We need one more for Crota's End if anyone is interested? We have four 31's and one 30 so far. Preferably someone experienced. We've all completed it multiple times before.
Fresh or at a cp?
We need one more for Crota's End if anyone is interested? We have four 31's and one 30 so far. Preferably someone experienced. We've all completed it multiple times before.
Coolpsn id? Need one more and we'll start
Thankfully, my main Guardian is rank 2. Just 10-13 more bounties till 3.Yes it drops randomly but you can't upgrade it anyway until your Eris rank 3.
I'm looking for some fellow GAFFers on Xbox One who regularly play Destiny. I have yet to do a raid or anything else that requires a team. I am a level 26 TITAN and I'm looking for that loot.
GT: toejam2501 I play mostly at night. There are a few GAF xb1 peeps.
I don't have to play it, just know about it, hahaha. I pretty much hate Call of Duty and haven't touched one since the original MW, but I understand the value structure in each release.See, this is where I don't get your argument. You have to have played a game of a certain genre before to know whether there's enough content in the game you're playing now? I don't get that.
Well I absolutely want more content because I like the game and I want more stuff to do. Moar Destiny, plz! Is that an okay answer? I really am not trying to be cagey, but the phrase "enough content" is the crux of this whole thing. Enough for what? It's obviously held my interest thus far... but obviously, there's no way it could do so indefinitely with just the amount that is currently in-game. but then, I bought the expansion pass, so...Do you feel like there's enough content? And I want your personal opinion, don't give me an 'I can't compare it' answer.
lol at the undying mind strike where a wall literally spawns in front of you to slow you down
Anyone doing crotas raid on ps4 And need to fill a spot? If so, my PSN is greyblade. I've got a level 31 titan and warlock that need to run it.
Coolpsn id? Need one more and we'll start
The HM05 is a totally badass gamertag.
Is this not contradictory- aren't you saying if the amount of content were the same, but it was more interesting/challenging/complex?I don't even think you need to have a comparison. Even in a vacuum, I think that most people can agree that the amount of content that is repeated in the fundamental structure of the game that Bungie laid out (especially for the endgame) is extensive. Like Zakalwe mentioned, that would be one thing if the encounters and activities varied themselves more, but that's not the case. The barometer we can use to determine how much is a lot or a little content is how much we feel like we're doing the exact same activities over and over as opposed to having new experiences.
lol yeah. right at the beginning, devil may cry style.lol at the undying mind strike where a wall literally spawns in front of you to slow you down
Gotta give a shout out to Mattiator85
After spending hours trying to take down Crota yesterday it was a huge relief to put him down in one run. Friggin awesome.
Will anyone be running VoG hard today? Still need fatebringer.
I highly enjoy the Skullfort for PvP.
Inmost light is also pretty great, buuut I'm not the best at aiming Falcon Punch, so I prefer spawning with melee energy and the free Transfusion perk.
what is the better Defender Helm? Saint 14 or Glasshouse?
I'm into getting a team together
Ok, I'm jaguwar on psn.I'm into getting a team together
I think I'd be down for Heroic VoG depending on the time.
You do so much more damage with less people... I think we could limit teams to just 3.
this is incredibly impressive to me. makes sense they use the center... but dang
it's 2 32s...
Will anyone be running VoG hard today? Still need fatebringer.
Ahhhh that's kinda late. Was hoping to breeze through it and then have a chance at Crota tonight.I'm available from 5-8 pm pacific.
Why are people grinding so hard for...
Is this not contradictory- aren't you saying if the amount of content were the same, but it was more interesting/challenging/complex?
If you include the bounties for story missions as part of the endgame, 100% of the content in Destiny is intended to be repeated, so new experiences are limited to your first time doing each piece. as such, the amount of new experiences (contrast "content") can be said to be incredibly low, even in a vacuum, I agree. But... then I feel compelled to mention that my first times going through each raid with my group are some of my favorite memories in gaming history.
I guess I got us way off track with the whole comparison business because I was thinking about the "total amount of content", for which I have no frame of reference the way I would with most other games.
I'm thinking (read: hoping) that Bungie is going to make HM CE different mechanically. I mean, why else delay it for a month? To throw more adds in there? (pls Bungie dont)
Going to orbit whenever the Omnigul strike pops up on the strike playlist. There's nothing fun about that strike.
Why are people grinding so hard for hours to get the Husk thing when it won't be fully upgradeable until the hard raid releases and even then who knows what the drop rate for that item will be? I mean I'd love to pick it up, but I'm just gonna see if it drops for me during normal play over the next month.
Really? Why do that? People can hit 32 basically as fast as they want to. Bungie gonna Bungie, I guess.The delay is to give time for enough people to hit 32.
If I haven't done it yet by then we can definitely all form a group.Still looking for it too (and the Vex). Won't be able to play until later tonight though.
I like it.
There's also a cheese spot in the back that makes it one of the fastest strike bosses to kill.
I'm thinking (read: hoping) that Bungie is going to make HM CE different mechanically. I mean, why else delay it for a month? To throw more adds in there? (pls Bungie dont)
The delay is to give time for enough people to hit 32.
Can't wait for the Fallen and Cabal weapons.