The Iron Yuppie
Has anyone seen an updated Red Hand IX (New Monarchy handcannon)?
I would love one of those
I got one with return to sender, it's nice but the range is pretty lacking.
Has anyone seen an updated Red Hand IX (New Monarchy handcannon)?
I would love one of those
Ok, so far we have...
Just need one more. I'm happy to start asap if everyone is ready btw.
Why do you care how someone else wants to play the game, though? If someone else wants to cheese their way through every encounter, it's no skin off my back. And honestly, if my raid team is sucking and banging their head against Crota for 4 hours, I'd have preferred that someone just cheesed him so I can move on with my life. I've already downed him multiple times without, so it's not like I get additional satisfaction from it anymore. I would get immense satisfaction at getting those 4 hours back tho
Why would someone be in the raid and not get loot? Of course you'd get loot, assuming you can log in.
As for the Crota cheeses, have fun with em whilst you can, but personally the rush I got after learning to use the sword and killing him, is a greater feeling than getting any exotic INCLUDING THE BALLERHORN can ever give me.
I got one with return to sender, it's nice but the range is pretty lacking.
Yeah, Crota is easy enough without cheese and a bit more fun.
How does that trick work? You log in when the reset hits, pick up the new bounties. Complete them and when you turn them in later on during the day, they're there again?
I'm usually in and playing during reset, if the bounties differ from the previous day they show up at Eris. I do those and hand them in and later, when I come back to Destiny, they are there again along with any that were also there the previous day. so 2 or 3 can be done twice. Great if those are the ones worth 100. Also having done nightfall gives the usual 25% boost I believe (I was expecting to level Eris tomorrow after totalling the bounty values but just crept over the line to rank 3).
My only complaint really about the game isn't the game.
It's the players, so last night we were doing our third raid run through and this random guy joins our party,
we're at the bridge and doing it five man as we could.
He then chimes in, OHHH I can do this in 5 seconds, like the cheese tactic.
To which we say, oh cool, and carry on.
Why do people deem it's alright to use a glitch to gain an unfair advantage on things.
The same happened in Halo matchmaking with the boosting and host booting.
I play Destiny because I enjoy the challenge, I do not however enjoy just cheating everything as you may have great gear, but you're sure as hell going to be a terrible team mate once these glitches get patched.
As for the Crota cheeses, have fun with em whilst you can, but personally the rush I got after learning to use the sword and killing him, is a greater feeling than getting any exotic INCLUDING THE BALLERHORN can ever give me.
It's hard to quit an addiction, and this game preys on addictive personalities. There's very little actual content here, what we really have is a few sets of one armed bandit fruit machine style pulls and a highly polished gameplay hook linking them all together.
Then we have one of the best co-op experiences in a fps wih the VoG and to a lesser extent CE, and pvp that is basically Marmite.
I find it very hard to understand how anyone couldn't completely understand why there's so much bitching.
I'm usually in and playing during reset, if the bounties differ from the previous day they show up at Eris. I do those and hand them in and later, when I come back to Destiny, they are there again along with any that were also there the previous day. so 2 or 3 can be done twice. Great if those are the ones worth 100. Also having done nightfall gives the usual 25% boost I believe (I was expecting to level Eris tomorrow after totalling the bounty values but just crept over the line to rank 3).
I was levelling Eris with all characters until it struck me that I was being daft, as once the basic Eris stuff is done, a Warlock can buy a Titan alt gear, so I'm still doing them multiple times but with exp gain.
BTW, I know the Dr Nope/Atheon's Epilogue style ARs are generally seen as being useless for crucible, but I just gave a barely levelled Eidolon Ally a go in IB and it wasn't entirely useless even in my PvP piss-poor hands. It's got more than 2x AE's impact, not sure how much of a factor impact is in IB.
Put a conversation from this morning it into sobering perspective... we discussed what possible xmas special items there might be on the 25th... there might be a problem here.
What to do with all of these commendations I'm acquiring? I don't even understand why Bungie put them in.
I get a blue chest engram, which is the last piece I don't have light on my hunter. Rahool gives me a mote of light....bastard.
Well, these is a difference between gaining a direct competitive advantage over other players through unintended means, and cooperatively exploiting such an advantage over a game's systems.Glitching and cheating sure as hell used to get you banned in WoW and Halo, but it's deemed acceptable in Destiny? WHY?
Heh, sometimes I wonder if I am the only one in here to have never cheesed Atheon. I'll stand on this ledge by myself if I have to!I play Destiny because I enjoy the challenge, I do not however enjoy just cheating everything as you may have great gear, but you're sure as hell going to be a terrible team mate once these glitches get patched.
As for the Crota cheeses, have fun with em whilst you can, but personally the rush I got after learning to use the sword and killing him, is a greater feeling than getting any exotic INCLUDING THE BALLERHORN can ever give me.
I understand why people would want to bitch, my issue is why they keep doing it however many months after release.
