Lol, raid has barely been out a week and people are already thinking up challenge modes. I wonder what Bungie is talking about internally when the first 3/4 of the raid were solo'd and the final part tag teamed to completion.
The whole thing has been soloed, but I... think it's really important that we keep a few things in mind.
1) Zoba, fig, Boguester, et al in particular, and all of us here in general, are waayyyyy waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to the east extreme of the skill curve in Destiny. Just.. I promise. Seriously. I have killed Crota three times, twice holding the sword, and in each iteration of group composition that was involved in each kill, there were people who mentioned they had been trying in another group for hours just Crota to no avail (as we did ourselves before succeeding).
I get how trivial the fight can be when everyone is absolutely on point. The entire raid is designed to allow the player control the pace of the encounters; as such, a great team can set that pace to Ludicrous Speed. But perspective is necessary. There are people out there who have not killed Crota yet simply because they haven't been able to pull it off. There are people out there for whom the idea of wielding the sword is an absolute non-option, and finding a group with someone who is both willing to and competent is a challenge before the fight even starts. There are people out there who think Normal mode CE is
too hard. I know that seems laughable to a lot of us but it's true.
2) My personal raid group has had much more trouble with CE than we did with VoG, Normal or Hard. Make of that what you will, but the challenges on display apply differently to different group makeups.
3) Hard mode isn't out yet at all.