Now that everyone seems to think it is necessary to beat CE, surely Xûr will stock it this week.Still salty I passed on it on week 2 :/
I really thought Xûr would sell it the last weekend before DLC to entice users. "Xûr will sell Gjallarhorn next weekend" is the new "The Last Guardian will show next E3".
Thursday got "old" UE from HM VoG Gorgon chest (no pic).
I hate those Exotics shotguns, but that legendary is awesome.
I'd partislly disagree.
Whilst your can, of course, do absolutely fine without Gallahorn, it's hard to disagree with the fact that the weapon itself is broken and creates issues in the game. It is so absurdly better than anything else you can fit in that slot I do honestly think it's causing balance issues in the game.
It does so, so much more single target damage than any other weapon in the game, by a long way. Even in a fight like Crota's where you don't kill the end boss, it's still much better at taking down sword bearers and ogres than anything else. Guarantee that it's at the heart of successful hard mode kills as well.
Definitely feels like something they need to look at.
I recently discussed this with my brother while doing some random bounties. There really is no point in using any other rocket launcher if you have this beast. I'm pretty sure they will never let Xur sell it again because it is so broken.
Why don't the just nerf Gjallarhorn to a point where it's more in line with other alternatives and treat it like a normal exotic again? I'd rather have a more balanced version available to more people than a broken version that's exclusive to a lucky bunch.
Santa Xûr make our holidays joyful.Now that everyone seems to think it is necessary to beat CE, surely Xûr will stock it this week.
Right Bungie?
So is anyone 32 yet? You could theoretically have done it right? By deleting a character powerlvling and running the raid for the mats and armour drops.
Ugh too much grinding to do that..might as well be on a wielder at this rate.So is anyone 32 yet? You could theoretically have done it right? By deleting a character powerlvling and running the raid for the mats and armour drops.
Gjallarhorn (Icebreaker to the same extent too) is imo exactly what an exotic should be. Gjallarhorn is extremely powerful, but it should be as one of the few rocket launcher exotics in the game. You are severely limited to heavy ammo drops if you want it. Until Ruin Wings came along feeding Gjallarhorn was very expensive in raid situations. I have a Gjallarhorn for every character if I want, but if you think it's the only exotic to use ever then that is on yourself. I only use it on one of my three characters, and regularly switch it out on the one that I do too. Besides, the game is already artificially difficult, you really wanna nerf one of the few weapons that can counter the ridiculous bullet sponge nature of this game? Nerfing a weapon to punish the single-player/PvE player is ridiculous. You're just making the game more frustrating to play (which it already kinda is sometimes). That goes for any exotic out there.
You don't need a single Gjalahorn.
All team should be 31 and sniper fire (Ice Breaker, Queen sniper) and normal launchers can do wonders.
Gjalahorn is nor needed. We only use Ice Breakers.
No no no no no. No. No. No. No. No.I recently discussed this with my brother while doing some random bounties. There really is no point in using any other rocket launcher if you have this beast. I'm pretty sure they will never let Xur sell it again because it is so broken.
Why don't the just nerf Gjallarhorn to a point where it's more in line with other alternatives and treat it like a normal exotic again? I'd rather have a more balanced version available to more people than a broken version that's exclusive to a lucky bunch.
The thing is, it basically does twice as much damage as Truth, another exotic rocket launcher. That is a pretty significant disparity between two same level weapons. Now I wouldn't mind them buffing Truth or Dragon's Breath to a similar damage level but we all know that's not going to happen.
I'm fine with exotics being best in slot weapons but Gjallarhorn is just broken. When they nerfed ARs because of the Suros they said they wanted people to use all kinds of weapons but at the same time every single person who owns a Gjallarhorn will use that weapon exclusively for hard bosses. It's basically the same situation but in this case Bungie doesn't do anything about it.
Watch them never offer the upgrade to "fix" the situation...
A 300 damage Gjallarhor still outdamages every other 331 damage exotic RL so who cares...
No no no no no. No. No. No. No. No.
Fuck that. It's one of the few exotics that actually deserves the title of being exotic.
