I'm still very excited about CE ;p
I plan to maintain the basic pace of runs-per-week as I did with VoG, which kept me legitimately looking forward to running it just for the fun of it even up to the release of TDB and into the present day era. I also hope to participate in different runs that allow me to mix up the role I have in the fight frequently. I'm very cognizant of what I can tolerate in terms of burning myself out on things and try to take steps to counteract it- even if this holds me back from progressing quickly.
I understand that, I just don't want some of us who are still new to it to go in with a false impression that it is a bad raid when the first few times at least it is really a ton of fun and has some pretty fresh encounters of things we've never done in this game yet.
It's nowhere close to a bad raid or a poorly designed boss fight; though in the case of the latter Atheon may well be the better of the two and incorporate more interesting mechanics, fed Valve-style to the group throughout the course of the raid very deliberately. They're extraordinarily
different fights, which I love, and I feel that each raid is designed top to bottom to provide completely disparate sensations while running them, and each does succeed on its own merits.
I'm still formulating my thoughts on the two of them to type up a little "review" of each now that we know what it's like to have more than one raid in Destiny. But I have to say that ultimately I really feel like it's going to come down to personal preference which one you feel is the better raid, and I'm pretty sure that I am leaning toward preferring CE overall. I definitely want the chance to experience each possible role in the final fight, and take the bridge legitimately (my group used a bit of omega-level cheese to break through it on Sunday). But while it does not contain VoG's strong points, it does include a number of design decisions that I enjoy particularly when contrasted with VoG, and I'm a sucker for how superbly Bladedancers can contribute throughout the entire thing.