does red hand have a 5 ammo mag?
Lol no 10, damn
does red hand have a 5 ammo mag?
What the hell I've been saving up for devil you don't. There's only two purple handguns now, I want this. Why wouldn't you want this?
Crap. Looks like I'm going to be playing IB after all :/
Just joined your fireteam.It's not.
You got one post patch?
PS4? Send me a request -- same name as GAF. One spot left, not sure how long it'll be open.Looking to do weekly nightfall. Lvl 29 Titan. Anyone up for it?
Ok, I'll try some more then.I have. 10 mins ago.
I have no horn so my build will beWho cares, it's a legendary O_O
you could roll a defender build with that AND gjallarhorn and ruin wings and Iron Harvest
galactus tier
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
Ok, I'll try some more then.
I want to fight everyone who has got an exotic from the CE chest.
I haven't even got the class items at the very least.
I'm around that yeah.It can take 30-40 times.
Nothing but shards here
I'm around that yeah.
Been really lucky last week it seems, my maximum number of tries for a character was 3. ^^
I want to fight everyone who has got an exotic from the CE chest.
I haven't even got the class items at the very least.
I get home at that time (6PM PST) and have 3 characters to take through. I'm friends with Deku but do not have you on my FL yet.
PSN: coyquettish
I got the chest 6 times now (3 on each class last week and 3 this week) and got:
Titan Mark
Warlock Bond
Yes, it's one of the best weapons in the gameI've got this bounty and it's asking me to get 200 Fusion Rifle kills on a Nightfall. That sounds like it can take a whileWorth it?
I just can't relate. I try, but it never comes. If I'm deciding to choose "play a videogame" as the thing I'm doing with my time, for any given chunk of time, all I care about is that it's fun. The activity I've chosen to participate in hinges solely on the relative factor of its enjoyment for me on a personal level- if I'm not having fun, I'm not really the type to "give things a chance" and keep playing for another 10, 20, 50 hours to see if it gets good. I just quit. The concept that "fun is fun but" anything is foreign to me. It's not that I disagree with you to any extent, I just wish I knew what it felt like to experience it, because I've seen people rage SO HARD about things that couldn't even begin to get a rise out of me- sometimes literally going so far as to admit they aren't having fun, but will continue to do whatever they've been doing anyway, until x arbitrary event that may change their experience but probably won't.Well, we'd like to think so Hawkian but let's be honest. We're achievers here. Heck, we are the definition of over achievers. We like progress, we like climbing the mountain and we like "being the best" as it were. Fun is fun but the drive to be the highest level kid on the block with the best toys first cannot be understated.
You're 1000x better off.After being an MMO guy for years I pretty much got off of that crazy train but I will be honest and say the bug bit me a little bit once I started playing Destiny. Right before the new expansion I realized what I was doing and had to bring myself down a notch. I still want the new shiny's and I still want to improve my character but I am not going to stress myself overly to get there. At this point, I just want to enjoy the ride.
Hahaha, do give it a chance. I love the gun soooo much.I'll try it but I'm not gonna like it.
We all felt bad for you and wins, I'm sorry we just couldn't get it done. I'd have given anything to break through those last couple barriers in time. But we're going to be tearing through this shit within a couple weeks, mark my words!Awesome congrats.
There's actually a buttload of doors that the chest can actually spawn at. One of my friends had to wipe about 20 times before it spawned in one of the first two doors.How many doors are in that first part that it can be at? Maybe they reduced the chances of it spawning in the very first door.
count me in, lvl 31 Titan
PSN: TKRunningRiot
Edit: Looks like I'm too late, but you can put me down for an alternate if you want.
I got the chest 6 times now (3 on each class last week and 3 this week) and got:
Titan Mark
Warlock Bond
Yes, but you're raiding with us at that time
Well I finished my Incentive bounty and it just seems so useless, I don't see the point of an exotic shotgun. In PvE they aren't any good. In PvP, a shotgun is going to OHK regardless of its rarity.
I get home at that time (6PM PST) and have 3 characters to take through. I'm friends with Deku but do not have you on my FL yet.
PSN: coyquettish
Yes, but you're raiding with us at that time
At least you got a great prize to end your dry spell.
It probably just has the same chance to drop in normal crucible or vanguard strikes. 0.00000000000000056%.
Man, I really need to check my PMs more often. -_-
No worries if you have other plans setup!
I promise I won't steal!
Haha it's up to Coy, I just PM'd him about it today so obviously not going to twist his arm.
But if you steal him I'll fight you
I will fight you with my new Gjallerhorn!
Tried out my maxed IB 2.0 and Black Hammer in the PS4 exclusive strike.
Playing with a level 30 character IB did 2940 precision damage in the boss fight, Black Hammer 3035.
No worries if you have other plans setup!
Bungie, this is why you have a separate server with a beta test. So your raids aren't released with so many easy exploits.
Ok, so, as far as I'm concerned, and until someone proves me otherwise, I consider the CE solo chest exploit to be fixed.
Just got Ice Breaker off the free Crota chest
Just got No Land Beyond and hate it. Loading each bullet after every shot kills it for me.
Just got No Land Beyond and hate it. Loading each bullet after every shot kills it for me.