Word. There needs to be an attitude shift toward looking down on this exploit crap.
Awesome. Did you get it from a rank up package? It's no Hawkmoon, but as a legendary, it's the closest thing I've had for times I need to use a different exotic.
Speaking of cheese, who does the nightfalls totally legitimately?
My friends and I cheesed the fuck out of Phogoth after wiping to the wizard wave three times. Doing it legitimately, without staying by the entrance of the wave room, hiding behind the rock or by the shrieker is ridiculous. I'd like to see it done.
Just went on YouTube to check that out and I literally can't find a single video of someone/a team doing it without conceding to hiding in a safe spot.
Speaking of cheese, who does the nightfalls totally legitimately?
My friends and I cheesed the fuck out of Phogoth after wiping to the wizard wave three times. Doing it legitimately, without staying by the entrance of the wave room/luring the wizards, hiding behind the rock or by the shrieker is ridiculous. I'd like to see it done.
Just went on YouTube to check that out and I literally can't find a single video of someone/a team doing it without conceding to hiding in a safe spot.
What to do with all of these commendations I'm acquiring? I don't even understand why Bungie put them in.
Man, I have spent way too much time in this first dlc mission trying to get the husk. I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.
I spawn in and sparrow down to the first set of mobs doing the ritual. Kill the sword dude and go to orbit if nothing is added to inventory. There's no need to pick up the relic or kill anything else, right?
I can agree with this. Some people complain so much, it's a wonder why they even continue to play the game if they find it so offensive.
You don't have to be 31 to do the new raid. 30 is more than fine, provided you have other 31s there (and you will, lots of 31s now). Honestly you are just wasting drops by not going in. At the very least, get the free chest at the beginning of the raid. Don't even have to fire your gun.
30 is more than fine - just go for it. The only thing I felt was much easier as a 31 was surviving at the end, in particular holding up to the knights in the tower and to a lesser extent killing adds. And at this point you will probably see more 31s in your group so those problems are alleviated.
It's so dumb, isn't it? At this point, what will replace the Gjallahorn?I hope so too! If so, it'll be a priority to level back up. I believe 331 Attack is a 15% damage increase over 300, which is substantial given the damage for Gjallarhorn.
Downed Crota last night. I must say, I am really underwhelmed with the new raid. The Crota fight is the only thing that is fun about it. The rest seems to be just running and jumping over enemies. VoG had a few challenging and fun encounters, CE seems slapped together and I cannot imagine it will hold my interest more than a few more clears. I guess I will end up picking up Warlords of Draenor to fill my raiding needs.
The disconnect cheese? Let's not encourage it.
Crota cheese is fucking awesome hahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaa
Word. There needs to be an attitude shift toward looking down on this exploit crap.
I'm hopping online in a minute.
psn is silvertonguebr
Speaking of cheese, who does the nightfalls totally legitimately?
My friends and I cheesed the fuck out of Phogoth after wiping to the wizard wave three times. Doing it legitimately, without staying by the entrance of the wave room/luring the wizards, hiding behind the rock or by the shrieker is ridiculous. I'd like to see it done.
Just went on YouTube to check that out and I literally can't find a single video of someone/a team doing it without conceding to hiding in a safe spot.
I don't really see these things as cheese, per se. Knocking Atheon off the ledge? Bugging out Crota so he is always vulnerable? That's the type of cheese/exploits that are the problem.
What is even the definition of cheese anymore? What is described above I would call strategic positioning. There's nothing wrong with that and it can be construed as conservative playing.
Pushing the templar off a cliff on the other hand is a clear violation of the intended mechanics is something I would call a cheese
I do as many Nightfalls legitimately just for the challenge as possible, though it's not easy to find people to try. This one in particular, if we're going to go to the point of saying that using the left corner rock (not jumping behind the rock wall, just using the boulder as cover) is cheese, would be pretty damn impressive to do "legitimately". I don't think that rock is so cheesy though; it's just holding a defensible point; though an argument could be made that it's cheese since you don't trigger the wizards from there. Regardless, everything but the boss is shooting Arc at you and a couple stray Knight shots and you're wiped, so it's a real challenge any way besides the shrieker room/sniping from before it.Speaking of cheese, who does the nightfalls totally legitimately?
My friends and I cheesed the fuck out of Phogoth after wiping to the wizard wave three times. Doing it legitimately, without staying by the entrance of the wave room, hiding behind the rock or by the shrieker is ridiculous. I'd like to see it done.
Just went on YouTube to check that out and I literally can't find a single video of someone/a team doing it without conceding to hiding in a safe spot.
Ok, that's for confirming!You're doing it right. It's just your RNG luck in this game is about like mine lol.
2 weeks in a row now Nightfall has given me an exotic I did not have. Last week it was Patience and Time and this week it was An Insurmountable Skullfort.
