Speaking of cheese, who does the nightfalls totally legitimately?
My friends and I cheesed the fuck out of Phogoth after wiping to the wizard wave three times. Doing it legitimately, without staying by the entrance of the wave room/luring the wizards, hiding behind the rock or by the shrieker is ridiculous. I'd like to see it done.
Just went on YouTube to check that out and I literally can't find a single video of someone/a team doing it without conceding to hiding in a safe spot.
Did you guys get the husk on 24 or 28?
Did you guys get the husk on 24 or 28?
1 . Dante316
3 ty_84
pS4 DekuBleep
6. Minime637
we will start as soon as we have 6 people. I have the crota check point if it wasn't clear.
Sent yall party invites lol chillaxing is the room name, waiting couple minutes for drubbed.
Did you guys get the husk on 24 or 28?
what is the better Defender Helm? Saint 14 or Glasshouse?
How does that trick work? You log in when the reset hits, pick up the new bounties. Complete them and when you turn them in later on during the day, they're there again?
The only alt I'll be working on is my second hunter. They will still serve no purpose.
Yes, very much so. My theory is that Bungie might have some kind use for them in the future. Who am I kidding, though? It was just a last minute addition that wasn't properly thought out. Bungie is too big of an organization and there is a ton of disconnect between all of the departments.
what is the better Defender Helm? Saint 14 or Glasshouse?
I don't really see these things as cheese, per se. Knocking Atheon off the ledge? Bugging out Crota so he is always vulnerable? That's the type of cheese/exploits that are the problem.
They've constructed a game that ruthlessly manipulates player habits as determined over generations of game design.When I say prey I didn't mean malice. I was being poetic or something.
The game is built around two things: the gameplay hook and the loot hook, and the hooks can to deep.
The designers are definitely aware of he draw of loot based games. Take that as you will.
I'm not sure if I accept your premise. I really would like to compare it to something so that I know what a lot or a little actually looks like for an entrant in the type of game Destiny attempts to be.You don't need to compare it to anything to understand that the majority of the time we're repeating the same gameplay loop in the same areas.
Hold the phone a second here, are you saying that if you got everything you wanted in the game, and didn't have friends to play with, there's a chance it still would hold you?!if I "won" destiny and got everything I wanted and didn't have friends to play with, the actual gameplay content probably wouldn't hold me.
See that's what I'm saying, I have no clue how to answer this, I don't get how to relate. You seem to be implying they aren't actually enjoying the game, whereas I sort of assumed they were, but also enjoying the act of bitching about it. If they're really not enjoying the game, but continuing to bitch about it, can you explain why they don't stop playing altogether? :-[You really think the people bitching wouldn't rather be enjoying the game too?
It's the daily heroic mission also!
That'll show em. Damn the man! -_-
So do people use the center strat or left strat for Crota?
The way I see it, I essentially paid 20 bucks for new gear and a new raid. Why would I cheapen that experience for myself?
But with how exploitable Crotas end is im scared lfg will just be filled with cheesers. It was really dumb how people in lfg during NORMAL mode Templar needed to cheese him. The fight is not that hard in normal and it's really fun.
It was downright sad how many people had no idea how to beat Templar legit after the patch.
The way I see it, I essentially paid 20 bucks for new gear and a new raid. Why would I cheapen that experience for myself?
But with how exploitable Crotas end is im scared lfg will just be filled with cheesers. It was really dumb how people in lfg during NORMAL mode Templar needed to cheese him. The fight is not that hard in normal and it's really fun.
It was downright sad how many people had no idea how to beat Templar legit after the patch.
I still need to run CE twice. My group made it to Crota on Monday but couldn't get the timing down to kill him.
Unfortunately I'm on xbone and it seems the majority of raiding parties are ps4 here
So do people use the center strat or left strat for Crota?
Is there a consensus yet on the "must buy" primary vendor weapons post DLC? The hand cannon offerings are garbage, which really disappoints me (I am using a Pulse Rifle at the moment ffs) but I am willing to grind marks and rep for a decent leg primary.
