Ill go
Come on! GlamFM.
Ill go
A++If you haven't seen it yet, check out this thread. Have not laughed this hard in awhile:
switching over to my hunter and then I'll joinAdd me. GlamFM.
Fr sentCome on! GlamFM.
Hmm, I didn't get anything. We are at boss now if you want to try again.Invite sent
Hmm, I didn't get anything. We are at boss now if you want to try again.
I can't believe it. I finally got something good from the Nightfall. Hawkmoon! I was praying for Gjallarhorn but this is almost as good.
Phogoth. If you clear ads and leave him alone, the ships won't show up. I noticed that when I did it last weekend. Just shoot him a little bit, but don't kill him before Xyor shows up.
Well I finished my Incentive bounty and it just seems so useless, I don't see the point of an exotic shotgun. In PvE they aren't any good. In PvP, a shotgun is going to OHK regardless of its rarity.
I really wish shotguns were more useful in PvE. I can't think of any situation in PvE off hand that wouldn't be better suited to a fusion rifle. Especially when they make enemy melee so damaging.
Yep, they changed it. The dropship waves are tied to certain health thresholds. In the end it doesn't really complicate it that much though.Did they change this recently?
I've run it multiple times pre-exotic patch and we didn't shoot him once. Killing acolytes and knights spawned drop ships, had nothing to do with Phogoth's health.
Add me. GlamFM.
Come on! GlamFM.
Boots, Arms, Boots, Hunger of Crota...
I want Helmet and Chest. Maaaaaaybe Black Hammer... not sure yet.
Otherwise, I think if I am a bit lucky next week the Void Handcannon will be the reason for Hard Raid.
You want the Black Hammer. Any somewhat stagnant boss (Archon Priest, Phogoth, Valus, Devil Walkers etc) get wrecked as long as you hit crit shots.
I did the Archon Priest strike yesterday and just crushed him in the face while the other two on my fire team kept me clear of adds. It was hilarious. I hit about 20 sniper rifle shots in a row before he finally dipped into some cover. I strafed, and repeated until he went down.
Multiple headshots to him will make him flinch like crazy. I'm certain he can be stunlocked with that thing and maybe a little supporting fire.Does he flinch when you headshot him?
-exclusion zone/dark below/undying mind glimmer farm should drop a lot of engramsWhat's the best way to farm hunter class materials? The worst thing about starting a new alt is in the beginning you are extremely short on class materials to upgrade your armor.
Need one more for crota, we just did it quickly and want to finish up againps4, leave psn
Crota has two formswhats disappointing is the final boss being a giant Knight and being his only form when Bungie said it was only one of his forms.
What's the best way to farm hunter class materials? The worst thing about starting a new alt is in the beginning you are extremely short on class materials to upgrade your armor.
they did it 6 days before the reset, pretty much as before the reset as possible~Maybe it's mean, but the schadenfreude associated with this cycle:
... is sort of delicious. This game has repeatedly and consistently punished this sort of racing to get stuff done. I'm not sure what folks are thinking.
- weekly reset
- grind 3 characters through NF/raid
- patch drops
- complain that it would have been nice to know the patch changed something that would have made the 3x grind easier/better/more rewarding
It'd be great if Bungie would do this BEFORE the reset, but the definition of insanity and all that.
Did they change this recently?
I've run it multiple times pre-exotic patch and we didn't shoot him once. Killing acolytes and knights spawned drop ships, had nothing to do with Phogoth's health.
If you're also looking for a bit of XP, rep, and a good source of marks, doing Roc strikes and popping the appropriate glimmer consumable beforehand really goes a long way. Black Wax for Phogoth, Ether Seeds for Sepiks, Blue Polyphage for Undying Mind, Resupply Codes for Valus, etc.-most suggest vanguard strieks (tiger and now ROC)
Crota has two forms
alive and dead
-exclusion zone/dark below/undying mind glimmer farm should drop a lot of engrams
-most suggest vanguard strieks (tiger and now ROC)
-loot chest farming used to be a good method, and might be better/worse now that you can buy materials for marks, there might be more chest spawns going untouched
Wait I didn't classes had specific material. . I have 3 hunters, is that why I have 500+ sapphire wire?