No no no no no. No. No. No. No. No.
Fuck that. It's one of the few exotics that actually deserves the title of being exotic.
I think Truth is actually the superior exotic in pvp. I use it over Gjallarhorn every time.The thing is, it basically does twice as much damage as Truth, another exotic rocket launcher. That is a pretty significant disparity between two same level weapons. Now I wouldn't mind them buffing Truth or Dragon's Breath to a similar damage level but we all know that's not going to happen.
I'm fine with exotics being best in slot weapons but Gjallarhorn is just broken. When they nerfed ARs because of the Suros they said they wanted people to use all kinds of weapons but at the same time every single person who owns a Gjallarhorn will use that weapon exclusively for hard bosses. It's basically the same situation but in this case Bungie doesn't do anything about it.
Watch them never offer the upgrade to "fix" the situation...
A 300 damage Gjallarhor still outdamages every other 331 damage exotic RL so who cares...
I think Truth is actually the superior exotic in pvp. I use it over Gjallarhorn every time.
By taking into account the fact that Gjalla is most efficient against a SINGLE target?Other than Fatebringer, I cannot think of a single legendary that is as good as the exotic in that slot. Otherwise Exotics are the best weapons you can get your hands on, straight up.
Gallahorn is too good. FAR FAR too good. It is better than any other exotic in the game, by a long way, and significantly more powerful than any other weapon choice you have. It's ability to take down single targets is ludicrously better than any other weapon, to the point where a team maxed out on gallahorns is going to find content so ridiculously easier than a team without them it's not funny.
The idea that you should never nerf anything and always buff stuff is one that has existed in MMOs forever, and yet despite the fact it's self-evidently wrong continues to this day it seems. Sometimes stuff is just *too good* and needs to be toned down. How the heck are Bungie supposed to balance a boss fight to take into account one group might have 4 Gallahorns and the other might not have any?
You're acting like Gjalla lets you kill the harder bosses with no sweat. It does not: it only lets you do it *quicker*. You still have to abide by the mechanics around beating said boss, you still have to disable the templar's shield, you still have to get warped and kill oracles to make significant damage to Atheon, you still have to get the sword to damage Crota...When we get to a boss fight where we don't have to take down single targets then that might be a valid point, but unfortunately "bullet-sponge" isn't a term of endearment someone thought up for fun...![]()
Usually?Someone above said that it shouldn't be nerfed because it's the only thing that makes the bullet-sponge bosses a bit more bearable, which seems a rather odd opinion - what on earth do the people without Gjallahorns do?
You're acting like Gjalla lets you kill the harder bosses with no sweat. It does not: it only lets you do it *quicker*. You still have to abide by the mechanics around beating said boss, you still have to disable the templar's shield, you still have to get warped and kill oracles to make significant damage to Atheon, you still have to get the sword to damage Crota...
What it does is making your like easier, as a good exotic weapon should.
By taking into account the fact that Gjalla is most efficient against a SINGLE target?
It excels at melting down bosses, but it has little to no use against waves of enemies in other parts of the game, where Dragon Breath will probably shine *way more*.
The way some of you are talking about this weapon, you would think it wins the game for you, in every situation and every phase possible.
It was the same thing when Xûr sold the Ice Breaker: everyone clamoring it breaks the game and is way overpowered. Well, I now rarely use mine, and when I do it's more often than not to use it as quicker and cheaper ammo synthesis.
I don't think this requirement will last very long.That is not really the point.
When Bungie will realize it became de facto the required weapon of the Crota raid in the LFGs of and thus frustating those who don't have it, they'll have to something about it.
GHorn is empty half the time though. I prefer Icebreaker and Corrective Measure/Hunger of Crota for many situations. I also can't be using ammo packs every few minutes, considering how valuable glimmer has become.
That is not really the point.
When Bungie will realize it became de facto the required weapon of the Crota raid in the LFGs of and thus frustating those who don't have it, they'll have to something about it.
Any tips for the? It's always the tricky one when I play.wizard part of Crota's EndTactic which we use is to lure them out, kill them, take the shrikers and then attack. But there are so many crazy knights that kill us all quite often.
