Byron Bluth
Sorry about that. Maybe another time.
No worries! Love your avatar BTW
Sorry about that. Maybe another time.
Congrats! Still praying to RNG for mine.
Deku and I are looking for 1 person to join us for our weekly back to back weeklies and nightfalls this evening at 9pm EST
We will run Nightfall and Weekly on 3 characters back to back.
Anyone interested?
Just got No Land Beyond and hate it. Loading each bullet after every shot kills it for me.
Probably the worst exotic ever.
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
Just got No Land Beyond and hate it. Loading each bullet after every shot kills it for me.
I'm going to use it and make a sweet montage if I can just find it.
Hope Xur sells it Friday.
You can stay zoomed while reloading each shell, but yeah I can't see a place for it over the other options. It s an odd addition to the game for sure.
You can stay zoomed while reloading each shell, but yeah I can't see a place for it over the other options. It s an odd addition to the game for sure.
For the new page! We average about 2.5 hours getting through them all.
Just got No Land Beyond and hate it. Loading each bullet after every shot kills it for me.
Yeah, I wasn't on the week Icebreaker was on sale, so every time I run the raid with people, it's like
"Switching to icebreaker!"
"Switching to icebreaker!"
"Switching to icebreaker!"
"Switching to icebreaker!"
"Switching to icebreaker!"
"I uh.. brought a Thunderlord?"
Anyone doing nightfall right now?
I really hope he sells something from the new exotic collection.
Does anyone know the confirmed exotic weapon list for The Dark Below?
1. No Land Beyond
2. Dragons Breath
3. 4th Horseman
4. Necrochasm (no one seems to have gotten this and is likely the Vex of CE)
Any others?
FR sent. I am going to start one so hop on inI need to run it. Add me cloud945076
My good friend T-44 is on PS4 right now attempting to kill xyor. if anyone could find it in their heart to help him, I'd appreciate it. He's a 30 hunter and at the end of the fight.
No worries! Love your avatar BTW
Is your friend still trying? I've got a friend that still needs this and can jump on now...
Those are the only 4.
All pretty underwhelming. and XB1 doesn't even get 4th Horseman.
Anyone able to hook me up with a hard Atheon checkpoint sometime this week for our #ForeverNoVex runs this week?
Been running people through Atheon at a chance for the Vex!
I will post signups for this week soon, looking at Saturday December 20th at 2:00pm EST
When you do them; let me know man.
For sure!
Anyone able to hook me up with a hard Atheon checkpoint sometime this week for our #ForeverNoVex runs this week?
Been running people through Atheon at a chance for the Vex!
I will post signups for this week soon, looking at Saturday December 20th at 2:00pm EST
We have room for one more in the weekly. PSN is DarknyssPSN: jayforone
Level 30 Sun Warlock.
Looking to do the weekly and nightfall now. Waiting around.
Add me and join up
Hard VoG. Need 2 more.
Bigmanny287Hard VoG. Need 2 more.
You down for a Crota run tonight? Graverobber showed me a great Crota tactic last night.
If you need a sixth when running these, send me an invite.
We have room for one more in the weekly. PSN is Darknyss
Beat Crota and got 3 shards. Why? Didn't even feel worth it.
Hard VoG. Need 2 more.