Wait, I thought exotics didn't require planetary materials anymore to upgrade?
You confused that with ass material.
Roc Strikes on your highest level/best equipped, then giving the engrams to the alt, is by far the best bet for just class materials.Thanks! Do you have an opinion about which is better? Seems like vanguard strikes are OK but if all you want is materials it's kind of slow.
If you're also looking for a bit of XP, rep, and a good source of marks, doing Roc strikes and popping the appropriate glimmer consumable beforehand really goes a long way. Black Wax for Phogoth, Ether Seeds for Sepiks, Blue Polyphage for Undying Mind, Resupply Codes for Valus, etc.
On a related note, I feel like I'm enjoying the Roc strike playlist considerably more than I used to with Tigers. I can't really put my finger on why, but I've had some good runs blazing through them the past couple days
Thanks! Since they match you with people of the same level yes it goes much faster when you are higher levels.Roc Strikes on your highest level/best equipped, then giving the engrams to the alt, is by far the best bet for just class materials.
Multiple headshots to him will make him flinch like crazy. I'm certain he can be stunlocked with that thing and maybe a little supporting fire.
If you're also looking for a bit of XP, rep, and a good source of marks, doing Roc strikes and popping the appropriate glimmer consumable beforehand really goes a long way. Black Wax for Phogoth, Ether Seeds for Sepiks, Blue Polyphage for Undying Mind, Resupply Codes for Valus, etc.
On a related note, I feel like I'm enjoying the Roc strike playlist considerably more than I used to with Tigers. I can't really put my finger on why, but I've had some good runs blazing through them the past couple days
You want the Black Hammer. Any somewhat stagnant boss (Archon Priest, Phogoth, Valus, Devil Walkers etc) get wrecked as long as you hit crit shots.
I did the Archon Priest strike yesterday and just crushed him in the face while the other two on my fire team kept me clear of adds. It was hilarious. I hit about 20 sniper rifle shots in a row before he finally dipped into some cover. I strafed, and repeated until he went down.
Warlock: Done both 100% - 0 armor last week, 2 this week2. My titan didn't get any armour last week and got 2 pieces this week, my Hunter got 1 piece last week and 1 this week, Warlock got 1 last week and 1 this week, seems to even out the loot rolls for armour pretty well32.
3x crota last week = 3x weapons (RL, Sniper, RL)Getting nervous about people only reporting shards off of Crota.... I have a raid in about an hour... hope it's not bugged or something.
Need 1 more for full Iron Banner team.
wow. that's nuts.He can be stunlocked with no supporting fire. In fact, supporting fire makes it more difficult as his flinch becomes less predictable. He kind of "flinches" in the direction of the bullet.
Just get straight in front of him and unload until he's dead. Your supporting cast should ONLY focus on the adds.
im game.
I don't really think so, element matters most when there is a burn, so must enemies die in a single shot or two (where a handcannon with fast reloads does the same thing), or have shields. I saw videos of it on Devil Walker etc. but these are enemies and rooms where you can fight something without needing to move.
I have a 331 Legendary Sniper Solar atm and I'm wondering if I should bother with it.
Phogoth doesn't stay in one place and the best way to fight him is to stay outside of the room, where you can't really get the shots anyway.
Archon Priest sure, but I would never play it unless it is a Nightfall. The second it has Angry where they don't flinch there is no use of it. Even without Angry, we are assuming Solar Burn, where he can pretty much one shot or two shot you, and as you mentioned, your friends would have to take care of the other enemies, which isn't realistic on a Nightfall and personally I prefer solo.
Strike bosses aside, which with a burn are pretty simple to take out anyway, it's extremely situational and in fact worse on the kinds of enemies I would switch to a solar element for anyway (shielded) since it's ammo count is just 3 and has a small RoF.
I wouldn't shard it, but I think it would be the last thing I upgrade and hardly use it unless there is a very specific non Angry Solar Burn Nightfall not on Mars, Moon, or Venus...
definitely not in your postmaster?wtf. I only got shards, but the screen also said Universal remote. This is glitched, beware.
Who's up for a nightfall? Soling is too annoying these days. 31 Hunter PSN=gutterboy44