC it has a significantly slower rate of fire but nice bump in impact.
I'd like to know how it feels, especially if you're used to VoC
It'll be 32 light. 5 upgrade slots and 6 light to add (1, 1, 1, 1, 2) but 3 raid pieces plus an upgraded exotic would be 36+32+32+32=132=lvl31
Theres two pillars on the left of the bridge. If everyone jump on that and theres a warlock, someone actives the bridge. Then everyone jumps off and the warlock kills himself at the end. When the countdown hits 1, the warlock reviews himself and it should start the next phases with the adds spawning across the bridge. Kill the ogres and the bridge should form.
That's the one I got my eye on. It will be mine next week when I get the marks for it. It has similar but slightly better stats than the A.1Fjblahblah Scout I am using now which is a precision shot machine. Perks look ok.
Wow lol
I decided to save this Nightfall cheese because I wanted to keep it to myself, but I have a feeling that Bungie cannot patch this without making the strike incredibly boring. So hopefully they won't.
I decided to save this Nightfall cheese because I wanted to keep it to myself, but I have a feeling that Bungie cannot patch this without making the strike incredibly boring. So hopefully they won't.
HAHAHAHA didn't realise so many people worked this out. Probably should have had it out day one then.
Works for now, I comfirmed it alreadyDisappointing but I guess I have enough shards to get the first bubbles on my boots.
lol I thought about this. glad it works. may try it out![]()
this is like a worse way of doing this than the regular cheese.
Anybody doing a normal VOG raid?
I want to show my brother how to run it for the first time.
Need 2 more!
Need 2 to help kill Crota, post PSN.
Raid group I won't be joining you guys Tuesday/Wednesday. My Grandpa is having his surgery to try too remove the pancreatic cancer he has. So I'll be heading down for that.