Once both Shriekers are down and you go to the middle room where the singer is, it'll be extremely crowded with all sorts of enemies. There are some "hooks" dangling from the ceiling and some ledges that you can jump to. You can still be shot but at least the Thrall and melee Knights won't be able to touch you.
Any tips for the? It's always the tricky one when I play.wizard part of Crota's EndTactic which we use is to lure them out, kill them, take the shrikers and then attack. But there are so many crazy knights that kill us all quite often.
Once both Shriekers are down and you go to the middle room where the singer is, it'll be extremely crowded with all sorts of enemies. There are some "hooks" dangling from the ceiling and some ledges that you can jump to. You can still be shot but at least the Thrall and melee Knights won't be able to touch you.
Suffer from too long a fight.
I don't mind raid bosses having that much HP, but the strike ones have WAY TOO MANY.
If they don't decide to nerf those, I'm totally okay with them including "broken" weapons like Gjalla. The day they nerf the bosses HP, I'll be on your side for a Gjalla nerf...![]()
I am a warlock, can anyone help me determine which NPC gear i should get for my warlock? (Currently lvl30) I have 180 for vanguard, crucible and FWC. Im a little confused lol. Thanks in advance!
If that new Crota strike comes in RoC, I depart. Did it once in RoC and its enough for me to see how awul it is, boss has way too much HP (I dont have Gjallababy or I C U Break Em).
What a horrible strike ending, otherwise its fun strike but end boss is bullshit.
Got to Eris rank 2 in exactly a week. Hopefully it won't take to long to at least get to rank 3. I want that runed core.
Even with a Gjallarhorn the strikeboss is ridiculous, arguably a Thunderlord is probably better for this fight too. Bungie got down on the anti-cheese mechanisms too hard, which make the boss fight really annoying/boring. Small room with literally hundreds of enemies that you have to fight off before you can even get in the room. If they actually made balanced/fair bosses people wouldn't feel the need to cheese. Strange that they went this way, because the PS exclusive strike is actually fun.
There are still hundreds of enemies in RoC strike.
another way to lure out the wizards is too throw solar/pulse grenades into the ceiling in the entrance where the crystal juts out. The damage should hurt them and they'll come out by themselves. Also flashbangs/saint 14 bubble is useful for the knights
Yep, only did it once for the weekly with my girlfriend, to test it, and we then decided to skip this week's nightfall completely. We stayed at the entrance, slowly chipping away at the boss, and wiped three times on those assholes arc burn knights.Even with a Gjallarhorn the strikeboss is ridiculous, arguably a Thunderlord is probably better for this fight too. Bungie got down on the anti-cheese mechanisms too hard, which make the boss fight really annoying/boring. Small room with literally hundreds of enemies that you have to fight off before you can even get in the room. If they actually made balanced/fair bosses people wouldn't feel the need to cheese. Strange that they went this way, because the PS exclusive strike is actually fun.
If that new Crota strike comes in RoC, I depart. Did it once in RoC and its enough for me to see how awul it is, boss has way too much HP (I dont have Gjallababy or I C U Break Em).
What a horrible strike ending, otherwise its fun strike but end boss is bullshit.
Yep, only did it once for the weekly with my girlfriend, to test it, and we then decided to skip this week's nightfall completely. We stayed at the entrance, slowly chipping away at the boss, and wiped three times on those assholes arc burn knights.
The strike is nice, but this boss fight is not worth our time. I'll probably skip it the next time it comes back into the rotation.
Actually, they only need to reduce the HP: the adds spawn depending on her life.I can agree. They need to tone down the health or the frequency of the adds, that's what makes the fight last that long.
How Bungie it would be that you can only buy 1 RC per week or per rank. I myself wont do every Eris bounty (dont like them).
Yep, only did it once for the weekly with my girlfriend, to test it, and we then decided to skip this week's nightfall completely. We stayed at the entrance, slowly chipping away at the boss, and wiped three times on those assholes arc burn knights.
The strike is nice, but this boss fight is not worth our time. I'll probably skip it the next time it comes back into the rotation.