Left is the most efficient one by a long-shot.
So do people use the center strat or left strat for Crota?
Is anyone interested in doing a quick VoG run? I need some shards. Normal or Heroic. Preferably the latter, but Normal is fine too.
LOL makes sense, I didn't know you can go and select the same mission that's the daily and get rewarded for it.
Anyone down for a normal vault of glass raid and a Hard mode right after? I have three with me level 30, 31, and 31. Anyone is welcomed. PSN KeanBurke
Left is the most efficient one by a long-shot.
I think the Vanguard sniper rifle is held in high regard.
Left all the way I say. Center when it's Ogre timeSo do people use the center strat or left strat for Crota?
Still farming...I killed enough hive to get the upgrade for the Husk of the Pit, now I just need to grind enough rep to get the embalming orb. It's a pretty cool gun. It's a bullet hose, but not quite as unstable as others I've used. It sounds unique, and has a pulse rifle icon/reload animation.
I think they definitely made it possible for that gun to drop with the upgrade yesterday.
So do people use the center strat or left strat for Crota?
I prefer the left because you can still get a crack at Crota when he goes right.
Left is the most efficient one by a long-shot.
Yeah, I tried both and left is a lot better.
Left. I think center makes it too hard for the sword bearer; the jump up is harder and (unless you have one up top sniping) they are more likely to get wrecked by "boomer" knights.
Left all the way I say. Center when it's Ogre time
The main reason people cheesed templar on normal was because it was a sure fire way of guaranteeing the secret chest.
Seems pretty conclusive, eh Hood...
No solid primaries though?I miss my TDYK
Typical crucible match. Guy had a .2 k/d with the least amount of assists and captures, he gets Dragon's Breath.
Available as backup if you need 1. Psn gunawiSent yall party invites lol chillaxing is the room name, waiting couple minutes for drubbed.
Any feedback on The Devil You Don't???
Is that clip too small?
Is the reload time to slow?
Everything els about the gun looks good/great.
No solid primaries though?I miss my TDYK
I'm not sure if I accept your premise. I really would like to compare it to something so that I know what a lot or a little actually looks like for an entrant in the type of game Destiny attempts to be.
This is important not because I'm perfectly satisfied with the amount of areas and activities and modes and see no value in adding more, but because I don't know what a game with somewhere around the right amount of content in this subgenre looks like, if it's not Destiny.
Hold the phone a second here, are you saying that if you got everything you wanted in the game, and didn't have friends to play with, there's a chance it still would hold you?!
See that's what I'm saying, I have no clue how to answer this, I don't get how to relate. You seem to be implying they aren't actually enjoying the game, whereas I sort of assumed they were, but also enjoying the act of bitching about it. If they're really not enjoying the game, but continuing to bitch about it, can you explain why they don't stop playing altogether? :-[
It had / has nothing to do with enrage, it has to do with preventing teleportation.Perhaps you are not aware of the bonus chest you get if you defeat him before he gets enraged. That is why people cheesed him on normal & hard
maybe you meant something else. Like- a solid team should beat templar before enrage normally
On normal, it's pretty easy to prevent teleporting, though. And it's fun. When it comes down to it, people are generally greedy and selfish pigs who want reward through the easiest possible way.The main reason people cheesed templar on normal was because it was a sure fire way of guaranteeing the secret chest.
I think this criticism in a vacuum is very interesting, and I don't honestly know what we're comparing it to when we make this claim. While saying that Destiny needs more content is a statement I'd agree with wholeheartedly, saying that there's "very little actual content" makes me wonder what similar game with a dissimilar amount of content I should be looking to as an example. Sometimes I wonder what similar game I'm supposed to look to at all.
Yeah. But why two times? Why not just do it on Hard?
It's held back by the clip size. However if you can get a drop with Field Scout it bumps the mag size upto 13, it's a VERY solid HC then.
On normal, it's pretty easy to prevent teleporting, though. And it's fun. When it comes down to it, people are generally greedy and selfish pigs who want reward through the easiest possible way.
what is the better Defender Helm? Saint 14 or Glasshouse?