gimme 3 minutes
Alright brah!
gimme 3 minutes
So, I am wondering guys: What is the point of shards for people that do raids? I got to 31, but now what? Weren't we promised some form of exchange? Energies are always useful, but shards seem to be a lot more limited since expansion 1.
Takes like 10 minutes. Do 'The World's Grave' on the Moon (on normal or first heroic), go through the mission, near the end there is a cave you go through, has two or three of them plus some Thralls. Since you are on such a low level they don't kill you when they explode right in front of you. After that cafe is clear, go to orbit, start mission again, checkpoint is right in front of the cave. You can take out the Thralls first or go into that cave while invisible.ok how the heck do hunters do this? throwing knife doesn't count wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
titan - ward of dawn blind bubble lol lol lol
warlock - scorch melee someone else for a shield, melee cursed thrall
hunter - die
ok how the heck do hunters do this?
relevant to the previous discussion of "ghorns aren't overpowered guys"
I'm good to go now. Just send me an invite.Who wants to run Crota's End from the start? Starting once we are full. 30 or higher preferably. I've beaten the Raid twice with my other two characters.
-PSN Subtervotion
We have a full team. Everyone almost ready?
I'm good to go now. Just send me an invite.
You can exchange through Eriss. You need like rank 3 or 4 and need to give her glimmer and a black wax idol to exchange 1 shard for 1 energy or the other way around.
I've never run it but I'd like a shot as well. I'd only be able to start around 10pm CST maybe 1030 and only can play until 1am. If you're cool with that, we just need 3 more.
I... I broke down and bought a Vita today. I'll be away for two Xurs... I just couldn't take the thought of a Ballerhorn rolling by and me not being able to grab it.
I was talking about ass mats - should have been more clear. They seem to serve no purpose besides leveling the initial pre-raid armor.
In the Vault of Glass, people complained about the RNG causing them to never get certain loot drops. In Crota's End, people will be complaining that they can't upgrade their gear because they don't have enough upgrade materials.
Raiders have to set aside their once-prestigious Vault of Glass gear and undertake the meaningless, repetitive and unnecessary grind required to upgrade another set of vendor gear in order to progress in the raid.
The only justification anyone can seem to offer for this [random, incredibly expensive, grindy exotic upgrade system] is that you aren't supposed to have a collection of upgraded exotics, and you're only supposed to pick and choose a few that are actually worth grinding multiple times. I wish somebody had told me that before I upgraded them the first time.
If Bungie can acknowledge its mistakes, maybe the developers can regain some of the trust they've lost with this debacle of an expansion. But if the developers hold course, the community is likely to be much smaller when the House of Wolves DLC launches. Most of us will probably migrate to less grindy, more casual games.
I know that feel breh. I bought a Vita yesterday!
One at the time did the job for me.ok how the heck do hunters do this? throwing knife doesn't count wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
titan - ward of dawn blind bubble lol lol lol
warlock - scorch melee someone else for a shield, melee cursed thrall
hunter - die
I don't know how people can play some actual missions, even patrols, in remote play.I was just looking at a vita as well. When do you guys plan to use yours? I don't have access to my work's wifi, but if I did I would be all over the vita. Doing bounties at work? Yes please! I just don't know when else I would use it besides bathroom breaks at home and mmmaybe vacations.
There is no excuse for not including ass mat exchange. It is just another hurdle. I am sitting on 42 Energy and 0 Shards. I just need 12 shards to get to lvl 31 but the daily is being stingy. Can't wait for VoG reset.
They do serve a purpose, as you already stated, for pre-raid armor which is what the vast majority of the player base needs to progress. Only hard core raiders going for 32 will toss them aside.
Polygon has a great article today up that catalogs the multitude of ways that The Dark Below's systems are incredibly punishing, especially to dedicated players. This article is from the same guy who previously defending the game and the loot system, just like I did.
Polygon has a great article today up that catalogs the multitude of ways that The Dark Below's systems are incredibly punishing, especially to dedicated players. This article is from the same guy who previously defending the game and the loot system, just like I did.
