All dismantling of purps and exotics should include a confirmation.
Well, truth to be told, I think it's very improbable to dismantle an exotic accidentally. It's relatively slow.
All dismantling of purps and exotics should include a confirmation.
hey whatever happened to Dax?
Best way to get mats is run VoG raid weekly. 2nd is to do the dailies and do a public event each day.
Mmmm larger scale grindsI omissiv imagine destiny 2 will be much larger in scale. Hopefully fireteams will be larger and areas will be much more populated with last gen consoles left in the dust
What rank are you now?If I do all Eris bounties every day then I can make it to Rank 3 in Nine Days.
What rank are you now?
Oh you were just really asking, my bad!
Yeah, every Thursday at 8:15 (pushing it a little later tonight) is a VoG raid intended especially for first timers or those who haven't raided much, but open to all and a good opportunity to try some roles that you may not be comfortable with even if you have run it all many times. The only condition is that people don't run them two weeks in a row so that many get to cycle through, and if I'm not mistaken, over 30 distinct Gaffers have gone through one of these runs. I'll put the relic in the hands of those who have never held it, show off strategies in Normal that hold up just fine in hard, and even squeeze in a little lore if I can manage it on time.
Generally speaking I have to say, I've done 10 or 12 of these up to this point and it's been a damn blast every time. Every single group has been composed of really good listeners and more than one of these groups, including ones containing people who had never been into the Vault, have made it to the Gatekeepers without a single wipe.
Up until now, these have merely been Normal runs, with a min level of 26 to get in- even room for a 25. From this point on, once signups are done each week I'm going to calculate an average level and make a judgment call on whether to go for Normal or Hard. Since 30 is approaching true accessibility in a rapid way, "Newbie Hard" runs aren't at all out of the question.
hey whatever happened to Dax?
Check out this calculator/planner for starters and feel free to ask any questions that result!
That's how my Titan is hitting 31 too. Such an incredibly useful tool, thank you soo much to creator Kaphis.Check out this calculator/planner for starters and feel free to ask any questions that result!
Holy crap man, first time I've seen that planner...I had no idea I could use 1 piece of VOG gear and still hit level 31. I'm keeping the VOG boots for all my dudes for that extra heavy ammo. I wish I would have known that before I scrapped my hunters boots :/ Thanks for posting that Hawkian!
I realized that you can hit Level 31 with all raid gear but without actually investing any Radiant Shards by maxing your exotic piece (+36 Light) and then just upgrading the raid armor piece up until the last radiant armor upgrades (+32 Light each) which precisely equals 132 Total Light and Level 31.
Personally, I'd rather spend the Exotic Shard on an exotic armor piece I know I will be using (Ruin Wings, Armamentarium, etc) and saving my Radiant Shards as much as possible in case raid armor drops with better stats.
There is no point in investing any Radiant Shards until you have enough and all 3 raid pieces to hit Level 32 anyway.
I am rank 2. I need slightly less than 1900 rep to get to Rank 3. I think Nine days was too many. Probably 6-7 days or less depending upon how much rep each bounty has... BTW how much rep do you usually get each day if you do all the Eris bounties (without any buffs)? Is the amount of potential Rep the same every day?
The majority of the fun is had by the Samurai and everyone else is less important.
Dax is taking a bit of a break from NeoGAF in general guys. I believe her account name is changed, but it's really none of my business to specify any more than that, as I don't know her wishes with regard to this community in particular
edit: ah
That's how my Titan is hitting 31 too. Such an incredibly useful tool, thank you soo much to creator Kaphis.
as it's been discussed before, the final boss for crota would be much more interesting and engaging to me if each person could only hold the sword once, or at least you couldn't hold it for the next round. more people would need to learn the sword and it'd emphasize beating it quickly, otherwise you may run out of sword rounds by the time enrage happens. this is why the bridge is my favorite part of the raid.
it's kinda boring for the guys who shield break solely because we have gjallarhorns.
Next week is a big holiday week in many parts of the world.
I wouldn't particularly find it fun trying to get everyone to get good with the sword, the first time was very fun playing it over and over, but after that its nothing more than another check box on the weekly grind cycle, that element would only piss me off.