The Skullfort looks great but I don't think the perks on it are terribly useful. I'm not complaining but with Saint-14 and Ruin Wings on tap I don't see the Skullfort getting that much time in use.
thanks man. The only thing that sucks is leveling up Eris now, she's only at level 2. I won't be able to upgrade the gun until about Saturday
It's so dumb, isn't it? At this point, what will replace the Gjallahorn?
You can use them on an alt, if you need to. But if you have all the gear needed there is nothing it can be useful for.
They seem completely redundant. You don't need them for guantlets or boots, and you can fill a helm or chest slot with a Xur exotic so you really only need the commendation for a single piece of gear to get to level 31 and by the time you acquire the marks/coins for that many pieces you will have Commendations out the ying-yang. They don't really serve the purpose of a time/activity gate, they are pointless.
They seem completely redundant. You don't need them for guantlets or boots, and you can fill a helm or chest slot with a Xur exotic so you really only need the commendation for a single piece of gear to get to level 31 and by the time you acquire the marks/coins for that many pieces you will have Commendations out the ying-yang. They don't really serve the purpose of a time/activity gate, they are pointless.
Nothing, really. Some people are using the raid rocket launcher as a "baby ballerhorn" so they can use IB as their exotic. For most content, that's probably fine. Without wolfpack rounds that have tracking, not as much damage so I wouldn't use it for progression raids.
This is a fantastic sentence- almost perfectly capturing the cognitive dissonance that is Destiny. It could almost be rephrased, "I'm not one for senseless catharsis, but this game calls for senseless catharsis!"![]()
I think this is venturing into another concern altogether.
When I describe the game as "addictive," I'm ultimately being metaphorical. It employs a ridiculously fun core gameplay hook that makes undertaking extremely repetitive actions bearable, and marries this to a semi-traditional vertical gear treadmill that rewards return visits; the conceptual side of what you're doing holds little to identify in the way of fun, as it shows the language we choose to describe it ("grind," "work," "punishment"), but the experiential process- jumping around, shooting aliens in the face, doing barrel rolls on a speeder, beating someone to the heavy ammo spawn- very nearly ALWAYS is. It's consistently fun to just sit down and play even after hundreds of hours; as a result, I want to keep going until it isn't anymore. This isn't something you can pull off just taking shots in the dark, as the consensus view of Bungie would indicate.
But in terms of legitimate psychological addiction, any entertainment product with variable ratio positive reinforcement, longitudinal progression, comparative avatar strength, an open-ended goal structure, etc. can be a dangerous thing. People prone to psychological addiction should stay far, far away from Destiny to be sure (though at least it won't silently lead to half a paycheck disappearing for "doughnuts"). But to say that it preys on these individuals is ascribing agency to an inanimate entity. It's a game; you have to play it.
I think this criticism in a vacuum is very interesting, and I don't honestly know what we're comparing it to when we make this concern. While saying that Destiny needs more content is a statement I'd agree with wholeheartedly, saying that there's "very little actual content" makes me wonder what similar game with a dissimilar amount of content I should be looking to as an example. Sometimes I wonder what similar game I'm supposed to look to at all.
Ah, see there we get to the crux of it. I very much doubt there's anyone who can't understand why there's so much bitching. That part is easy. All I was commenting on was the fact that it doesn't make things more fun, for me. It clearly does for others, and so that's just the way it goes.
That'll show em. Damn the man! -_-Cheese, cheese it all. I view it as a small way of, besides quitting the game, rejecting their design choices.
Depends on context (assuming both maxed of course); for a boss fight where you're plugging away the whole time, Glasshouse. When there's actually stuff rolling up on you in your bubble, Saint 14.what is the better Defender Helm? Saint 14 or Glasshouse?
Exactly. I hated the news of the commendations when I heard it as I thought it was an unnecessary annoyance. Turns out it's really just unnecessary period. I already have 3 or 4 of each type saved up in the vault.
I do as many Nightfalls legitimately just for the challenge as possible, though it's not easy to find people to try. This one in particular, if we're going to go to the point of saying that using the left corner rock (not jumping behind the rock wall, just using the boulder as cover) is cheese, would be pretty damn impressive to do "legitimately". I don't think that rock is so cheesy though; it's just holding a defensible point; though an argument could be made that it's cheese since you don't trigger the wizards from there. Regardless, everything but the boss is shooting Arc at you and a couple stray Knight shots and you're wiped, so it's a real challenge any way besides the shrieker room/sniping from before it.
But that's the thing with Nightfalls. The Nightfall modifier is so brutal and restrictive, it almost invites you to find a way to cheese it. It's not like the weekly heroic or raid where you get a checkpoint and just give it another shot in seconds if you wipe. You need to do whatever you can do make it through the encounter intact. It's almost daring you: "break me."
I would pay money to see Bungie devs do a Nightfall "The Way It's Meant To Be Done" every week. Live, not pre-recorded.
Are you supposed to get rewards every time you do the Dark Below Missions? I just did the Seige of Warmind mission again and got a legendary and engram plus an ascedant energy