You have all those at 36 light max already? In any case there is only one answer to your question. It's not even a question IMO
Starfire Protocol is just too fuckin' good looking to pass up on.
The only Warlock exotic I want.
spoils from nightfall
LOL bungie pls
lol fig was dying so hard she wasn't quite herself anymore.
who is XxcrisizxX??
shit you hit the mother loadPretty good haul for me today.
Got Starfire Protocol and Mida Multi Tool from Nightfalls and two pairs of gloves and a pair of boots from Crota's End.
I'm at the point where I no longer know which exotic to wear on my main Warlock...
Starfire Protocol?
Heart of Praxic Fire?
Claws of Ahamkara?
My second Warlock is using Light Beyond Nemesis and I still have Vodfang Vestments rotting in my vault.
I'd gladly trade a few of these for a Gjallarhorn or Dragon's Breath, though.
Since I've maxed my upgraded Ice Breaker I could shove bounty exp into another exotic weapon.
Does it at least have field scout?
I've got this bounty and it's asking me to get 200 Fusion Rifle kills on a Nightfall. That sounds like it can take a whileWorth it?
ok, for 6:30 Crotas End so far Ive got....
1. GreenyMac
2. Tysonbane
3. Arekkusu77
4. Mindlog
5. EroticSushi
6. Hopefully a decent swordbearer...
TysonBane may or may not be in at this point, just waiting to hear back from him on skype.
3 Gjallahorns in this group...Spitting hot fire.
Can someone confirm Crota only drops shards and energy? No weapons? No emblem?
Can someone confirm Crota only drops shards and energy? No weapons? No emblem?
Only 30 but can run my own away from sword and provide weapons of light & ghorn if y'all need a backup.
lol fig was dying so hard she wasn't quite herself anymore.
who is XxcrisizxX??
spoils from nightfall
LOL bungie pls
Can someone confirm Crota only drops shards and energy? No weapons? No emblem?
^This seems to be the most likey case.It's random. Seems like the first drop from Crota is a guaranteed weapon and emblem. After your first kill with that character it's all RNG.
What the hell I've been saving up for devil you don't. There's only two purple handguns now, I want this. Why wouldn't you want this?Does it at least have field scout?
Anyone up for the weeklies on PS4? Send a FR to BadAss2961.
Anyone for nightfall then weekly? PSN: Hzoltan969
Forgot why I hated PVP so much, SUROS Regime overload.
Someone just got ghorn from ib so jelly...guess I got to wait for never happening upgrade
What the hell I've been saving up for devil you don't. There's only two purple handguns now, I want this. Why wouldn't you want this?
Iam down bigmanny287I'll keep asking on every page - cool?
Hard VoG or Crota pls?
Level 31 Titan.
It's random. Seems like the first drop from Crota is a guaranteed weapon and emblem. After your first kill with that character it's all RNG.
Edit Bungie has said there is some sort of counter and after a certain number of boring RNG drops you are somehow guaranteed to get a fun drop. Who know exactly how that works though.
it's worthless
it's worthless
Quoting for more replies...Still looking for a few for Crotas end about 6-6:30 eastern....
Iam down bigmanny287
An auto rifle which can out shine a scout and pulse across the map, what were bungie thinking.
Yay! Got some more guardians with you?
God, you can solo 3/4 of the raid. lol
What makes it bad? I have red hand with similar stats and it wrecks everything
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
Been trying to solo CE first chest for like 20 minutes now, and no luck.
Are we sure it hasn't been fixed?
Did someone manage to get it to spawn since the last patch?
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
So you are suggesting that the chest just doesn't spawn in the first door anymore? You could just be really unlucky. Did you try going to the second door?
Has anyone gotten the first chest from the first door since the patch?
I did that early this morning on all of my alts no problem.
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
It's not.