I can't imagine putting a controller in the hands of a hardcore raider from WoW, saying "here's another raid, check it out" and sending them into Crota's End expecting them to get something similar out of the experience.
These are enormously better examples. I'm surprised no one mentioned Borderlands before. On paper, it has an enormous amount in common minus the competitive elements.
But in going back and playing it after Destiny, it really doesn't feel that similar to me or scratch the same itch. I'd be interested to hear if other people feel that it does, though.
I don't even know where to start. They are certainly not both classified as online RPGs.
Guild Wars 2 is probably the single game I have put the most time into in my life. I believe it to be the substantially better game when compared to Destiny. But the two are not particularly comparable... at all. No one was forced into raiding in GW2 because there was no raiding. There are still to this day no raids at all. I'm assuming by Battlegrounds you mean WvW; ironically enough at launch both PvP and PvE players that wanted a legendary weapon did need to enter WvW for the Gift of Battle, but that's really neither here nor there. There is no crafting in Destiny. Destiny does not have an open world. Character progression in GW2 completely de-emphasizes vertical progression to the point where seeking true best-in-slot items is basically a vanity exercise. The toughest group content in the game can be completely in gear two tiers below the top or even less with sufficient skill. Guild Wars 2 employs a suite of refined social elements and derives a lot of fun from guilds and server interaction neither of which have any impact in Destiny at all.
They use disparate design decisions almost every step of the way.
Well, at the very least, I'm totally with you on item transmutation. It's the feature I personally want added most. I save skins I like just on the sliver of a chance it is ever added.
I've seen you post in the GW2 thread so I'm definitely not going to try to attempt to change your mind if you feel that way
Yeah I really need to try Borderlands I'd probably fall in love with it. Just hoping for a PS4 version
Warframe vs Destiny- Yeah hands down Destiny has more variety of content. Now, in my mind Warframe's controls are even more fluid but Destiny has more of a story, etc. Warframe is a lot more akin to Mass Effect 3 MP (horde mode).
Destiny has more content than both those shooters though.