They NEED to patch in Salvage.
Bungie says "CUCO we don't care if you ever get the platinum"
Same over here.Just downloaded the patch.
Raid Helm and Ruin Wings confirmed as my final Level 32 ideal build.
I can see the anxiety is killing you.
Man i hope! That is my least liked eris bounty. Takes forever waiting on 3 rounds of the sword bearer with all 3 alts :/ Someone please confirm for those of us stuck at work!
Raid Helm and Ruin Wings confirmed as my final Level 32 ideal build.
This is my plan as well, but I'm leveling Saint-14 until I'm blessed with a Gjallerhorn.
- Disappointing number of different perks on weapons and difficulty obtaining a gun that has perks that you want
I am almost exclusively a handcannon man. That means that any primary weapon drop that isn't a handcannon is useless. According to I have around 16 days played and do you know how many legendary handcannon drops I've had in that time?
2, of which only 1 had perks that I wanted.
That is fucking terrible and is mostly because of the awful RNG in this game, but I won't get in to that as it has been discussed to death and Bungie seems to be mostly fine with it, given how little they have done to it.The best way to fix this is to let players reforge any legendary weapon similarly to the Iron Banner weapons. I don't even care if they give it a ludicrous price as long as I can do it. Another way would be to let the weapons sold by Tower vendors randomize their perks every weekly reset.
There is also a number of extremely useless perks as well as big imbalances in the perks on the second 3-choice in the upgrade tree. Lets say you get a weapon that has the choice of these perks:
-Single-point Sling
-Perfect Balance
99% of the time, you are going to pick Perfect Balance as that is probably one of the best perks to have and the other 2 are nigh useless. They should buff many of the perks similar to the 2 I mentioned to make them a viable choice over almost any stat-increasing perk.
Look at those raid weapons, all grown up now!
Looks like I should start posting it again so people learn how to spell it like I have >v>
I'm late here, but the only answer to this is "an experienced one."Going to ask again, because thread was moving pretty fast earlier.
What kind of team is needed to pull a level 25 through Vault of Glass on normal? Was going to run tonight (I'm level 28), but my friend didn't hit 26 as we anticipated last night.
What? No. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 will really be practically identical in the Normal VoG29s or higher. You both are going to die a lot.
Eh! again, really all hinges on the experience of the group.Thanks. Might hold off for awhile then. :/
Damn straight.
Still pissed they patched that in 9 hours after the reset, fucking Bungie pls, you're breaking my nuts, especially after the drops I got from Scrota this week.
Look at those raid weapons, all grown up now!
Well, that's relieving.
Did the patch fix the raid weapons?
So I had my Hunger of Crota almost maxed (was missing last 3 upgrades) and it put me at 294 attack power.... If they are now supposed to start at 302.... my god.... awesomeness! is showing my swordbreaker starting at 300 attack, so I think so.
We just downed Crota and only the guy that hadn't done it before got a weapon. The other 5 only got shards. I think you only get the weapon one time guaranteed.
Just did like 6 Crota runs today and like 5 bridge runs. What the fuck is wrong with my life. lol
I got nothing this week... a dude in my party got Hawkmoon from Crota. lol
(ノಠ益ಠノ彡 (°O°)︵( .o.) ├┬┴┬┴
Fight me irl!
Wha!~A wild patch appears!Looks like they fixed this just for you Hawk.
Yes yes yes yes! First thing I'm doing is a few Roc strikes with my m I have a fresh bounty to complete to get a 2.0 version too.Pocket Infinity
Rolled back changes induced by a previous Exotic weapon update
Charge up and deactivation now work as originally designed
Figures as much.Players may again encounter a previously known issue which prevents charge up
You hear that plane flying nearby, that's me coming for you, fig!k
At the very least, the 15 kills will be easier. I remember completing that bounty on that first mission.
Whoa...Would have been good to know last week. I messed around trying to get armor so I could start leveling it thinking that I would have plenty of shots at weapons since everyone was getting one per run. I would have don't Crota with my alts if I had known.
Crazy... Well if you don't get a weapon do you at least get more radiant mats?
Do you still need one?
You hear that plane flying nearby, that's me coming for you, fig!
Neat- so then you need one more bubble, how many shards is that? i.e., how many shards to make a raid piece a 33 light piece?My raid gear is at light level 32 with no shards in it fully upgraded up to the last three bubbles.
My raid gear is at light level 32 with no shards in it fully upgraded up to the last three bubbles.
2 shards for Crota
2 shards for Crota
Neat- so then you need one more bubble, how many shards is that? i.e., how many shards to make a raid piece a 33 light piece?
Your pain is felt through many dimensions.
My raid gear is at light level 32 with no shards in it fully upgraded up to the last three bubbles.
My raid gear is at light level 32 with no shards in it fully upgraded up to the last three bubbles.
So they're confirmed boosted as well?
Neat- so then you need one more bubble, how many shards is that? i.e., how many shards to make a raid piece a 33 light piece?
My pain is slightly nullified by the my recent acquisition of Gjallergod
Did they fix some ghosts too? I just got a grimoire card as soon as I logged in.