Essentially, this would be very good design... but also ratchet the total difficulty and skill threshold required for victory up for the fight enormously. It would be a perfect restriction for Hard mode, absolutely precision fit.One thing they could have done is to make it so that each player could only handle the sword one time during the fight (others have also said this). Although I can imagine reasons why this would have been problematic too... seems they could have solved the potential problems. Players could institute a rule themselves where people take turns with the sword but many gamers just want to get it done and would rather just let the largest proven expert wield the sword. This is really my main issue with the Crota encounter. The majority of the fun is had by the Samurai and everyone else is less important.
Actually, on this point, I disagree in part, though I do totally agree the bridge implies sword-use is inbound for the whole party.After Bungie implemented random teleports in the Atheon Encounter to try to force everyone to fully experience all the roles in the fight, I am really surprised that Bungie designed the Crota encounter as so much of a "all star MVP samurai" type of fight. Even more so after the bridge section where they force all the players to get in on the Samurai action. It is disappointing.
At 4pm EST I would be game. I don't need to finish the raid either, I would love a vex, but fatebringer is priority. Maybe we could grab some other gafers?
I get home from work around 5pm est and have the checkpoint for templar if you guys wanna hold out till then.
I also am in desperate need of fatebringer.
as it's been discussed before, the final boss for crota would be much more interesting and engaging to me if each person could only hold the sword once, or at least you couldn't hold it for the next round. more people would need to learn the sword and it'd emphasize beating it quickly, otherwise you may run out of sword rounds by the time enrage happens. this is why the bridge is my favorite part of the raid.
it's kinda boring for the guys who shield break solely because we have gjallarhorns, whereas everyone got to wail on atheon and the templar in some fashion. everybody's role is important during the fight, but only one person is putting it in crota's end. it doesn't take much to sword run but it's become some coveted role now.
I think both are totally valid viewpoints.LFG would be more of a nightmare than it already is for the times there are no friends to play with. I'd rather be able to assign drone-like tasks to pull and control the more intimate part of the battle.
LFG would be more of a nightmare than it already is for the times there are no friends to play with. I'd rather be able to assign drone-like tasks to pull and control the more intimate part of the battle.
Awesome, thanks.
And last question... Does the new vendor gear have better 'light' than the 'old' legendary gear?
I pray for an update that gives us the ability to lock equipment.
Oh man, I hope you didn't stay up too late again! haha That next day at work was truly brutal. Awesome, I expected you guys to crush the first phase. How did you do the bridge? Did you get 5 over and the sixth sniped? Got just 3 or 4 over?Our original group didn't kill Crota, but I killed him twice as the Swordbearer by the end of the "night."
Earlier portions were many, many times easier and we were almost flawless on quite a few runs of the maze before the one that won it, so we're on our way for sure. The bridge is nuts with regard to how many different ways it can be tackled (and cheesed). We got it on our first try but things didn't go quite to plan![]()
Deathsinger coincided with major Destiny/login server issues that affected Palom and forced him to have to leave the run for the night... all in all this sequence cost us about an hour, really suckedBut we learned a massive amount from the successful run we had on her- wins had us run one side, then the the other and we absolutely did have enough time.
Sword duty was a learning process for me but I started out with about 4% confidence, not really sure if it was even safe to get near Crota, and ended the night with 95% confidence and multiple occasions of 5 or 6 hits to his glowing ass. I have to say, I really love it. Being the swordbearer is an enormous amount of pressure and I can understand people largely disliking the design of the fight in putting so much emphasis on one person; however, the corollary is that the sensation of victory on the last run for the "relic holder"- compared to whoever it happens to be, holding L1 for Atheon- is really quite something. I would personally have to count my first sword kill as an instant favorite gaming memory, and I know there's tons of space to improve as well.
Speaking of which, one thing I'm going to start doing for CE eventually are "Sword Training Sessions," where the goal isn't even actually to get the kill- I'll call for a group of people interested in learning the sword to drop in immediately to the Crota checkpoint, and take turns handing off the sword with each round rather than having the same person do it every time. Stay tuned on this, I'm not quite at "sherpa" level for CE just yet
Um, usually on Tuesday morning of the week it happens, but I was a little on the procrastinating side and haven't done this week's yet (have some pre-signed up though).