I know that feel breh. I bought a Vita yesterday!
I was just looking at a vita as well. When do you guys plan to use yours? I don't have access to my work's wifi, but if I did I would be all over the vita. Doing bounties at work? Yes please! I just don't know when else I would use it besides bathroom breaks at home and mmmaybe vacations.
It was ascended shards - should've been more clear. If you think about, they really are useless after the initial upgrades. They were marginalized too much.
HM VoG from the gorgons onwards tonight at 10pm gmt. I think irawr and el cuco expressed interest last night. Anyone else?
So this is what I am getting from all of these articles. Destiny is a Grindy game that is designed to appeal to players that enjoy the grind. But many old Bungie Halo Fans really want to like Destiny but they want it to be a halo 2.0 pick up and play shooter without much or any grind. They don't like grind and they are mad that Bungie is not making this game for their tastes... OK.
So this is what I am getting from all of these articles. Destiny is a Grindy game that is designed to appeal to players that enjoy the grind. But many old Bungie Halo Fans really want to like Destiny but they want it to be a halo 2.0 pick up and play shooter without much or any grind. They don't like grind and they are mad that Bungie is not making this game for their tastes... OK.
Works on the bridge also. You don't even need the sword to crossHoly fuck if true. Warlocks are delivering your pizza again ladies and gents. With extra cheese
I don't know how people can play some actual missions, even patrols, in remote play.
I only use my vita to setup my character / take some bounties, but other than that I can't deal with the input lag to actually play the game with it.
I travel a bunch for work so that's my biggest reason to get one. Holidays (like the one coming up) and vacations will also be a good time to do it.
Oh, and playing from bed. Finish off those bounties while catching up on sports highlights? Perfect.
I was just looking at a vita as well. When do you guys plan to use yours? I don't have access to my work's wifi, but if I did I would be all over the vita. Doing bounties at work? Yes please! I just don't know when else I would use it besides bathroom breaks at home and mmmaybe vacations.
This makes me wish that one of the new mobs was named The Arse Of Crota....Only now all of your previously found loot has been obsoleted in one fell swoop, not just some items but literally all of them. Every single item, all of the guns from the old raid are terrible and outclassed by random legendary drops now. They basically spread crota's arse end open over all of your old stuff and turned it into shit. It's like the midas touch but with shit instead of gold really....
I'll take Spongebob anytime over Omnigul. That room has to be the most poorly designed end level of any strike.
Last night on our very first Flawless Raider attempt, I was teasing Deku for falling at the jump puzzle, the last time he tried it.
And I fell heading to the Templar's Well.........the Templar's Well.![]()
This makes me wish that one of the new mobs was named The Arse Of Crota.
Forgot to mention, raid into a weird bug last night in the new raid that forced a wipe,Anyone else seen that happen?after killing the swordbearer and picking up the sword, it disappeared entirely.
Yes when I was playing with Boguester he was telling us about that and it happened once or twice to us. Wouldn't be a Destiny raid without at least one or more wipe forcing bugs.
Or you know, add a loot drop at deathsinger. That would help somewhat.
It sucks that dismantling legendary gear doesn't give as much as legendary weapons, either. 5 energy for weapons is nice. And iron banner gear gave me nothing when I dismantled, sad! I don't understand why IB stuff gives nothing. That seems dumb.
Is the raid gear upgrade patch today?
Yep, this is a common bug. I've had runs where it never happened and runs where it happened twice in a row. Almost seems like you can't be moving at a weird angle or running too fast when you try to grab it, not sure if anything in particular causes it or just random.
First time I'm hearing about this. What is it supposed to be?
agreed. even empty space would've been better than that.
I am sick and fucking tired of carrying shitty players in Crucible. In my last Clash game, 4 players, 4 fucking players, all went fucking negative. We only won because me and another guy managed to kill more of the enemy than the enemy killed of those 4 pathetic players, but even then, we only won by less than 100 points.
First time I'm hearing about this. What is it supposed to be?