Next week's would be on Christmas. I'm a member of the Jewture War Cult so that doesn't bother me in the least bit but we'll see if there's actually interest. A Very Merry Vault of Tinsel run perhaps.
Aw thank you!
I think both are totally valid viewpoints.
Bungie would really impress me by making this somehow a Normal/Hard mode distinction. It would be so cool.
i don't think that should be a limitation on the potential mechanics.
i know it's not gonna change though so i'll just fire my gjallarhorn and pretend i'm not bored
ya it'd probably be a mess for a while, but i don't think that should be a limitation on the potential mechanics.
i know it's not gonna change though so i'll just fire my gjallarhorn and pretend i'm not bored
Ugh, I'm way behind on Destiny this week. still have 2 nightfalls, 3 heroics, 1 full raid, and 1st 2 checkpoints left to do, which will come after finishing up holiday shopping, and working overtime...
:lol you can be swordbearer next time if you want
:lol you can be swordbearer next time if you want
i'd rather we just pass it off so everyone gets to learn it and give crota a good beating.
I need 555 to get to rank 2 still. Feels like such a chore. I'm not positive, but I think most of her bounties are 75 rep with 3,750 experience, and then she has "exceptions" that are 100/5,000 like the story missions on level 30, killing 10 majors/ultras in a nightfall, etc. Not sure about the daily offerings, I've been snagging the ones I can do and letting them build up. I need to knock them out tonight then get some glimmer.
i'd rather we just pass it off so everyone gets to learn it and give crota a good beating.
i'd rather we just pass it off so everyone gets to learn it and give crota a good beating.
Essentially, this would be very good design... but also ratchet the total difficulty and skill threshold required for victory up for the fight enormously. It would be a perfect restriction for Hard mode, absolutely precision fit.
Actually, on this point, I disagree in part, though I do totally agree the bridge implies sword-use is inbound for the whole party.
I really like how different the fights are in that sense- in Atheon, the entire group must absolutely know every role and be ready to switch; for Crota, one person gets to just really tear it up. It's like one is a relay race start to finish where any weak link in the chain can be the difference between success and failure, and the other a football/handegg game where having a competent QB is make-or-break.
I also constantly try to keep in mind that it's not "this or that." I'm glad they weren't afraid to make it a completely different kind of fight, and I hope the Reef raid boss, rather than being "like Atheon" or "like Crota" is completely different than either one again.
Last week was the same! We did a lot on Monday haha. I don't want to do that again. I have all 3 weeklies/Nightfalls to go still, 2.75 raids (just beat Crota once, need 1st 2 drops as well), and potentially VoG runs if I have time at the end of the week. I know how you feel. I'm down to do whatever. Let me know when you plan on doing anything and hopefully I can join again. Other than Bridge/Crota, we ran through everything else quickly. I just got Black Hammer so that will make Phogoth fun
I think other issues with the "sword for each member" is the risk of all kinds of bugs and the fact that not everyone follows directions as clear as that would need to be done. In earlier raids many times people would just do whatever they wanted despite us gathering and coming up with a game plan. If people decide on who should pick up the sword and in what order, it's likely not everyone is going to listen 100% of the time.
I'm not particularly a leader by personality and more of the guy that sits back and will only rise when things just get too incompetent in the group. Otherwise I will just either do what I'm assigned or notice areas that could use some help and help there. I've been more impressed with teams that can really function as a body than teams that can be a jack of all trades, that in a way, defeats the purpose of being in a group. If the hand was made to scratch, let it scratch and let the brain do the thinking, the mouth the eating etc.
I've gotten 6 bounties done this week. 6. If i'm able to get on tonight it'll be around 8pm PST and i will be down for Nightfalls. goes so fast with 3 people. if you are on when i get on i'll send you an Invite.
I mean i still havent had time to upload that awesome Devil Walker incident either. that shit was hilarious!